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At Circassian Family Tree, we are dedicated to providing a platform where Circassian people can explore and celebrate their rich heritage. Our website is designed to empower you to create and preserve your family tree, incorporating Circassian videos, and Circassian directory listing services to enhance your experience.
Our mission is to connect Circassian individuals and families across generations, enabling them to delve into their ancestry, preserve their unique cultural identity, and foster a sense of belonging within the Circassian community. We aim to provide a user-friendly and intuitive platform that facilitates the creation of comprehensive family trees while integrating multimedia elements to enrich the storytelling experience.

  • Family Tree Creation: Our platform offers robust tools for building and documenting your family tree. You can easily add family members, create branches, and establish connections to trace your lineage accurately. Capture the essence of your heritage and share it with future generations.

  • Video Integration: We understand the power of visual storytelling. With our video integration feature, you can attach videos to your family tree, preserving memories and traditions in a dynamic and engaging way. Watch your family's stories come to life as you explore your roots.

  • Directory Listing Services: We provide a comprehensive directory listing service to help you connect with other Circassians around the world. Discover and reach out to relatives, distant cousins, and community members who share your heritage. Strengthen your connections and expand your network within the Circassian community.

  • Privacy and Security: We prioritize the privacy and security of your personal information. Our platform employs robust measures to safeguard your data, ensuring that your family tree and videos are protected and accessible only to the individuals you choose to share them with.

  • User-Friendly Interface: We believe that building your family tree should be an intuitive and enjoyable experience. Our user-friendly interface makes it easy to navigate through the platform, add and edit information, and collaborate with other family members. We strive to provide a seamless and rewarding journey as you uncover your Circassian roots.

  • The website is built and designed to let Circassian people create their family tree, by mentioning Circassian tribes, and subethnic groups, which are represented by stars on the Circassian flag.
    Abdzakh, Besleney, Bzhedug, Hatuqway, Kabardian, Mamkhegh,  Natukhay, Shapsug, Temirgoy, Ubykh, Yegeruqway, Zhaney.

    We are passionate about helping you build your Circassian family tree, and connecting you to your ancestors.
    We are here to guide you through the process and provide the resources, you need to trace your Circassian lineage.
    With our help, you can discover the history of your ancestors, maintain the bonds of kinship between your family, and discover the customs of the various Circassian tribes

    Additionally, you should look for genealogical resources, and archives from other countries, such as Russia, Turkey, the USA, Arab Countries,  and Europe, that could provide insight into your family’s background Similarly, the Circassian genealogical resources and archives, should be explored to uncover the cultural heritage of your ancestors.

    These resources can provide an important insight into the history, and culture of your family, connecting you to a rich legacy of tradition and knowledge. You can discover more about your family’s past, and find out how it has shaped who you are today.

    Features and Instruction:

  • You are able to add members From the oldest grandfather to the newest child

  • Adding your Circassian tribe and lineage.

  • You can make it a Private family tree, protected with a Password to view it.

  • Make Moderators to build and update the tree, Only from registered Users.

  • Rate and write your comment, on any Circassian family tree.

  • Update Personal information and details. Adding Contact information.

  • Biographical information.

  • Adding your social links.

  • Adding your professional.

  • Upload many Pictures of every member of the family tree.

  • Read articles, and news.

  • Subscribe to our newsletter. We will send updated news, events, interesting information, images, videos, articles, stories.

  • Public voting system concerning our main cases.

  • Share your family tree on Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp, and Send in an Email

  • Export your Family tree as a PDF file. and share it with family and friends.

  • Unlimited Family Members.

  • Multi-Language. Circassian language is included. English, France, Deutsch, Nederland, Русский, Español, Türkçe, العربية. עִברִית

  • Watch daily new Circassian Videos from our site

  • Add your Circassian site to Circassian Directory Listing Service

  • And more to come.

  • Our goal is to help you keep the bonds of kinship between you and your ancestors alive. So let’s start building your Circassian family tree and rediscover the rich heritage of your ancestors. Read more FAQ

    Steps to Start Building Your Family Tree. you and your ancestors are alive. So let’s start building your Circassian family tree and rediscover the rich heritage of your ancestors. Read more FAQ

    1. Gather what you already know about your family.
    Scour your basement, attic, and closets (and those of your family members) and collect family records, old photos, letters, diaries, photocopies from family archives, and even newspaper clippings.

    2. Talk to your relatives.
    - Ask your parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles about their memories
    - Don’t ask just about facts and dates—get the stories of their growing up and of the ancestors they remember.
    - Try to phrase questions with “why,” “how” and “what.”
    - Listen to their family stories and make notes.
    - Relatives often have different versions of the same story since each person remembers an event in his or her unique way, but these differences make it interesting!
    - Also email far-flung relatives to ask whether they have records that may be of help in your genealogy quest.
    - Use a tape recorder or video camera if your relative feels comfortable with it—most mobile phones can make audio and/or video recordings today. then add it to your family tree, on our website.

