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0 Views · 5 months ago

In July 1995, thousands of Muslim Bosniaks were slaughtered in a brutal campaign of ethnic cleansing, but Europe has witnessed and committed many other atrocities. Here are some of them.
#Srebrenica #Genocide #Europe

Visit our website:

0 Views · 5 months ago

Circassia... the land of the free Circassian people and the home of nobility and knighthood.

The idea of a Circassian flag is as old as the Circassian nation itself.

Historically, Circassian tribes had their own distinguished flags.

The idea of a unifying flag that represents all Circassians came from the leader and diplomat Sefer Bey Zhanoko in 1836.

Sewn by a Circassian princess in Istanbul, three copies of the new flag were sent to Circassia with David Urquhart the Scottish diplomat and friend of Sefer Bey.

Traditionally, a Circassian knight fills his pocket with arrows when heading to battle, but only takes three arrows when heading for hunting.

A symbol of peace but also power.

The twelve stars represent the twelve Circassian clans.

Green…. the colour of the great Caucasus meadows.

Later the black colour of arrows and stars on the flag was changed to yellow.

Since it was first designed in 1836, the current flag has been representing all the Circassians all around the world.

The Circassian nation Flag is the official flag of the Republic of Adyghea in the Russian Federation.

Today it is the oldest flag of all the Russian federation subjects.

In March 2010 Circassian Council (Адыгэ Хасэ) of the Republic of Adygea decided to celebrate 25th of April as the National Circassian Flag Day (Адыгэ Ныпым И Маф).

Since then, this date marks the Circassian celebration of their national flag all around the world.

We The World Circassian Youth Organisation believe that the Circassian flag is the symbol of our unity around the world.
It is the symbol of our nation's consciousness and future.
We are Circassians and this is the greatest symbol of our people.
Зы лъэпкъ
Зы хэку
Зы хабзэ
Зы бзэ ….

Зы нып

0 Views · 5 months ago

0 Views · 5 months ago

about the Circassian etiquette ( Adige Xabze )

0 Views · 5 months ago

“State Anthem of Circassia” - National Anthem of the Republic of Circassia

Plot: After the Russian Civil War of 2034 and the effects of the Great War, the Republic of Circassia was formed, uniting a the circassians under a flag and sovereign state for the first time in centuries.

Democratic Republic (2034-2040)(2058-2106)
Democratic Republic Dictatorship (2040-2058)

Democracy (2034-2040)(2058-2103)
Militarism (2040-2058)

Anthem: State anthem of Circassia


Тихэгъэгу кlасэу тигупсэр
Адыгэ чlыгушъ, терэl.
Зы бын-унагъоу лъэпкъыбэр
Щызэгурыlоу щэрэl.

Шlум факlу, лъыкlуат,
Республикэу тиунэ дах.
Егъэхъу, зыlат,
𝄆 Республикэу тигугъэ лъаг –
Уилъэпкъы хъишъэр фэlуат. 𝄇

Дунаим ичlыпlэ шlагъор
Нахьыжъмэ тэ къытфыхах,
Ахэмэ ялlыгъэ-шlагъэ
Лlэшlэгъумэ къызэlэпах.


Хьазабмэ уахэмытыжьэу
Уитыгъэ нэфи ушъхьащыт.
Россием зыкlэ ущыщэу
Ащ гукlи ущышъхьафит.


Тэ тыщыlэфэ – егъашlэмъ –
Тичlыгоу тыгур щlэщт.
Тиуашъуи, тыгъи бэгъашlэ
Тфэхъоу тикlасэу тиlэщт

0 Views · 5 months ago

The Circassian code of conduct or the 'Adiga Xhabze' from the cradle to the grave.
commentary in Circassian language Chemgoy dialect.

for commentary in the Russian language and Kabardian Dialect go to:

This is the second(in series of three) Documentary film about the Circassians and their history and culture made by Neghaplhe Askerby.
for the first documentry 'Cherkessia' go to:

0 Views · 5 months ago

Welcome to my channel! This is Andy from I love languages. Let's learn different languages/dialects together.

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Ubykh or Päkhy is an extinct Northwest Caucasian language once spoken by the Ubykh tribe of Circassians who originally lived along the eastern coast of the Black Sea before being deported en masse to Turkey in the Circassian g enocide.

According to Ethnologue, a web-based publication of statistics about world languages, there were 50,000 Ubykh speakers in the Caucasus valleys a century ago. However, the number of Ubykh people is relatively low now.

If you are interested to see your native language/dialect be featured here.
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0 Views · 5 months ago

Da tempo volevo insegnare questa danza a lezione, dovendo aspettare ancora a lungo prima di poterlo fare ho approfittato della reclusione per danzarla in prima persona. Il Circassian Circle è una danza tradizionale che si trova in molti manuali dell'Ottocento. Le varianti sono molteplici ma si assomigliano tutte. In particolare mi affascina questa versione, descritta dal Maestro Thomas Hillgrove nel suo manuale pubblicato a New York nel 1857. Curiosamente nella riedizione del medesimo manuale dell'anno successivo questa danza è stata eliminata.
La particolarità di questo manuale rispetto agli altri è che dà la descrizione precisa di dieci diverse sequenze (dieci! esatto) che chiama "figure". Quindi ci siamo divertiti a farle tutte quante, una dietro all'altra.
Ho fatto la scelta di danzarla "alla scozzese" quindi con la tecnica di passi e figure della RSCDS: anche se probabilmente non è la scelta storicamente più esatta, è sicuramente quella che preferisco stilisticamente; ballare il Circassian con una musica francese o camminando sono entrambe ozpioni deprimenti...
Ovviamente essendo solo due coppie nella progressione abbiamo dovuto aggiungere una curva per poterci nuovamente fronteggiare: l'originale prevederebbe di proseguire dritto incontrando la coppia successiva.
Infine notare come la versione ufficiale dell'RSCDS (il Circassian è la terza danza che l'RSCDS ha pubblicato, dopo Petronella e Triumph, quindi anche l'RSCDS ha attribuito a questa danza grande valore tradizionale) ha come progressione la Poussette, che non è presente in nessuna di queste 10 sequenze!



Since long time I wanted to teach this dance in class, having to wait a lot before I could do it, I took advantage of the lockdown to dance it in first person. Circassian Circle is a traditional dance present in many 19th century dance manuals. The variations are many but they all look similar. In particular I am fascinated by this version, described by M° Thomas Hillgrove in his manual published in 1857 in New York. Curiously in the re-edition of the same manual of the following year this dance has been eliminated.
The peculiarity of this manual compared to the others is that it gives an exact description of ten different sequences (ten! Exactly) that he call "figures". So we had fun doing them all, one behind the other.
I made the choice to dance in "Scottish way" with the RSCDS technique for steps and formations: although it is probably not the most historically exact choice, it is certainly the one I prefer stylistically; dancing the Circassian with French music or walking it are both depressing.
Obviously being only two couples in the progression we had to add a curve to face each other again: the original says to continue forward to meet a new couple.
Finally note how the official version of the RSCDS (the Circassian is the third dance that the RSCDS has published, after Petronella and Triumph, therefore the RSCDS itself has attributed it great tradition) has the Poussette as progression, which is not present in any of these 10 sequences!


0 Views · 5 months ago

0 Views · 5 months ago

The slaughter of Muslims in Russia simply because of religion.

0 Views · 5 months ago

Circassians created elegies and sang about every single aspect of life. About heroes, warriors, legends, nature, suffering, etc. As it’s also already clear from the two previous posts.

The word for “Elegy” in Circassian is “Ghibze” which literally translates to “language of crying”. Minstrels would engage in the practice of lamenting through elegies that resounded with tales of sorrow, history, and culture specific to the Circassian people.

