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0 Views · 6 months ago

Matthew Light voices his concerns on television in relation to the Sochi 2014 Olympics. His concerns include the impact on the local population, corruption, human rights abuse and the Circassian issue.

The Sochi region, where the 2014 Winter Olympics will be held, was the center that the parliament of independent and free Circassia was gathering until 1864. After the Russian invasion it was not only the Circassians removed from their land but also all their cultural heritage and even their graves were completely destroyed. Today in the state museums of Sochi there is nothing displayed related to Circassians, the autochthonous people of that land for thousands of years. The real ancient history has now been re-written by Russia and hidden from the public.

The public does not know that millions of Circassians were massacred around and in the site of Sochi. Instead Russia laughs at the public for their lack of knowledge with the plight of Circassians. They hope that most of humanity forgets about this indigenous people. But people are beginning to speak out...

Russia's invasion resulted in millions of deaths and the forcible expulsion of those left alive. Currently over 90% of Circassians now live outside of their homeland. Russia has strict repatriation laws that will not allow any Circassian descendants back. This policy has only been enforced on Circassians but does not apply to other ethnic groups. Russia has silenced and oppressed any outspoken individuals who feel this is unfair. Journalists and citizens have been mysteriously assassinated with no formal investigation for speaking about this issue.

0 Views · 6 months ago

Please support the No Sochi 2014 Campaign:

The Circassian Genocide happened between 1763 To 21, May, 1864 ended with the fall of Circassia after fierce fighting, and heroic defensive fight that Circassians took against the Russian invading army which lead to the total occupation of the North Caucasus. The fall of Circassia and other parts of the North Caucasus Region in the hands of the tyrants and savage Tsarist Russian armies that committed genocide and ethnic-cleansing against all invaded nations and amongst them the Circassian nation which was considered the biggest genocide of the nineteenth century, which was forgotten by later history. Millions were terrorized, massacred, displaced, or deported to a Diaspora that is as wide and as large as more than forty countries of the world.

This genocide was known to be the blueprint for future genocides (armenian, holocaust) and one of the most brutal.

The video was originally created youtube user: sesetsiku


0 Views · 6 months ago

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0 Views · 6 months ago

Cossacks Martial Arts
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Показательное выступление Запорожских Козаков Мастеров Фехтования на Саблях

Sword fight of the Cossacks
Sword Fighting Masters

#cossacks #sword #swordfight #swordmaster #cossack #hema ukrainian cossacks

0 Views · 6 months ago

Every year the Circassian community remembers May 21, 1864. The day we commemorate the Circassian Genocide. Following a 100-year war with Russia, our ancestors were defeated and forced to leave our homeland. The end of the war wasn’t the end of our suffering though. Our exodus was marked with starvation, disease, and death.

I’m not a big fan of living in the past, but I do believe in learning from history. I mention this today because I believe if we're looking at these tragedies in the wrong way, and if we change how we look at them we'll so much more positive change and personal satisfaction

Most if not all groups have tragic events like this in their history. The Jewish Genocide, the Armenian Genocide, the genocide of the Native Americans, the slaves brought to the West from Africa, and the list goes on. Including more recent tragedies like 9/11.

These commemorations bring us together, to remember and grieve. There’s also usually some blame directed at another group, and maybe even a plea for them to make things right. We then walk away for another year, with little to nothing changed.

Waiting for someone else to solve our problems is a huge missed opportunity. Entrepreneurship taught me nobody cares about me and my business more than me, whether customers or employees. Similarly, nobody cares about our traumas and genocides more than us. So, if we’re waiting for justice, we’re going to wait a long time.

Better yet why not take this time, these emotions, this desire to see the wrongs made right, and do something about it. So, what can we do to make things better? Can we launch some program or initiative to improve the situation of our communities? Can we partner with others to do something even bigger? Are others already doing great work that inspires us, that we can donate our time or money to support? There are so many options, for all types of lifestyles and preferences.

I love the idea of taking wrongs and making them right. Taking powerlessness and turning it into empowerment. Taking pain and turning it into joy and happiness.

How about you? Please share ways you’ve turned wrongs and worked to make them right?

0 Views · 6 months ago

Ahmad Ai - The Circassian Tragedy (1864)

For more music:

0 Views · 6 months ago


0 Views · 6 months ago

Япымрэ Непэрэ - Then & Now - Circassian tales Episode 4
Andy & Aibek are busy in a Men conversation. but when they wake up Zoher with their loud conversation, he dosn't give up before he teach them a lesson. This time, they will learn about the Circassian Traditional Costume.

0 Views · 6 months ago

00:00 - Intro
*1. Apsua:*
00:09 - Apsua
01:56 - Adygei
05:41 - Circassian
09:51 - Kabardin
*2. Colchian & Kartvelian:*
12:40 - Georgian
15:39 - Mingrelian
18:45 - Kakhetian
23:40 - Svanetian
26:33 - Tushetian
29:30 - Laz
32:44 - Adjarian
*3. Dagestani:*
36:50 - Avar
39:12 - Lezgin
*4. Nakh:*
45:21 - Ingush
48:59 - Chechen

0 Views · 6 months ago

Япымрэ Непэрэ - Then & Now - Circassian tales Episode 2
Andy & Aibek surprised by Zoher while instead of guardian the horses, they deside to
take a break and eat.
in this Episode, Zoher will take you to a tour about the circassian Kitchenware.