    3. Put it on paper.
    Write down what you know so you can decide what you don’t know yet. Start with the many-generation “pedigree” chart if it is available.

    4. Focus your search.
    What are the blanks in your family tree? Don’t try to fill them in all at once—focus on someone from the most recent generation where your chart is missing information.
    Try to answer that “mystery” first, then work backward in time

    5. Search the Internet.
    The Internet is a terrific place to find leads and share information—but don’t expect to “find your whole family tree” online.
    See Google to search tips for Circassian genealogists here

    6. Explore specific websites.
    Once you’ve searched for the last names in your family, try websites specifically about your Circassian ethnic heritage, or parts of the country where your relatives lived.
    You may even find websites about your Circassian family created by distant relatives researching the same family tree.

    7. Discover your local Family History Center.
    Using your local center, you can view microfilm of records such as the birth, marriage, or death certificates of your ancestors..
    Fill in the blanks in your family tree, and look for clues to more answers to the puzzles of your past.

    8. Organize your new information.
    Enter your findings in the family tree, or on paper charts. (Make sure you note your sources!
    File photocopies and notes by family, geography, or source so you can refer to them again.
    Decide what you want to focus on next.

    9. Plan your next step.
    Once you’ve exhausted your family sources, you may want to travel to places your ancestors lived, especially in our homelands, and also to visit some countries where Circassians are living. Circassia, Kabardina Balkaria, Maykop, Krasnodar, Turkey, Europe, Arabic Countries, USA,  and other places where old records are kept. This is also a rewarding way to walk in the footsteps of your ancestors and bring your heritage to life.
    You’ll find that the quest to discover where you came from is interesting, as exciting as your family story was discovered, and never-ending.

    10. Share your research.
    Now that you’ve planted your family tree, show it off! Export a family tree or start a family history in our website to share your research with loved ones.
    Looping others into your Circassian genealogy can help you add stories and family members to your research—and it’s very important for our circumstances and situation!

    Invite your relatives to create your Circassian family tree together, and keep communicating with them.
    Watch the video to understand how to use the site: Circassian Family Tree

    NEW SERVICWS AND FEATURES: is a comprehensive online platform that offers a wide range of services to empower individuals, businesses, and organizations in their online presence and content management.
    Our goal is to provide user-friendly tools and solutions that enhance website visibility, content sharing, and audience engagement.

    Circassian Directory.
    Our Website Circassian Directory Listing Service allows users to submit their website URLs and have them listed in our categorized directory. Whether you have a personal blog, an e-commerce site, a portfolio website, or any other type of website, our directory provides a platform for users to discover and explore various websites based on their interests and preferences. With both free and premium listing options, we aim to offer opportunities for increased visibility and promotional exposure to a broader audience.

    Circassians Videos
    In addition to our directory service, we also offer the capability Importing Circassians Videos from Multiple popular, and social Websites providers. YouTube, Dailymotion, TikTok,, and more. With just a few simple steps, directly to their account. This feature allows individuals and businesses to centralize their video collection, making it easier to manage and share their video content across different platforms.

    At, we understand the importance of convenience, efficiency, and seamless integration. By expanding our services to include directory listing and video importing capabilities, we aim to provide a holistic solution for individuals and businesses seeking to enhance their online presence, reach a wider audience, and streamline their content management processes.

    Our dedicated team works tirelessly to review and moderate website submissions, ensuring the quality and appropriateness of the listings in our directory. We also strive to keep our video importing feature up to date, supporting a variety of popular video platforms and providing a seamless experience for users.
    Join today and take advantage of our services to showcase your website in our directory and effortlessly import videos from multiple website providers. We are committed to helping you maximize your online potential and succeed in the digital landscape

    Join the Circassian Family Tree Community
    Whether you are just starting to explore your Circassian heritage or have a wealth of family history to share, Circassian Family Tree is here to support you. Our platform is designed to be inclusive, informative, and engaging, fostering connections and preserving the unique stories of Circassian families.
    We invite you to embark on this enriching journey of discovery, connection, and celebration with the Circassian Family Tree. Start building your family tree, integrate videos, and connect with fellow Circassians today.

    Welcome to Circassian Family Tree, where your heritage comes to life.
    Follow Us:
    We value all the feedback received from our Circassians People.
    If you have any queries, comments, or suggestions, or send photos, or PDF files. Or just want to talk about anything.
    You can Contact us directly. Or using email: