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0 Views · 4 months ago

Ridade Stardust, herself a Circassian, tells us about this little-known ethnic group, their traditions and values, and their troubled history, from a very personal perspective.

0 Views · 4 months ago

Лариса Тупцокова рассказала о прошедших 21 мая мероприятиях по случаю 160 летия со дня геноцида черкесского народа, а так же поговорила с автором проекта Circassian Media Айдамиром Казаноковым об отличиях этого года от предыдущих, чем удивил Майкоп и какие дальнейшие перспективы развития черкесского вопроса в информационном пространстве.


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Курсы и онлайн школа по изучению западного диалекта черкесского языка Ларисы Тупцоковой:

Обратная связь:
00:00 Приветствие
00:18 Как прошли мероприятия в мире?
01:55 В гостях Айдамир Казаноков
02:31 В чем отличие этого года?
04:58 С чем связаны запреты на участие масс?
08:12 Какой вывод о прошедшем дне?
09:24 В чем финомен возрождения черкесского вопроса?
12:16 Необходим глубокий анализ новейшей истории
13:40 А что в Грузии?
19:12 Судьба ЧКЦ в Тбилиси
22:42 Старейшинам вернулся флаг
24:04 Черкесы в информационном пространстве

0 Views · 4 months ago

Statements from the Council of United Circassia at the UN demanding recognition of the Circassian Genocide


от лица «Объединённого Черкесского Совета», хотел бы сделать заявление о том что мы подготовили специальное письмо в Организацию Объединённых Наций, мы его сегодня подаём. Мы Обращаемся ко всем нациям и народам и к Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН о признании нашего геноцида. Нам крайне необходимо всемирная помощь в нашем вопросе. Наш вопрос Это не сугубо Черкесский вопрос и проблема, Это гуманитарный вопрос всего цивилизованного мира, мы фактически сегодня столкнулись с проявлением зла, полномасштабного проявления империализма, мы это наблюдаем не только по нападению на Украину, мы это сейчас наблюдаем по политике которую проводят сегодня Российская государство, в частности: то что фактически весь свет нашей нации всю нашу молодёжь различными путями путями шантажа , заставляет сегодня воевать и кидают на амбразуру войны в Украине во-первых эта война должна быть прекращена немедленно , должны быть московские оккупационные войска выведены из территории Украины а также мы требуем, черкесы требуем сегодня чтобы мы имели обыкновенное право на свою родину, чтобы мы могли вернуться на свою родину и конечно у нас есть Цель: сегодня только одна цель для нас существует это : Свободное независимая Черкесия , восстановление государство Черкесия

0 Views · 4 months ago

Çerkes Vatanı (Kafkasya), Rusya Federasyonu'ndaki seyahat faaliyetleri.
Çerkes vatanı: Adıge Cumhuriyeti, Kabardey-Balkar Cumhuriyeti, Karaçay-Çerkes Cumhuriyeti, Karadeniz'in Şapsugia bölgesi - Krasnodar bölgesi ve Stavropol bölgesi. Bu videoda Adıge'den fotoğrafların çoğu.

Туристическая активность по черкесской Родине (Кавказ), РФ.
Черкесская родина: Республика Адыгея, Кабардино-Балкарская Республика, Карачаево-Черкесская Республика, Шапсугский район Черного моря – Краснодарский край и Ставропольский край. В этом видео большинство фотографий из Адыгеи.

Travel activities in the Circassian Homeland (Caucasus), The Russian Federation.
The Circassian homelad: The Republic of Adygea, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Karachay-Circassian Republic, the Shapsugia area of the black sea - Krasnodar region and Stavropol region. In this video most of the photos from Adygea.

Адыгэ хэкум зекIо шIыкIэу щыIэхэм ащыщ сурэтхэр. Мы видеом ит сурэтхэм анахьыбэр Адыгэ Республикэм щыщых.

#адыгэ #черкесы #çerkes #circassians #caucasus

0 Views · 4 months ago

Sheshen is a moderate-paced Circassian dance.

The clip is taken from the World Adygea Ceug Day festival in 2018 at Maykop where
Circassians and Abkhazians all over the world gathered to celebrate their cultures and show
their dancing skills.

Link to the original materials:

0 Views · 4 months ago

0 Views · 4 months ago

Circassian Circle the "original" reel for the Scottish dance. played on a Giuletti accordion tuned by Accordions South West

0 Views · 4 months ago

The "Circassian Circle" from the 2015 Summer Ball on June 12 in Belleville, IL. Dance called by Jeremy Suermann. Filmed by Andrew Wong.

