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2 Views · 6 months ago

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2 Views · 6 months ago

2 Views · 6 months ago

Jo goal

2 Views · 6 months ago

Официальная версия произошедшего 13 октября 2005 года звучит ниже- неофициальную видно на видео.<br>13 октября 2005 года в Нальчик вошли отряды боевиков, которые осуществили нападение на все силовые структуры города. Около 9 часов утра нападению подверглись аэропорт, погранотряд, военный комиссариат, здания ФСБ, МВД и федеральной службы исполнения наказаний (ФСИН) . Кроме того, боевики атаковали охотничий магазин Арсенал в центре города, магазин Сувениры и три городских ОВД. Взорвана одна из базовых станций мобильной связи сети Мегафон.<br>Хронология<br>Около 9 часов утра нападению подверглись восемь объектов: аэропорт, военкомат, базирующийся в Нальчике погранотряд, здания УФСБ, ФСИН, полка ППС, здания ОМОНа и Центра Т МВД. Кроме того, боевики напали на охотничий магазин Арсенал в центре города и магазин Сувениры. Нападению также подверглись 3 городских ОВД.<br>Боевикам не удалось проникнуть на территорию аэропорта, бойцам погранотряда также удалось отбить атаку боевиков, прибывших на двух пассажирских автобусах. У первого ОВД в районе Горной милиционерам удалось оттеснить боевиков. Возле второго ОВД, расположенного в центре города, перестрелка еще продолжается, но уже не столь интенсивно. Боевики одновременно нанесли удары по зданиям ОВД №1, ОВД №2, ОВД №3. Городской транспорт в Нальчике прекратил работу, связь работала с перебоями. До полудня в Нальчике продолжались спорадические бои. Район Горный и курортная часть Нальчика, а также селение Белая Речка примыкают к горному массиву, покрытому густым лесом, куда могут уйти боевики.<br>В 13.20 Президент КБР Арсен Каноков сообщил радиостанции Эхо Москвы, что несколько боевиков удалось захватить живыми. По его словам, все з захваченные боевики являются членами джамаата Ярмук.<br>В 13.45 попытку захвата боевиками здания ФСБ в Нальчике удалось отбить, сообщило Эхо Москвы со ссылкой на источник в ФСБ. По его словам, здание захвачено не было. Рядом со зданием работает снайпер, который убил одного сотрудника ФСБ и ранил еще четверых. Все сотрудники в настоящее время участвуют в поиске и преследовании боевиков. Здания республиканских ФСБ и МВД серьезно пострадали, передает радиостанция. Там начался пожар.<br>В 14.30 сайт сепаратистов Кавказ-центр сообщил, что на столицу Кабардино-Балкарии напали подразделения Кавказского Фронта, одним из ударных отрядов которого является действующий в Кабардино-Балкарии джамаат Ярмук. Милиционерам, находившимся в заблокированном боевиками здании третьего ОВД Нальчика, удалось освободиться.

2 Views · 6 months ago

It is authorized to spread only to portals: and !

2 Views · 6 months ago

Euro 2008 Russia

2 Views · 6 months ago

Origins of the Caucasians, Caucasus region and Rasicm.

2 Views · 6 months ago

A documentary about the history of Circassian in Kabarday language
Cerkezlerin tarihi belgeseli-Kabardeyce
Die Geschichte der Tscherkessen auf Kabardinisch

2 Views · 6 months ago

See the history of the Caucasus - the home of the greatest empires ; the place where civilizations were born and fell... - from 1000 BCE straight until the present day (2019).

This video introduces, as you see, presents to you a new kind of upgrated style by using flags next to the countries, so tell me if you liked this new style or if you prefered the previous one.

Anyway, enjoy the new video !

--------------- Musics -----------------------

Folk Round
Hero Down
Lord of the Land
In the Hall of Mountain King

All are from Kevin Macleod

2 Views · 6 months ago

Majdoline Habjoqa Hilmi speaks about Circassian customs in Kabardian.

