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3 Views · 6 months ago

Турция, Стамбул, черкесы, абхазы, черкесский язык, Макланда Квициниа, Алпай Куаш, проект «Кавказ – наш общий дом», Turkey, Istanbul, Circassians, Abkhazians, Maklanda Kvitsinia, Alpay Kuash, Caucasus Our Common Home, Türkiye, Çerkesler, Abhazlar, Alpay Kuaş, Kafkas Ortak Evimiz projesi

3 Views · 6 months ago

Ancient Cultures come together in support of one another 'Circassian passport in use'

September saw many interesting developments for inter-national diplomacy for the Circassian Nation In exile. On the 23rd of September, the world's most ancient Indigenous peoples met with the most ancient Indigenous peoples of Europe the
Indigenous Circassian Nation. Ambassadors representing the Indigenous Circassian Nation In exile travelled to Githabul Country were they met with the Elders and representatives of the Githabul Country.
This was a historic occasion for inter-national relations between Original peoples of our planet. At the meeting the Indigenous Circassian Nation was formally recognised as friends and allies of the Original Githabul people, this occasion and gesture was formalised by the Elders of the Githabul Country unanimously consenting to placing their nations seal within the pages of the newly issued Indigenous Circassian Passport and the words 'Welcome to our Country 'were spoken by an Elder.

This meeting of Original peoples was facilitated through the vast resources and networks of OSTF International. They are an NGO who in structure and purpose resembles that of the UN, but whose members are strictly Original First Peoples and Nations not Administrative States. Their tireless work and effort is helping nation's peoples and tribes unite and gain back rights lost via deception and theft throughout time and history.
The photo is of the Indigenous Circassian Mission-at- large representatives with the Elders and representatives of the Githabul people on the 23rd of September in Githabul Country.

Indigenous Circassian Nation In exile

3 Views · 6 months ago

1763-1864 years of war ended as a forced exodus of Circassian people from their homeland. A lot of people died on a sea shore, a lot of drowned in waters of Black Sea.

3 Views · 6 months ago

Circassian Genocide Professional Development Sat. August 12, 2023
9 am- 12 pm CDT

Please join us

3 Views · 6 months ago

Cem Özdemir (21.12.1965) is a German politician of Circassian origin who currently serves as Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture of Germany since 2021. He is a member of the Alliance 90/The Greens party.
#адыгэ #черкесы #circassians #çerkes #кавказ

3 Views · 6 months ago

Leonardo da Vinci was found to have Caucasian roots

The artist's mother was the daughter of the Circassian Prince Yakov

The mother of the Renaissance master Leonardo da Vinci was a Circassian, said Carlo Vecce, professor of literature at the University of Naples L'Orientale. This is reported by the newspaper Avvenire.

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#adygs #circassians #history #leonardodavinci #davinciresolve #shocking

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3 Views · 6 months ago

How can you preserve your culture in a melting pot of cultures?

This question is important with global migration due to wars, natural disasters, and violence in so many places in the world. Now we all hunger to discover our DNA, our heritage, our origins. It's human nature to want to trace back our ancestry.

Join Suhein Beck in this episode as she invites brother Yusef and sister Maza Eshak to discuss how and why they are working so hard to preserve our ancient Circassian / Adighe Culture here in Southern California, USA.

A special tribute to their father, Zuher Eshak Melgoush, with appreciation & encouragement for them to keep inspiring the NEXT generation to HOLD THE KEY OF CULTURE onward!

**Circassians were expelled by the Russians after a150+/- years of war/genocide in the Caucasus Mountains of Southern Russia between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. The fear of extinction has driven Circassians around the world to a passionate obsession of holding on to their heritage. Since May 21, 1864, Circassians have thrived all over the Mideast, Europe, America, and Australia and have proven to be resilient in spirit and keeping their fundamental traditions alive.

This video proves the Circassian spirit is still vibrant and continues.

Suhein Beck presents this episode as a testimony of human nature's innate need to identify our roots. We can roam the earth freely, but there is always some form of pull-back in our souls to self-reflect.

Please share your thoughts about YOUR culture and what you enjoy of your own history...

3 Views · 6 months ago

Go to and use code HIKMA to save 25% off today. Thanks to Curiosity Stream for sponsoring today’s video.

By the early 19th century, Russian Czars started to make a concerted effort to bring the isolate yet important region of the Caucasus under their control. They'd soon encounter various mountainous peoples of the region who were always difficult foe to subdue. A resistance movement soon developed, united under the banner of Islam, calling themselves Murids. Under a series of leaders, most famously Imam Shamil, the Murids would make Dagestan and Chechnya a graveyard for tens of thousands of Russian soldiers, as they stubbornly clung on to the hope remaining independent against an aggressive foreign outside power. In a classic tale of David vs Goliath, for over 30 years the Murids would outmaneuver the juggernaut Russian army numerous times before finally succumbing to the sad fate of defeat.


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Doug Maxwell - Arabian Nightfall (Sting):

If any of the images or songs are yours, please let me know I will amend them. Please don't report me straight away!