0 Views · 4 months ago

#circassian #circassians #circassianlanguage #adiga #adigabza #çerkes #cerkes #адыгэбзэ #адыги #адыгэбзэк1эдопсалъэ #адыгэбзэзыдогъащ1э #кабардинскийязык #къэбэрдей

0 Views · 4 months ago

This video is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license. To download a copy, please contact

This video was recorded by Elise Lieberman in Moscow, Russia, where she was visiting at the time and where Inna lives and works. Adyghe is spoken by as many as 600,000 people, primarily in the Russian Republic of Adygea, where it is an official language alongside Russian, as well ass Inna's native Karachay-Cherkess Republic. A member of the Caucasian linguistic group, it is related to Circassian to such an extent that some linguists have argued both to be distinct varieties of a single mother tongue. Though Adyghe was traditionally written with varieties of the Latin and Arabic alphabets, a Cyrillic orthography, standardized following Russia’s October Revolution in 1917, predominates literature today.

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0 Views · 4 months ago

The Circassian Circle appeared in the British ballroom in the 1820s from a concept of arranging a popular quadrille or country dance figure in a progressive Sicilian circle. It became very popular in several main forms and further versions evolved via the folk process in the villages of the British Isles. It was still very popular in Australia as a ballroom dance in the early decades of the 20th C enjoying a place on programmes up till the 1930s as part of the Old Time Dance revival. Any references to Circassian Circle up until then relate to these forms, part 2 did not exist till introduced through British folk dance revivals and the Australian ‘bush dance’ movement of the 1960s and 70s; ‘part 1’ was then used to distinguish the original progressive Sicilian style.
Thus the version commencing with the ‘right & left’ movement has been taken from figure 1 of ‘The Quadrille’ or ‘First Set’ and the version with the ‘hands across & back again’ (right & left star) is from figure 1 of the Caledonians Quadrille.
Lovenberry’s MC Manual of the Ithaca School of Dancing in Brisbane 1884 lists nine different versions of Circassian Circle of which No. V is a particularly good version incorporating both figure 1 of the Caledonians Quadrille and Galop forward and back around the circle followed by a half ladies’ chain for the progression. This has been shown as version 3.
Other Circassian Circles described have adapted country dance figures such as from the Spanish Waltz into what is now known as the Waltz Country Dance, and the British folk dance ‘Cottages’ can be linked to a Circassian Circle arrangement from figure 4 of the Lancers, whilst the American version of the Soldier’s Joy is a Circassian Circle adaptation from an earlier Country Dance by that name.
Circassian Circle part 2 was not known by that name in Australia till the 70s bush dance revival, but was known under the name of Stockyards or Bull Ring as a final figure of the Quadrille (First Set).
Video footage by dancers and friends of Bush Dance & Music Club of Bendigo, directed by Peter Ellis at Sedgwick, Victoria Australia, October 2014.

0 Views · 4 months ago

Join our FREE #circassian Online classes and learn how to read, pronounce, and write in Circassian Language! To join, click here to register for FREE:

Join our Facebook group page:

For effective learning of the Circassian Language, we are using the Guided Immersion method. It's a fun and stress-free way of learning, it focuses on the most useful vocabulary and uses gestures, visual imagery, spatial memory aid, body language, and voice inflection. PLUS There are no memorized dialogues or grammar worksheets with this method.

Feel free to follow me on Instagram @jontylingo

0 Views · 4 months ago

Beautiful Circassian dance at the #short #video #subscribe #foryou

0 Views · 4 months ago

Friday Dance 2016 - The Circassian Circle

0 Views · 4 months ago

Beautiful Circassian dance at the #short #video #subscribe #foryou

0 Views · 4 months ago

Beautiful Circassian Melody Collections mixed with Some Pictures .
I doNot own the music nor part of the pictures.

0 Views · 4 months ago

Aaron of the Circassian village Kafr Kama in Northern Israel is the Captain of the soccer youth team of Maccabi Haifa/Nahalal.

Jews, Circassians, Muslim and Christian Arabs all play together at the Maccabi Haifa-Nahalal youth football academy.

In the heart of the Jezreel Valley in the Galilee, on the football fields of Nahalal, a very special youth football team flourishes. This unique soccer squad consists of 13 year-old players from different Israeli backgrounds and cultures. These diverse athletes hone their skills on the grounds of Israel's oldest communal farming village, Moshav Nahalal, which was founded in 1921.
True coexistence is achieved every day through the passion for "the beautiful game" demonstrated by these young men and their families

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0 Views · 3 months ago

L'ensemble des buts inscrits lors de la 24e journée de Russian Premier League 2011<br /><br />Tom Tomsk 0 – 4 Krasnodar<br />Volga 1 – 0 Spartak Nalchik<br />Rostov 1 – 1 CSKA Moscou<br />Dinamo Moscou 3 – 0 Amkar Perm<br />Kuban Krasnodar 1 – 0 Anzhi Makhachkala

0 Views · 3 months ago


Showing 189 out of 190