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6 Views · 1 year ago

Circassian music that will take you to a whole new place.

6 Views · 1 year ago

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Channel "Circassians of Adygea" is dedicated to Adyghes (Circassians), if you Adyg (Circassians) do not forget to subscribe to the channel, there will be a lot of interesting video!

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6 Views · 1 year ago

Ana dili Çerkesçe olan çocuklar konuşuyor, Çerkesçe röportaj, Circassian interview, beautiful Circassian language, Адыгский (Черкесский) язык, Adyghe people

6 Views · 1 year ago

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6 Views · 1 year ago

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6 Views · 1 year ago

muhteşem çerkes dansı, mükemmel çerkes dansı, çerkes düğün videoları, çerkes videoları, çerkez düğünleri, çerkez dansı, adige kafe, adige qafe, circassian qafa, adiga qafa çerkes dansı muhteşem çerkes dansı çerkez düğünleri çerkes düğünleri adige düğünleri nachik adige cegu Черкесская свадьба Супер Адыгэ джэгу circassian dance circassian wedding adıge cegu çerkezler çerkesler dünyanın en güzel düğünü dünyanın en güzel şarkıları Нальчик Майкопе краснодар сочи circassia cherkessia Туапсинского cherkes Черкесск черкесский çerkez düğünü böyle olur circassian dance çerkes düğünü circassian wedding çerkez düğünü adige ceug adıge cegu şeşen щэщэн лъэпэрисэ Адыгэ джэгу Черкесская свадьба زفاف شركسي Չերքեզի հարսանիքը Çərkəz toyu Circassianische Hochzeit ჩერქეზული ქორწილი Черкеська весілля ჩრდილოკავკასიელი კავკასიის kafkas düğünleri adige khafe Matrimonio circasso süper dans show Κυκασιανός γάμος Καυκάσιοι γάμο dance taki taki dance afro танец Tanz رقص valle rəqs dantza danza ריקוד պարել 舞蹈 舞蹈 dança плес नृत्य tanec χορός sayaw 댄스 ples би танц danza tari رقص नृत्य Nr̥tya tánc qoob ka ダンス бий адыгэ джэгу, адыгэ джэгу свадьба, адыгэ джэгу лъапэрисэ, адыгэ джэгу 2018, адыгэ джэгу адыгейск, адыгэ, адыгэ уэрэд, адыгэ къафэ, къафэ, черкес, адыгея, шэшэн, адыгэ къашъо, черкесия ансамбль, черкесия песня

6 Views · 1 year ago

Hey guys! Today’s video is all about the mosaic of people that make up Jordan. We’re speaking about Jordanians, Palestinians, Bedouins, Armenians, Circassians, Christians etc etc.
Below you’ll find the resources I used to get the stats for this video:




Christians in Jordan,jordan’s christians,druze in jordan,jordan’s druze,religion in jordan,catholics in jordan,religious freedom jordan,palestinians in jordan,how many palestinians in jordan,how many christians in jordan,palstinian jordanians,armenian church jordan,armenians in jordan,chechens in jordan,chechanians in jordan,circassians in jordan,how many refugees in jordan,syrians in jordan,expats in jordan,how many foreigners in jordan,migrant workers in jordan,egyptians in jordan,what is jordans demographic, which people live in jordan

This channel is about my daily adventures living in the Middle East and how I navigate motherhood outside of a comfort zone as MIA - Mummy in Amman 🙃

Waving, not drowning 😅🙋🏼‍♀️

Say hi if you’re in a similar boat!

Ray, MIA xx
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6 Views · 1 year ago

체르케스인 비정규 기병대의 습격을 받은 오스트리아 보병대
-제 1차 세계 대전: 동부 전선, 갈리치아 방면-

"Josef" is a 2011 Croatian war drama film directed by Stanislav Tomić depicting war story of Austrian-Hungarian Croat soldier during World War I in 1915 in Galicia.
참모총장 콘라트 폰 회첸도르프 장군 휘하의 오스트리아-헝가리 제국군은 그 동맹국인 독일이 갖추고 있는 능률적인 철도망과 고도로 훈련된 포병이 없었다. 8월 하순 러시아 국경을 넘은 콘라트군은 전략적으로 중요한 키예프와 바르샤바를 잇는 철도를 향하여 진격하고 있었다. 그러나 러시아군의 예리한 반격에 밀려 남쪽 국경 밖으로 쫓겨난 그들은 갈리시아 깊숙이 들어왔다.