This specific Ghibze is about Murat Wezi, against Russian despotism. Written by the great Circassian poet and bard Bechmirze Pasch’e (1859-1936), it relates the heroic story of Murat Wezi (real first name “Toqw”; born in 1858 in the village of Qaledes, near Georgiyevsk in the north of Kabarda, now in the Stavropol Krai), the intrepid Circassian abrek (абрздж; abrej; protector of the weak and poor), and his struggle against tyranny in the period of Tsarist Russia’s occupation of Circassia. He managed to escape many times from the clutches of the Tsarist invaders, despite perfidious tip-offs. One account tells of his emigration to Turkey, where he lived until his death. Another version has him exiled to Siberia, whence he never comes back.

- I know it’s not the best translation, but did anything to translate it as accurate as possible.

- Gwmqale (Пумкьалз) is a town (nowadays called “Georgievsk”) situated on the Kuma River (Tyм in Circassian) in (Greater) Kabarda to the northeast of Bgiytxw (6гитxy; Pyatigorsk).

(Resources gathered from the works of the late Amjad Jaimoukha)

Черкесы создавали элегии и пели о каждом аспекте жизни. О героях, воинах, легендах, природе, страданиях и т.д. Как это также уже ясно из двух предыдущих постов.

Слово, обозначающее “элегию” по-черкесски, - “Гибзе”, что буквально переводится как “язык плача”. Менестрели практиковали оплакивание с помощью элегий, в которых звучали рассказы о скорби, истории и культуре, характерных для черкесского народа.

Этот конкретный Гибзе посвящен Мурату Вези, выступающему против российского деспотизма. Написанная великим черкесским поэтом и бардом Бехмирзе Пашье (1859-1936), она повествует о героической истории Мурата Вези (настоящее имя “Токв”; родился в 1858 году в селе Каледес, недалеко от Георгиевска на севере Кабарды, ныне в Ставропольском крае), бесстрашного черкесского абрека (абрздж; абредж; защитник слабых и бедных) и его борьба против тирании в период оккупации Черкесии царской Россией. Ему много раз удавалось вырваться из лап царских захватчиков, несмотря на вероломные наводки. В одном из рассказов рассказывается о его эмиграции в Турцию, где он жил до самой своей смерти. По другой версии, его сослали в Сибирь, откуда он никогда не возвращался.

- Я знаю, что это не самый лучший перевод, но сделал все, чтобы перевести его как можно точнее.

- Гвмкале (Пумкялз) - город (ныне называемый “Георгиевск”), расположенный на реке Кума (Тым по-черкесски) в (Большой) Кабарде к северо-востоку от Bgiytxw (6gitxy; Пятигорск).

(Материалы, собранные из работ покойного Амджада Хаймухи)

#circassian #circassia #kabardian #kabarda #черкес #черкеся #адыгэ #кабарда #caucasus #кавказ #caucasian

0 Views · 5 months ago

Join us on a journey back in time with our latest video, where we delve into the world of a stunningly detailed painting depicting an old Circassian village as it was in the year 1930.
This video offers a unique glimpse into the historical and cultural landscape of the Circassian people, showcasing traditional architecture, attire, and daily life through the lens of art.
Whether you're a history buff, art enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, this video is a must-watch.
Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more fascinating content!

0 Views · 5 months ago

Помощь в развитии блога:

Описание и история натухайского субэтноса (племени) черкесов, проживавшего в районе современной Анапы и к северу до реки Кубани, от Тамани до Абинска и Пшады
Таймкод выпуска:
1:48 - география проживания натухайцев
3:16 - внешность натухайцев
4:14 - роль города Анапа
5:12 - рынки работорговли
6:07 - отношения с Турцией
7:00 - географические названия натухайского происхождения
9:05 - религиозные войны
10:10 - народная революция
11:11 - после захвата русскими Анапы
14:25 - переход к военному подчинению натухайцев
15:50 - начало восстаний, первые собрания
18:10 - внутренние волнения, сомнения в необходимости войны
21:30 - окончание Кавказской войны
22:35 - заселение казачьими семьями черкесских земель
23:28 - волнения натухайцев под властью России
25:20 - выселение натухайцев и последствия
27:58 - земли натухацев после выселения
29:20 - современное положение натухайцев

Текстовая версия выпуска:
В Фейсбук:

0 Views · 5 months ago

The 14th Circassian Cavalry Squadrom (Escadron Tsherkess) of the Free French Army