0:00 Intro
1:49 Caucasus Context
7:19 The Caucasian Imamate is Announced
18:52 The Imamate's Fight for Survival
22:01 Shamil Enters the Fight
33:37 The Imamate's Golden Days
52:42 Downfall of Shamil & the Imamate

3 Views · 6 months ago

#khabibnurmagomedov #russian

3 Views · 6 months ago

Archive purposes only

3 Views · 6 months ago

Это история ветви черкесского рода Джаркес из Ливана. Следует отметить, что представители рода Джаркес далеко не всегда являются близкими родственниками. Учитывая особенность фиксации этнического происхождения представителей абхазо-адыгских и нахско-дагестанских народов в странах Ближнего Востока, ношение фамильного имени Джаркес или Шаркас не всегда указывает на адыгское происхождение их носителей. Но семья, которая запечатлена на этом видео, реально адыгская, шапсугская.
В Ливан предки данной ветви рода Джаркес прибыли из Самсуна в 1880 году. Прибыл, как выяснилось, один 13-летний мальчик вместе со своей тётей. Тётя умирает по пути, и в Ливане полностью осиротевшего мальчика принимает семья Сантино. Представители этой семьи не знали арабского языка, но проживали в Ливане. Мальчику дали фамилию Сантино-Джаркес, чтобы он не забыл о своём происхождении.
Далее, уважаемые друзья и подписчики, смотрите видео сами…

3 Views · 6 months ago

May 21, 2011 - Circassian activists in the United States demonstrate in New York City, peacefully demanding recognition of the Circassian Genocide, No Sochi Olympics on the Land of Genocide and a free Circassia now. This was a global partner to demonstrations in Istanbul, Amman, Haifa, Munich, Hamburg, Montreal, and other locations where Circassians and people with compassion demanded Circassian rights on the 147th anniversary of the Circassian Genocide.

3 Views · 6 months ago

Circassian Day 21 may 2009 recognized officially by Israel. and granted a Day off to the Circassians We hope more countries will join this recognition next year.

It is the first time in the history of the Circassians a country recognize our genocide officially and broadcasts the events on its national governmental TV

3 Views · 6 months ago

On May 21, marking the anniversary of the end of the Caucasian War, about 4000 members of the Caucasian Diasporas in Turkey took part in mourning march to the walls of the Russian Consulate General in Istanbul. This year, the policemen stopped the procession 50 meters before the territory of the Consulate and let only several members of the Diaspora to lay a wreath with inscription reading "153 years of the Circassian genocide". For details, see:

3 Views · 6 months ago

In memory of forced exile for the Circassian
all ADIGA around the world didn't forget and will never forget

3 Views · 6 months ago

3 Views · 6 months ago

Adyghe (Circassian) Etiquette

Adyghe Khabze (Xabze) is in an orally transmitted rigid and complex code in which customs and social norms were enshrined. This system of morals had evolved to ensure that strict militaristic discipline was maintained at all times to defend the country against the many invaders who coveted Circassian lands. In addition, social niceties and graces greased the wheels of social interaction, and a person's good conduct ensured his survival and prosperity. The Khabze served as the law for ad hoc courts and councils set up to resolve contentious cases and other moot issues, and pronounce binding judgements. This code did not remain static throughout the ages. It was reformed and developed at some points in Circassian history, when two factors obtained: preponderance of outdated practices and the appearance of a charismatic personage to effect the transformation. The first instance of this kind in recorded history was in the 16th century, when Prince Beslan (Beislhen) Zhankh'wetoqwe, nicknamed 'Pts'apts'e' (The Obese), modified the structure of the peerage system and updated the Khabze. Two centuries later, the legendary Zhebaghi Qezenoqwe (1684-1750), the quintessential fighter for justice in Circassian folklore, played a pivotal role in modernizing the code and removing outdated customs and practices, though he is sometimes erroneously accredited with originating it. He was an accomplished statesman by the standards of the time, being responsible for formulating Kabardian policies with respect to the Crimean Khans and their overlords, the Ottomans. One of his notable achievements was his counsel to Prince Aslenbek Qeitiqwe and manoeuvres to avert a war with Khan Saadat-Gery who attacked Kabarda in 1720 to avenge the destruction of the Tatar army in 1708 at Qenjalischhe. Stories of Zhebaghi's wisdom and sagacity are still very much alive in national memory. In one anecdote, he was asked about the difference between truth and falsehood. He enigmatically replied that only four fingers separated them. He lifted up his hand and placed four fingers between his eye and ear, and said, 'Everything your eye sees is true, and all that you hear is false, for no one tells the truth the way he sees it.' The most recent reform was made in 1807, when a group of Circassian judges and scholars, with the blessing of the nobility, amended and updated some articles of the law.

Source: Amjad JAIMOUKHA, from his forthcoming book ''Circassian Culture and Folklore.''


Адыгский этикет, Бгажноков Барасби Хачимович, Adyghe (Circassian) Etiquette, Nalchik, 1978, Bgajnokua Barasby.