9월과 10월에 독일군와 오스트리아-헝가리군은 협동 작전은 펴 남부 폴란드와 갈리시아에서 광역에 걸친 반격을 시도했다. 그때는 러시아도 이미 동원을 마쳐 총병력 130만에 이르는 7개 군으로 두터운 전선을 형성하고 있었다. 격렬한 전투에도 불구하고 그 방어선은 대체로 유지되었으나 자재 손실, 부족한 실탄의 소모, 그리고 전투 경험이 있는 장교들의 전사(戰死)로 입은 타격은 러시아군이 독일군보다 더 컸다.
The Eastern Front or Eastern Theater of World War I (German: Ostfront, Russian: Восточный фронт, Vostochnıy front) was a theater of operations that encompassed at its greatest extent the entire frontier between the Russian Empire and Romania on one side and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Bulgaria, the Ottoman Empire and the German Empire on the other. It stretched from the Baltic Sea in the north to the Black Sea in the south, involved most of Eastern Europe and stretched deep into Central Europe as well. The term contrasts with "Western Front", which was being fought in Belgium and France.

6 Views · 1 year ago

The Siege of Akhulgo (1839) was a siege during the Russo-Circassian War (1763–1864) in the Caucasus. Russian General Pavel Grabbe with 13.500 troops besieged 1000 Circassian defenders led by Imam Shamil in the rock-fortress of Akhulgo.

6 Views · 1 year ago

When I discovered a weird picture in a photo album i was sent down the rabbit hole of research covering everything from the Russo-Circassian war to Barnum and Bailey circus. This was a very research heavy video so I will link my sources in case you would like to dig even deeper.

6 Views · 1 year ago

Kayra Atakan [Qırım Xan'ı] presents

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Sources :
- Mahmut Bi - Kafkas Tarihi
- Mustafa Özsaray - Çerkeslerin İslamlaşması
- Arthur Fonvill - Çerkesya Bağımsızlık Savaşı
- Evliya Çelebi - Seyahatnâme
- İsmail Hakkı Berkok - Tarihte Kafkasya
- Sadık Müfit Bilge - Çerkesler (TDV İslâm Ansiklopedisi)
- The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium
- Kadir Natho - Circassian History
- Fabio L. Grassi - A new homeland: The Massacre of The Circassians,
- Their Exodus To The Ottoman Empire and Their Place In Modern Turkey.
- Walter Richmond - Circassian Genocide
- Taitbout de Marigny - Three Voyages in the Black Sea to the Coast of Circassia
- James Stanislaus Bell - Journal Of A Residence In Circassia
- Amjad Jaimoukha - The Circassians: A Handbook
- Adel Bashqawi - Circassia: Born to Be Free
- Stephen D. Shenfield - "The Circassians: A Forgotten Genocide".
- Kressel R. Ph. - The Administration of Caffa under the Uffizio di San Giorgio.
- Laonikos Chalkokondyles - The Histories
- Ali Hatajuqua - Hadji-Ismail Dagomuqua Berzeg, Circassian Warrior and Diplomat
- Amjad Jaimoukha - Prince Inal the Great (I): The Tomb of the Mighty Potentate Is Located in Circassia, Not Abkhazia
- Vitaliy Shtybin - The Legendary Circassian Prince Inal
- Strabo - Geographica
- Polyaenus - Stratagems
- Arrian - Periplus of the Euxine Sea
- Joao Freire, Portolan Atlas
- The Free Press, volume: IV, issue: 34, 01.04.1857.
- Rashid al-Din Hamadani - Jāmiʿ al-Tawārīkh
- Никоновская летопись (Nikon Chronicle)
- Лаврентьевский список (Laurentian Codex)
- Радзивилловская летопись (Radziwiłł Letopis)
- Лицевой летописный свод (Illustrated Chronicle of Ivan the Terrible)
- ქართლის ცხოვრება (Georgian Chronicles)
- Richieste presentate all’ufficio di san Giorgio da Zaccaria Ghizolfi, signore di Matrega, e risposte dello stesso, sulle mutue relazioni dei loro possessi. 1472, 13 aprile. Запросы, сделанные Захарием
Ногмов Ш. Б. - История Адыхейского Народа, Составленная По Преданиям Кабардинцев.
- Лакоба С. З. & Бгажба О. Х. - История Абхазии с древнейших времен до наших дней.
- Цуциев А. А. - Атлас Этнополитической Истории Кавказа.
- Мальбахов Б.К. & Эльмесов А.М. -Средневековая Кабарда
- Мальбахов Б.К. - Кабарда на этапах политической истории (середина XVI — первая четверть XIX века)
- Брун Ф. Черноморье - Сборник исследований по исторической географии Южной России.
- Чичагов С. В. - Карта Болшьой и Малой Кабарды.
- Хотко С. Х. - Генуэзцы в Черкессии (1266–1475).
- Дубровин Н. Ф. - Черкесы (Адиге)
- Галонифонтибус И. - 1404, I. Таты и готы. Великая Татария: Кумания, - Хазария и другие. Народы Кавказа (Гл. 8).
- У. А. Улигов, Д. В. Шабаев. За власть Советов.