0 Views · 6 months ago

شه شن :
شه شن تعني شخصية الحصان، ومن اعز على الفارس الشركسي من حصانه؟. يقلده في كل شيء، مشيته و وقفته و حركاته فهو رفيقه في السلم و الحرب. و شه شن رقصة حافظ عليها شراكسة المهجر و برعوا في أداءها و الحفاظ على موسيقاها فغدت عنوان محافظة شراكسة المهجر على تاريخهم و فلكلورهم.

2. Shehshan:
Shehshan means the horse personality. And what is dearer to a knight’s heart than his horse? Imitating his moves, his walk, his posture, it is his companion in peace and war. Shehshan is a dance preserved by Circassians in diaspora, they mastered it and its melodies, so it became the title of preserving Circassian history and culture in diaspora.

0 Views · 6 months ago

#shortsfunny #shortsart #shortsasmr #shorts #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shortsviral #shortsyoutube #shortsbeta #shorts_video #history #historia #circassian #israel #russia #ukraine #culture

0 Views · 6 months ago

The Story of the Life and Times of Jesus Christ (Son of God).
According to the Gospel of Luke.
(Russian Federation, Germany, Jordan, Syria, Turkey) Kabardian / Beslenei / East Circassian / Kabard / Kabardino-Cherkes / Kabardo-Cherkess / Upper Circassian Language.
God Bless You All.

0 Views · 6 months ago

This is a 10 years old documentary I've made when working in the Caucasus for the small local TV company called NTR. Elbrus is the one of the very few survived films from my archive. looks almost ancient, but that was how we worked in the times of no internet and almost no computers. I will probably work on the quality and add English subtitles in the future.

0 Views · 6 months ago

0 Views · 6 months ago

Ансамбль Лезгинка - Кумыкская сюита. Кумыкский танец TOP 10 #short #caucasiandance #lezginkadance

Кумыкский танец, исполняемый ансамблем Лезгинка.
Ансамбль лезгинка – это яркий и красивый ансамбль, который представляет традиционную культуру народа Кавказа. Ансамбль выступает в традиционных костюмах, исполняет песни и танцы, которые передают дух и настроение этого народа. Танцы ансамбля характеризуются быстрыми и живыми движениями, присущими этому народу. Музыкальные инструменты, которые использует ансамбль лезгинка, также являются традиционными для этого народа: тар (барабан), дудук (духовой инструмент), зурна (духовой инструмент) и т.д. Ансамбль лезгинка – это не только культурный наследник народа Дагестана, но и красивое и захватывающее зрелище для всех любителей традиционных песен и танцев. Ансамбль Лезгинка является оформлением любой свадьбы в Дагестане.

Kumyk dance performed by the Lezginka ensemble.
The Lezginka ensemble is a bright and beautiful ensemble that represents the traditional culture of the people of the Caucasus. The ensemble performs in traditional costumes, performs songs and dances that convey the spirit and mood of this people. The dances of the ensemble are characterized by the fast and lively movements characteristic of this people. The musical instruments used by the Lezginka ensemble are also traditional for this people: tar (drum), duduk (wind instrument), zurna (wind instrument), etc. The Lezginka ensemble is not only the cultural heir of the people of Dagestan, but also a beautiful and exciting spectacle for all lovers of traditional songs and dances. The Lezginka ensemble is the decoration for any wedding in Dagestan.

Ансамбль Лезгинка - Кумыкская сюита
Плейлист Ансамбль лезгинка

0 Views · 6 months ago

In this video you will have the chance to meet some of the people working everyday on Circassian related issues at the Circassian Cultural Institute.

This video was taped and edited by Edward Castner. You can find the original at

0 Views · 6 months ago

Global Circassian Initiative For May 21
Recognize the Circassian Genocide

Call to ACTION!

Ask Russia where is Circassia

The Circassian Genocide has been hidden from the world. It is the first genocide of modern European history that ripped Circassians from the coasts of Circassia. For Russia to build their empire they have chosen to destroy the people of Circassia and keep their land. Millions of Circassians died at the hands of Imperialist Russia.

Now 147 years later Circassians are organizing a global initiative against the Sochi Olympic Games. Sochi was the capital of Circassia and the main port where the whole nation was annihilated and forced into exile. Krasnaya Polyana is where the Olympic main venues will be held and that is the site where Russia declared victory over Circassia 150 years earlier.

It's not just about memory it's also about the continual crimes against humanity conducted by Russia against the Circassian nation, environmental destruction of a UNESCO World Heritage site, the corruption where the Sochi Games will cost $50 billion dollars and be the most expensive in history and the annihilation of human rights in the region.

We call upon not just Circassians but to all those who feel passion for humanity.

We also ask all to call their local Russian Embassies/Consulates to ask where is Circassia.

0 Views · 6 months ago

Today, 25 April, marks Circassian Flag Day. The elegant and aesthetically pleasing Circassian (Cherkess) flag serves not only as the national symbol of the Republic of Adyghea but also as the emblem for all Circassians, signifying their transnational spiritual and cultural unity.

See: Samir Khotqo: "The creation of the Circassian flag is connected to the pan-Circassian mission of Safer-bey Zaneqo"

0 Views · 6 months ago

0 Views · 6 months ago

Mark Will and Tomek discuss the Caucasus region of Russia, the etymology of Caucasian, the Circassians as an ethnic group, and related issues in this clip from "Travel in the Time of Genocide," a "special emergency edition" of Texting: A Podcast for Textual Deviants


#Texting #Caucasus #Russia #Circassians

0 Views · 6 months ago

Circassian Mourning Day 21/05/1864

Day of Circassian Genocide & Exile

Orfan Shouakar-Stash, CRO Chairman

© CRO, 2020

ШЪЫГЪО МЭФ 21/05/1864

Showing 178 out of 179