0 Views · 5 months ago

Acoustic live version of “Circassian lads” from “electronic tradition”. One shot one take video produced by Auladin Hushtov @auladinkhushtov Original logo, font and photo cover for music video created by Andzor Shaov @andddzor. Full HD on YouTube/Hagauj- link in a bio

Акустическая версия песни «Черкесские парни» из альбома «электронная традиция». Видеоклип снят одним дублем и подготовлен к релизу Хуштовым Ауладином @auladinkhushtov Оригинальный логотип, шрифт и кавер фото для релиза создан Анзором Шаовым @andddzor Full hd видео на YouTube канале Hagauj. Ссылка в шапке профиля

Sound engineer and acoustic guitar Aslan Apazh @aslanapazh

Drum and back vocal Idar Naloev @xajigafa

acoustic guitar and lead vocal Thashloko (Kerefov) Tembulat @thashloko


Губгъуэр зи унэу
Зек1уэр зи хабзэу
Уеуэм къоуэжу
Джалэм тэджыжу

Щ1эпхъуэм зэуэк1ыжу
Къуажэр имыбгынэу
Унэр игъэунэу

Анэр игъэлъап1эу

Адыгэ щ1алэ уей
Ди щ1алэгъуалэ уей
Адыгэ лъэпкъыр псэу
Адыгэ хабзэр псэу
Адыгэ щ1алэ уей
Ди щ1алэгъуалэ уей

Губгъуэ тхьэрыкъуэу
Куэпкък1э зэришэу

Л1ыхъум я нэхъ хахуэр игъэныбжьэгъууэ
Пщащэм я нэхъ дахэр и дэджэгуэгъууэ

Адыгэ щ1алэ уей
Ди щ1алэгъуалэ уей

Адыгэ лъэпкъыр псэу
Адыгэ хабзэр псэу

Адыгэ щ1алэ уей
Ди щ1алэгъуалэ уей

бийм зэ щ1эк1иймэ
И гур хуи1уихыу
Бийм зэ щ1эгуоумэ
Т1оу Игъэгъуэгыу

Хьет жыригъа1эу
Батэр игъэшыу
Зэш тригъэун щхьэк1э
Шэфийм дэджэгууэ

Жылэр игъэгушхуэу
Зэшхэр иущийуэ
Щауэгъу зи бащэу
Уэнк1э емынэжьу

Адыгэ щ1алэ уей
Ди щ1алэгъуалэ уей
Нэхъыжьым псалъэр ей
Нэхъыщ1эм гъуэгур ей
Адыгэ щ1алэ уей
Ди щ1алэгъуалэ уей

Адыгэ лъэпкъыр псэу
Адыгэ хабзэр псэу

#circassian #hagauj #acousticguitar #oneshot #musicvideo #folk #folkmusic #folklore #ethnic #ethnicmusic #circassia #circassianmusic #circassian_music

0 Views · 5 months ago

Professor Walter Richmond gives a presentation on his upcoming book that speaks about the Russian policy to exterminate and murder the Circassian people.

Circassian Memorial Day in Anaklia (Georgia)

0 Views · 5 months ago

Welcome to Intro to Circassian A0 Course! Join our FREE Circassian Online classes and learn how to read, pronounce, and write in Circassian Language! To join, click here to register for FREE:

Join our Facebook group page-

To know more about the Circassian Language please visit our website:

For effective learning of the Circassian Language, we are using the Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling or TPRS. It's a fun and stress-free way of learning, it focuses on the most useful vocabulary and uses gestures, visual imagery, spatial memory aid, body language, and voice inflection. PLUS There are no memorized dialogues or grammar worksheets with the TPRS method.

0 Views · 5 months ago

To have an English translation for the video (just click on Captions button) under the clip

In this series (Muhammad Ali) which was done by "Al-Jazeera Documentary channel" in 2012, the series covered the mentality of Ali of getting rid any possible competitors to his dynasty in Egypt.