Music :
- Заманби Иругов: Удж 2 - Zamanbi Irugov: Wedj 2
- Circassian Military March - Хыӏушъо щыухэр (Cavalry of the Coast)
- Adigē Respublik yi Qēral Worēd ( Anthem of the Republic of Adygea ) (Adıge Cumhuriyeti Devlet Marşı)

5 Views · 3 months ago

Provided to YouTube by NAXOS of America

The Circassian Circle - The Waterhole - The Shoreline of Lewis · Clan Sutherland Pipe Band

Clan Sutherland Pipe Band: Scottish Pipes and Drums

℗ 2008 ARC

Released on: 2008-01-01

Ensemble: Clan Sutherland Pipe Band
Composer: Traditional

Auto-generated by YouTube.

5 Views · 3 months ago

Provided to YouTube by The Orchard Enterprises

Circassian (Tserkes) · Rita Abadzi

Good Times and High Spirits

℗ 2012 FM Records

Released on: 2012-07-05

Auto-generated by YouTube.

5 Views · 3 months ago

Do you remember Adigabze speaking Koreans, Gypsies and Russians in Adygea? Do you wonder what they are doing now? If so, you should watch this video.
By the way, Natalia Shivlekova -the woman preparing the news- is also Russian.

5 Views · 3 months ago

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5 Views · 3 months ago

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Студия «Золотая Лента» на протяжении более десятка лет работает в сфере видео и фото осуществляя полный цикл производства от съемок до монтажа (постпродакшн). За это время мы переросли из небольшой команды в профессиональную студию имеющую в своем вооружении самую современную технику: - операторские краны, коптеры для аэросъемок, системы стабилизации изображения и многое другое.
Годы работы позволили нам расширить перечень услуг и географию съемок. Нашими клиентами стали молодожены в различных городах и областях России, ближнего и дальнего зарубежья и на сегодня мы готовы взять на себя заказы в любой точке мира.

5 Views · 3 months ago

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All undecided voters in a U.S. swing states focus group hosted by pollster Frank Luntz said President Biden should be replaced as the Democratic nominee after watching his first presidential debate against former President Trump.

Legal Disclosure: I’m not a financial advisor. The information contained in this video is for entertainment purposes only. Before investing, please consult a licensed professional. Any stock purchases I show on video should not be considered “investment recommendations”. I shall not be held liable for any losses you may incur for investing and trading in the stock market in an attempt to mirror what I do. Investments may decline in value and/or disappear entirely. Please be careful!

5 Views · 3 months ago

You’re all smart and bright, but let’s find out who’s the smartest of you all. Solving riddles helps you boost your brain power and keep your mind sharp. Our riddles are so hard it sure takes a super bright mind to solve them all. The main thing here is to think outside the box and use all your imagination. Are you ready for the challenge? Then let's see how many of these puzzles you'll manage to get right! Most people can't even crack half of them!

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5 Views · 3 months ago

Is Resident Evil Village going to be your Halloween go-to this year? Or are you curious as to what it would take for there to be a live-action remake?
Then meet makeup artist Amber Talarico. Here to give her expertise on all things gore and glam from the eighth installment of the Resident Evil series. From the breathtakingly spooky daughters of Lady Dimitrescu to that one freaky baby thing in the basement of House Beneviento, tune in, and don’t forget to let us know what you think in the comments below!

