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Circassian Diaspora - Part 10<br/>Need new shirts, get it at<br/>
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The Kabardin "SHAGDY" Circassian Mountain Horse
ГРУППА КАВКАЗ Circassian National Art Film
Circassian Day In European Parliament - 2007 EuroXase
AĞLATAN KAFE (Adige Kafe) - Circassian Music TV
Танцует сам Кайтмесов Circassian National Art Film
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The true story of the Lord Jesus (Jesus film) in Circassian P 12 according to the account of Luke, one of his followers.
Къэбэрдей TV (Адыгэбзэ) / Kabardey TV (Circassian language (Adyghebze)): 21/V.10
The true story of the Lord Jesus (Jesus film) in Circassian P 13 according to the account of Luke, one of his followers.
The true story of the Lord Jesus (Jesus film) in Circassian P 10 according to the account of Luke, one of his followers.
<br />#dertlitürküler #uzunhava #karışıktürküler #damartürküler <br /><br />Anlamlı Bir Klip :<br /><br />Uzun Havalar :<br /><br />Hüzünlü Fon Müzikleri :<br /><br />Müthiş Bir Yorum | Dağlarına Dargınım :<br /><br /><br />Kirpiğin Kaşına Değdiği Zaman - Grup Abdal<br /><br />Kirpiğin kaşına da değdiği zaman<br />Kirpiğin kaşına da değdiği zaman<br />Bekletme sevdiğim de vur beni beni<br />Bekletme sevdiğim de vur beni beni<br />Sevdanın şafağı da söktüğü zaman<br />Sevdanın şafağı da söktüğü zaman<br />Diyardan diyara da sür beni beni<br />Diyardan diyara da sür beni beni<br />Saçların rüzgarı da tel tel biçen de<br />Saçların rüzgarı da tel tel biçen de<br />Dudağın dilinden de şerbet içen de<br />Dudağın dilinden de şerbet içen de<br />Gönlümde duygular da ateş saçan da<br />Gönlümde duygular da ateş saçan da<br />Ateşten gömleğe de sar beni beni<br />Ateşten gömleğe de sar beni beni
ADNAN OKTAR: One viewer says: "You don't care about the brotherhood of faith. You only care about the survival of Turkism. This is how the Turkish Islamists think and they use religion for their purposes". In other words, he says, "Turkism is the only thing they care about and they are just using the religion." First of all religion is a blessing. Secondly, brotherhood of faith is what God wants; it is commanded in the Qur’an. This is not our own opinion. God says: "Muslims are brothers." God says: "You are brothers and you should watch over one another". True believers watch over one another; they are each other's brother. Therefore, this is God's order. It is the duty of every single Muslim in the world. Not everyone might be doing it perfectly. Yet some might be doing it perfectly. But that’s a different subject. However, I do not think that I fail in the way I fulfill this duty. I believe that I fulfill the duty of Isl
An excited Russia gears up to host the 2014 Winter Olympics but outside the country, its chosen site is stirring powerful memories and strong emotions. For most Russians, the town of Sochi represents one of the country's finest ski resorts in an area of outstanding natural beauty. But for exiled Circassians, the same land harbours a devastating secret.