One of the victims were the "Burji Dynasty" or the Circassian Mamluks" whom were betrayed by Muhammad Ali on one of the holiest days for Muslims (Fridays), in a fake celebration arranged by Ali to gather the Circassian princes asking them to join his army to free the holy places of Mecca & Al-Medina from the Wahhabis, while intending to slaughter them in Cairo Citadel (Saladin Citadel) in 1811.

في هذا البرنامج الذي تم إعداده من قبل قناة الجزيرة الوثائقيّة في عام 2012 ، والذي يتحدث فيه عن شخصية محمد علي والي مصر، من حيث غدره وخيانته وتخلصه من أعدائه بطريقة تندى لها الجبين بدءاً من عمر مكرم والنخبة المصريّة ومن ثم بالمماليك الشراكسة ليستأثر بالحكم.
وقد عمل محمد علي على خداع أمراء الشراكسة من حيث دعوته لهم للانضمام إلى جيشه الذي سوف يقوم بتحرير الحرمين الشريفين من سطوة الوهابيين، وبعد أحتفال وهمي أعده في يوم الجمعة والذي يعتبر من الأيام المقدسة عند المسلمين ، حيث قام بذبح المماليك الشراكسة في يوم الجمعة وقبل الصلاة ، لخوفه من المماليك على حكمه وليتسنى له بعد ذلك التفرد في حكم مصر.
وتغطي هذه اللقطات الحالة الإجتماعية في مصر إبان دخول محمد علي عليها.

0 Views · 5 months ago


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Elmeskhan Hagundokova-Circassian Savior of France

Undoubtedly, one of the brightest Circassians, who left a bright trace in the history of several States - Elmeskhan Hagundokova. A hard life made her change the runway on the military training ground, and the character and aging has been successful in everything he undertook Elmeskhan. Noble family, work in the main fashion House, the Savior of thousands of lives - all this about her.

This is a wonderful story about the fate of the Circassian woman, the Commodore and honorary Brigadier General of France Elmeskhan Cherundolo.

Несомненно, одной из самых ярких черкешенок, оставивших светлый след в истории нескольких государств- Эльмесхан Хагундокова. Нелегкая судьба заставила ее сменить подиум на военный полигон, а характер и выдержка позволили добиться успеха во всем, за что бралась Эльмесхан. Дворянская семья, работа в главном Доме моды, спасительница тысяч жизней, - все это про нее.

Это рассказ об удивительной судьбе черкесской женщины, о командоре и почетном бригадном генерале Франции Эльмесхан Хагундоковой.

0 Views · 5 months ago

A song made by the Circassians for the battles against the Russian invaders in the Russo-Circassian war.

0 Views · 5 months ago

#chechen #grozny #çerkes #adigepşaşe #sürgün #pşine #ceug #grozny #lezginka #adigecale #çeçen #lovzar #nalchik #circassian #çeçenler #çerkesler #adiga #adigeler #kafkas #takipçi #адыги #cerkes #çerkeskıyafetleri #chechens #школаэтнос. #şeşen #adigekıyafet #adigeceug #adigeulusalkıyafetgünü #gt #çerkesler #pşinavo #ağlatandans #ağlatankafe #AğlatanQafe #çeçen #kabardeys #abone #takipçi #gt #abonekazanma #parakazanma #parakazanabilmek #kolayyoldanparakazanma #evdenparakazanma

0 Views · 5 months ago

0 Views · 5 months ago

The Circassian people are an ethnic group from the North Caucasus in modern-day southern Russia. 157 years ago, the Russian army committed many atrocities and genocide against the Circassian people, leaving many of them exiled from their homeland. Many of them live in small communities across the world mainly in Turkey and the Middle east.

