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1 Views · 6 months ago

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1 Views · 6 months ago

Jonty Yamisha is a language activist, an "accidental polyglot" in his own words, a "third-generation Circassian refugee," and the founder of OptiLingo, an audio-based language app that uses "guided immersion" to help people reach fluency in foreign languages more quickly. We discuss the Circassian language and cultural history, how he's raising his children bilingually, and how he "steals back" time for language learning amid his busy professional and family life.

For show notes, visit

1 Views · 6 months ago

ЛЮБА БАЛАГОВА, доктор филологических наук, поэт, президент кинофестиваля SIFFA и МОХИ КАНДУР, доктор исторических наук, исторический романист, кинорежиссёр-ветеран Голливуда коротко представляют исторические места в Иордании. Их книги можно купить на О кинофестивале читайте блоги на, программы кинофестиваля смотрите на: Следуйте за нами на инстаграме и Твиттере @sochifilmawards LUBA BALAGOVA, Doctor of Philology, Poet, President of the SIFFA Film Festival and MOHY KANDOUR (Quandour) , Doctor of Historical Sciences, Historical Novelist, Film Director-Hollywood Veteran, composer briefly present the historical sites in Jordan. Their books are found at For the festival, please, follow us at our website:, festival online programs:; instagram and Twitter @sochifilmawards contact
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1 Views · 5 months ago

Dance of the Anatolian Circassians or locally known as Sheshen is a very popular Circassian dance performed in every wedding and celebration ceremony. Its origin is not known clearly, but modern versions are inspired by Circassians living in Turkey. It has a moderate pace although there are some faster versions mixed with Lezginka in some regions.

Every couple performs the dance inside a wide circle surrounded by the crowd and guests. Couples take the floor one by one and show their skills to the community. In this specific dance the woman is in control all the time and floats around with different paces and the man should follow her trying to do his best to get her attention and the crowd's appreciation. The other men in the circle encourage and support him during the dance with cheers and chants, and sometimes they join the man for a very short period.

Although there are some basic elements, custom improvisations are very important in Circassian folk. Performers should not repeat other people's patterns and they have to be creative because individual compositions are seen as a signature for the person. Like all other Circassian dances, the dance duration depends on the woman and keeps going on until she decides to finish it. It's considered a very rude behavior if the man leaves the dance area first.

Nalmes' choreography is much longer than this video but this is the original part that shows the traditional figures and pace. You can see the full version of Nalmes' composition at the following link:

All rights belong to Ensemble of Nalmes

1 Views · 5 months ago

In honor of Circassia becoming a member of The Captive Nations, a joug was held in front of the United Nations in New York City on July 18, 2010.

1 Views · 4 months ago

Нальчик с высоты. Полетушки над городом. Некоторые интересные места. Nalchik from a height. Flying over the city

1 Views · 3 months ago

👉 #circassian👉 #adige👉 #adigepsase👉 #abzah👉 #adyghe👉 #chechen👉 #cherkes👉 #adygamusic👉 #kabardey

1 Views · 3 months ago

1 Views · 3 months ago

Aslan Enemiko Svadba - Maykop

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Anjelika Nachesova-Aidamir Koncertnaya Programma-18

1 Views · 1 year ago<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Çerkesce Sayıları Sayan Çocuk

1 Views · 3 months ago

Адыгэ уэрэд Джылъэхъстэней Малая Кабарда Концерт Черкесской Эстрады DJAM

1 Views · 1 year ago

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