Адыгская этика, Бгажноков Барасби - Adyghe (Circassian) Etiquette, Bgajnokua Barasby.

3 Views · 6 months ago

We thank everyone that participated.

"Узэрымыпсалъэ бзэм уригупсысэкъым, узэрымыгупсысэ бзэр щымы1э п1алъэщ."

Дунейпсо адыгэ ныбжьыщ1э хасэм къыбгъэдэк1у дэтхэнэ зыми адыгэбзэм и махуэмк1э дынывохъуэхъу!
Мы ди нэтынымк1э фытедгъэгушхуэну дыхуейщ, ц1ык1ухэр анэдэлъхубзэм хуевгъэджэну. Иджыри гук1и-псэк1и дыныволъэ1у - ди щ1эблэм адыгэбзэк1э фепсалъэ!

"Уи бзэр бзууэ пlэщlэкlамэ,
Кlэлъылъати къэпхъуэтэж.
Ар уи щlэблэм lурыпчамэ,
Къэтlи мащэ итlысхьэж."

Dear Circassians,

Congratulations on the world Circassian language day.

The World Circassian Youth Organization presents on this day a short film named: I am Adige, I speak Adigebze.

One of the oldest unchanged languages in the world ... Adigebze.

This beautiful language that has existed for thousands of years is unfortunaty considered by linguists and specialized organizations (incl: UNESCO) as endangered.

Adighabza has deep roots in the North Caucasus region.

Greeks used Circassian names to denominate the river Danube (Circassian: Танэпс). They also knew the Sea of Azof as the Maeotian sea ( Circassian: мы1ут, the sea which cannot be dammed).

The influence of Circassian language remains today in the names of Ukrainian families ending with the suffix -ko, from the Circassian word къуэ for : the son of.

Adigebze is mainly divided into two dialects: eastern and western.

In the homeland, Adigebze is spoken in all areas where Adiges live.

With rather less speakers in diaspora, it is mostly the the elders that speak the language fluently.

Today we have all kinds of sources to learn it.

We as CYO have several projects to teach Adigebze including a rich website dedicated to sharing materials and a language parnter program together with people from the homeland.

If you speak Adigebze, use it! Speak with your children and teach them. If you don't, what you can do is find an online teacher and show them materials like cartoons and films.

Let us work together, so our children can speak it fluently.

We still have a chance.

3 Views · 6 months ago

Circassian online is supported by "Chessa Handcrafts" (Follow on Facebook and Instagram)

3 Views · 6 months ago

Documentary film “The Man from Psibe Village” on the Circassian settlement of Psibe in Shapsughia in westernmost Circassia, made in 1972.

Director: Gennady Kraskov
Operator: Yuri Musatov
Produced by: Rostov Newsreel Studio
Year: 1972

The film is about the work of the rural postman X’useyn Achmiz (Ацумыжъ), a resident of the Circassian village of Psebe (Псыбэ [Psibe], in Circassian), “in the Adigean Autonomous Oblast”. It depicts the life in a (Shapsugh) Circassian village in the early 1970s. Although the village Psebe is billed as being in the Adigean Autonomous Oblast, it is actually in the Shapsugh Region, to the north of the town of Tuapse. Psibe (Псыбэ) literally means “Water Abundant” in Circassian. It has a population of a few hundreds, mainly Circassians. The number of villagers has been decreasing in the past few decades.

It is hoped that the Shapsugh Region would be joined to the Republic of Adigea for the benefit of both the Adigeans and Shapsugh. Adigea would then have access to the Black Sea, and the Shapsugh would benefit from the Circassian language and culture institutions in Adigea, which would stem the rising tide of assimilation.


• Postman X’useyn Achmiz travels with his horse across the Shapsugh countryside. He knows every nook and cranny in this ancient land of the Shapsugh Circassians.
• View of the Psibe village in the Shapsugh Region (in westernmost Circassia).
• The postman goes through the village, handing out letters and telegrams to villagers.
• The villagers are dancing, talking.
• Pioneers lay flowers at the monument to those killed in the Great Patriotic War (World War II).
• New-born baby is blessed by the elders, in accordance with ancient Circassian customs.
• Postman Achmiz takes part in “sch’ihafi” [«шIыхьафы»], an ancient Circassian custom whereby the residents of a village assemble to build or fix a house for or needy family on a voluntary basis.
• Postman hands a woman a “talking letter”. She listens to it on a record-player. “I am alive and kicking, and doing alright. My work is also going well! ...”
• Road construction near Psibe connecting to Adigea. Cars drive on the road.
• View of the village Psebe.
• Postman X’useyn Achmiz travelling on a treacherous mountain path.

3 Views · 5 months ago

Sheshen is a moderate-paced Circassian dance.

The clip is taken from the World Adygea Ceug Day festival in 2018 at Maykop where
Circassians and Abkhazians all over the world gathered to celebrate and show
their dancing skills.

Link to the original materials:

3 Views · 5 months ago

abida 'omar the best circassian accordionist from jordan playing one of her compositions.
may allah have mercy on her soul. (thanks to apesh ahmed)

3 Views · 5 months ago

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