0 Views · 5 months ago

The Ottoman penetration into Europe in the 1350s and their capture of Constantinople later in 1453 opened new floodgates for slave-trade from the European front. In their last attempt to overrun Europe in 1683, the Ottoman army, although defeated, returned from the Gates of Vienna with 80,000 captives.874 An immense number of slaves flowed from the Crimea, the Balkans and the steppes of West Asia to Islamic markets. BD Davis laments that the ‘‘Tartars and other Black Sea peoples had sold millions of Ukrainians, Georgians, Circassians, Greeks, Armenians, Bulgarians, Slavs and Turks,’’ which received little notice.875 Crimean Tatars enslaved and sold some 1,750,000 Ukrainians, Poles and Russian between 1468 and 1694. 876 According to another estimate, between 1450 and 1700, the Crimean Tatars exported some 10,000 slaves, including some Circassians, annually—that is, some 2,500,000 slaves in all, to the Ottoman Empire.877 The Tatar slave-raiding Khans returned with 18,000 slaves from Poland (1463), 100,000 from Lvov (1498), 60,000 from South Russia (1515), 50,000–100,000 from Galicia (1516), during the ‘harvesting of the steppe.’ Numbers from Moscow (1521), 800,000 were taken and from Valynia (1676), 400,000 were taken. 800,000 from Moscow (1521), 200,000 from South Russia (1555), 100,000 from Moscow (1571), 50,000 from Poland (1612), 60,000 from South Russia (1646), 100,000 from Poland (1648), 300,000 from Ukraine (1654), 400,000 from Valynia (1676) and thousands from Poland (1694). Besides these major catches, they made countless more Jihad raids during the same period, which yielded a few to tens of thousands of slaves.878 These figures of enslavement must be considered in the context that the population of the Tatar Khanate was only about 400,000 at the time. (1463-1694) while sources are incomplete, conservative tabulation of the slave raids against the Eastern European population indicate that at least 7 Million European people-men, women, children were enslaved by Muslims.

Sources suggest that in the few years between 1436-1442, some 500,000 people were seized in the Balkans. Many of the captives died in forced marches towards Anatolia (Turkey). Contemporary chronicles note that the Ottomans reduced masses of the inhabitants of Greece, Romania, and the Balkans to slavery eg from Moree (1460)-70,000 and Transylvania (1438) - 60,000-70,000 and 300,000-600,000 from Hungary and 10,000 from Mytilene/Mitilini on Lesbos island (1462) (Bulgaru p 567) and so it continued.

Barbary Slavery
Ohio State University history Professor Robert Davis describes the White Slave Trade as minimized by most modern historians in his book Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast and Italy, 1500–1800 (Palgrave Macmillan). Davis estimates that 1 million to 1.25 million white Christian Europeans were enslaved in North Africa, from the beginning of the 16th century to the middle of the 18th, by slave traders from Tunis, Algiers, and Tripoli alone (these numbers do not include the European people which were enslaved by Morocco and by other raiders and traders of the Mediterranean Sea coast), 16th- and 17th-century customs statistics suggest that Istanbul's additional slave import from the Black Sea may have totaled around 2.5 million from 1450 to 1700. The markets declined after the loss of the Barbary Wars and finally ended in the 1830s, when the region was conquered by France.

In 1544, the island of Ischia off Naples was ransacked, taking 4,000 inhabitants prisoners, while some 9,000 inhabitants of Lipari Island off the north coast of Sicily were enslaved.870 Turgut Reis, a Turkish pirate chief, ransacked the coastal settlements of Granada (Spain) in 1663 and carried away 4,000 people as slaves.

The barbaric slave-raiding activities of the Muslim pirates had a telling effect on Europe. France, England, and Spain lost thousands of ships, devastating to their sea-borne trade. Long stretches of the coast in Spain and Italy were almost completely abandoned by their inhabitants until the nineteenth century. The finishing industry was virtually devastated.

Paul Baepler’s White Slaves, African Masters: An Anthology of American Barbary Captivity Narratives lists a collection of essays by nine American captives held in North Africa. According to his book, there were more than 20,000 white Christian slaves by 1620 in Algiers alone; their number swelled to more than 30,000 men and 2,000 women by the 1630s. There were a minimum of 25,000 white slaves at any time in Sultan Moulay Ismail’s palace, records Ahmed ez-Zayyani; Algiers maintained a population of 25,000 white slaves between 1550 and 1730, and their numbers could double at certain times. During the same period, Tunis and Tripoli each maintained a white slave population of about 7,500. The Barbary pirates enslaved some 5,000 Europeans annually over a period of nearly three centuries.

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