Resident Evil Village is a survival horror game developed and published by Capcom. It is the tenth major installment in the Resident Evil series, and the sequel to Resident Evil 7: Biohazard. Resident Evil Village is set a few years after Resident Evil 7, where protagonist Ethan Winters sees his world suddenly comes crashing down once again when Chris Redfield, an unexpected yet familiar face makes an appearance, setting off a chain of events that sees a distraught Ethan seeking answers to Chris' shocking actions, and ultimately finding him in a mysterious village.
Check out Amber Talarico's website and follow her on Instagram:
00:00 Intro
00:32 Host's introduction
00:47 The Beneviento Baby
01:34 Moreau and his transformations
05:13 Lady D
07:04 Characters, makeup, and tips
10:04 Conclusion
10:27 Outro
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ER Doctor REACTS to Fatal Blows in Mortal Kombat 11 | Experts React

Gamers REACT to the END of Resident Evil Village | Gamers React
Thanks to BigDaddyJende for the gameplay:
Up In My Jam (All Of A Sudden) by - Kubbi​​
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5 Views · 3 months ago

1:0 P. Dybala (5. Min.)
2:0 D. Vlahovic (29. Min.)

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5 Views · 3 months ago

#lawyeryouknow #karenread

View the entire Karen Read playlist here:

00:00 Welcome
00:46 Intro
01:57 Jury Note - Unable to reach Verdict
17:56 Q&A
22:06 Tuey-Rodriguez Instructions
26:47 Q&A
31:20 Tuey-Rodriguez Instructions
33:05 Q&A
34:25 Alternate Tuey-Rodriguez Instructions
38:06 Q&A
44:07 Tuey-Rodriguez Instructions Notes
47:34 Q&A
54:40 Tuey-Rodriguez Instructions Notes
58:00 Judge Instructions To Jury
1:02:43 Q&A
1:43:12 Live - Jurors Note To Keep Working
1:44:20 Q&A
2:19:25 Live - Jurors Going Home For The Day
2:21:02 Q&A
2:24:17 Conclusion

🔴 Do you or someone you know need to speak to a real lawyer about a personal injury or wrongful death case? Please reach out to our firm and we will make sure to answer your questions or find someone who can. Our consultations are always free and confidential. You can call our firm at (727) 441-9030 or email us at

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5 Views · 3 months ago

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5 Views · 3 months ago

Der Abgeordnete Peter Russo (Corey Stoll) hat nach einem verpatzten Interview alle Chancen auf das Gouverneursamt von Pennsylvania verspielt. Als er im Suff androht, über Francis Underwoods (Kevin Spacey) Machenschaften auszupacken, muss Francis zu drastischen Mitteln greifen.

5 Views · 3 months ago

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Today’s Freaky Friday episode tells the brave story of Rob Parkes, who survived years of lies, deceptions, and domestic abuse from his ex-wife, labeled the 'Black Widow' by the media. But her real name is Victoria Breeden.

Their relationship began at university in 1999, and almost immediately, Victoria started controlling Rob. He had to act a certain way, be "enough of a man" for her, and she kept him away from his friends and a normal life.

After university, they got married and had a daughter together. This meant Victoria was no longer the sole focus of his attention, and she hated that. Her coercion and abuse intensified until, four years into their marriage, Rob couldn’t take it anymore.

In April 2008, they finally separated, and Rob tried to move on with his life. But Victoria had other plans, and a long, terrifying custody battle began. Rob faced not only the fight for his daughter but also the chilling lengths Victoria went to maintain control.

Over the years, she spread horrific and vile lies about Rob, convincing everyone he was dangerous. It's why, she claimed, he had to die...

Victoria seduced six different men to kill him. She even orchestrated a shocking arson attack at his family home in the dead of night. But it wasn't until she tried to hire someone to make Rob disappear for good that her web of lies finally began to unravel.

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Special thanks to my wonderful team of researchers, editors & managers!

Disclaimer: I mean no disrespect to anyone that I talk about in this video. Everything in this video is publicly available information that myself and my team have found and compiled into one piece. This video will cover especially sensitive topics, viewer discretion is advised.While we make every effort to fact-check our sources and make sure all our information is correct - no action should be taken in reliance upon the information in this video. Please keep the comments respectful and kind. All opinions in this video are mine alone.

Thank you for watching!! Xx

5 Views · 3 months ago

Desbloquea TODOS LOS 7 CHAKRAS • Limpieza del aura • Equilibrio y curación de los chakras • Frecuencia de DIOS de 999 Hz

**Desbloqueando el poder interior: desbloquea los 7 chakras con la frecuencia de Dios de 999 Hz**

En el intrincado tapiz de la energía espiritual, los chakras sirven como centros vitales de poder y gobiernan diversos aspectos de nuestro bienestar físico, emocional y espiritual. Cuando estos centros de energía se bloquean o se desequilibran, puede provocar una serie de dolencias físicas, trastornos emocionales y estancamiento espiritual. Sin embargo, con el poder transformador de la Frecuencia de Dios de 999 Hz, puedes desbloquear todo el potencial de tus chakras, limpiar tu aura y restaurar el equilibrio y la armonía en todo tu ser. Profundicemos en el profundo significado de desbloquear los siete chakras y las propiedades curativas de la frecuencia divina de 999 Hz.

**Entendiendo los chakras**

Los chakras son siete centros de energía ubicados a lo largo de la columna, cada uno de los cuales corresponde a diferentes aspectos de nuestro ser:

1. **Chakra raíz (Muladhara):** Representa nuestra base, conexión a tierra y sensación de seguridad.
2. **Chakra Sacro (Swadhisthana):** Gobierna nuestras emociones, creatividad y sexualidad.
3. **Chakra del Plexo Solar (Manipura):** Controla nuestro poder personal, confianza y autoestima.
4. **Chakra del Corazón (Anahata):** Guía nuestra capacidad de amor, compasión y perdón.
5. **Chakra de la garganta (Vishuddha):** Influye en nuestra comunicación, autoexpresión y verdad.
6. **Chakra del tercer ojo (Ajna):** Mejora nuestra intuición, percepción y percepción espiritual.
7. **Chakra de la Corona (Sahasrara):** Nos conecta con la conciencia divina, universal y la sabiduría superior.

**El poder de la frecuencia de Dios de 999 Hz**

A 999 Hz, la Frecuencia de Dios resuena con las vibraciones más elevadas de conciencia espiritual, amor divino y sabiduría universal. Sirve como un potente catalizador para desbloquear y equilibrar los chakras, limpiar el aura y facilitar una curación profunda en todos los niveles de nuestro ser.

**Desbloqueando los siete chakras**

Al sumergirte en las vibraciones curativas de la Frecuencia de Dios de 999 Hz, puedes desbloquear y equilibrar los siete chakras, restaurando el libre flujo de energía en todo tu sistema. A medida que la frecuencia divina penetra en cada chakra, disuelve los bloqueos energéticos, libera energía estancada y armoniza el flujo de energía vital (prana) dentro de ti.

**Limpieza del Aura y Equilibrio de los Chakras**

Además de desbloquear los chakras, la Frecuencia de Dios de 999 Hz también limpia y purifica tu aura, el campo de energía sutil que rodea e impregna tu cuerpo físico. Al bañar tu aura en las vibraciones divinas de esta frecuencia sagrada, puedes eliminar cualquier energía negativa o estancada, creando un escudo protector de luz y amor a tu alrededor.

**Sanación y Transformación**

A medida que te alineas con la Frecuencia de Dios de 999 Hz y desbloqueas los siete chakras, te abres a una profunda sanación y transformación en todos los niveles: físico, emocional, mental y espiritual. Puede experimentar una sensación de profunda relajación, paz interior y profundo rejuvenecimiento a medida que la energía divina fluye a través de usted, restaurando el equilibrio, la armonía y la vitalidad de todo su ser.

**Abraza lo Divino**

Desbloquear los siete chakras con la Frecuencia de Dios de 999 Hz es un viaje transformador de autodescubrimiento, curación y despertar espiritual. Al abrazar el poder de esta frecuencia sagrada, puedes desbloquear todo el potencial de tus chakras, limpiar tu aura y alinearte con la sabiduría y el amor divinos que residen dentro de ti. Confía en el poder curativo de la Frecuencia de Dios de 999 Hz y permite que sus suaves vibraciones te guíen hacia un mayor equilibrio, armonía y plenitud en cada aspecto de tu vida.

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