2 Views · 6 months ago

Kabardey dilinde cerkes tarihi, Geschichte von Tscherkessen in Kabardinischer Sprache Producer: Askarbi Naghaplev Aminat, Maykop 2007 Thanks to Janbolat from NJ
Circassian Community Network

2 Views · 6 months ago

Kabardey dilinde cerkes tarihi, Geschichte von Tscherkessen in Kabardinischer Sprache Producer: Askarbi Naghaplev Aminat, Maykop 2007 Thanks to Janbolat from NJ
Circassian Community Network

2 Views · 6 months ago

The alleged Circassian genocide ostensibly happened during the Russo-Circassian War, conducted in Circassia (present day Russia's Krasnodar Krai, republics of Adygea and Karachay-Cherkessia), the northwestern part of the Caucasus. The war ended in 1864 with annexation of these lands to the Russian Empire. During the 1860s much of the Circassian population was expelled from their lands. Historians site figures as large as 500,000 and greater. A large fraction of them died in transit.This expulsion and other actions of the Russian military has given rise to a movement for international recognition of the alleged genocide.

2 Views · 6 months ago

Continue Part 2 of CaucasTalk Podcast interview with Suhein Beck, a Circassian born in Syria. Follow her story as she launched her grandfather's medical formula into a skincare company, ELAJ into the global market.

This podcast is set among beautiful pictures and clips of the North Caucasus, the hidden treasure of the Euro-Asian Steppes that has been the home of the ancient civilization of Circassians - the Adighe People. Whether it's called Kavkaz, Cherkassia, Circassia or the North Caucasus, it is our land and we fought over 100 years until the final day that we still commemorate as May 21, 1864. It was then we were exiled after a long-standing genocide killed over 1 million of our ancestors. This episode talks about those of us that were exiled from our homeland.

To hear more about Circassians and this untapped mountain paradise listen to

To visit the North Caucasus, contact

To learn more about ELAJ skincare,

To book Suhein Beck for speaking engagements,


2 Views · 6 months ago

May21 1864,

We Remember the Day Russians! and we will never forget untill we will get our land back, or we will die trying.

2 Views · 6 months ago

May21 1864,

We Remember the Day Russians! and we will never forget untill we will get our land back, or we will die trying.

2 Views · 6 months ago

Ойся ты ойся, Cossack & Caucaus Sword Dance, Kafkas Kılıç Dansı, Oysya, you oysya,
Oysya ty oysya ,
Caucaus劍舞 ⭐️ Miekkatanssi ⭐️ Danse de l'épée ⭐️ तलवार के साथ नृत्य
⭐️ Χορός σπαθί του καυκάσου ⭐️ Dansul sabiei ⭐️ Kard tánc ⭐️ ソードダンス
⭐️ Danza della Spada Caucaus ⭐️ Сэлэм бүжиг ⭐️ رقصة السيف ⭐️ Χορός σπαθιού
⭐️ריקוד חרב של קוקאוס ⭐️ Danza de la espada de Caucaus

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👉GreyWolf, Türk Dostu, Bozkurt

👉Turkic Tuvan Throat Singing by Alash with BeatBox

2 Views · 6 months ago

Си Шапсыгъэ хэгъэгу (Si Shapsuge Khegegu) sung by Ali Allalo and authored by Hasan Allalo and Asker Naguchev. | Шапсугия моя в исполнении Алия Аллало и авторами Хасаном Аллало и Аскером Нагучевым.

Thanks for watching this video, it is greatly appreciated as I put time and effort into making them. If you enjoyed this video, feel free to give it a like, and if you want more videos like this, feel free to subscribe to this channel as you wish.

Tags: caucasus, kavkaz, folkmusic, pop music, traditionalmusic, circassia, Аdygea, кавказскиепесни, черкесская песня, черкесский танец, адыгэ, Адыгея, Кабардино Балкария, kavkaz music, адыгские песни

Lyrics Source: LyricsTranslate

2 Views · 6 months ago

For any questions or concerns, please contact Geopolitical TV by email or visit for more content.

2 Views · 6 months ago

Download & Stream:
Official stream from Shapes of Rhythm. Distributed by Kudos Records.
More music playlists:
#ShapesofRhythm #ElectronicaDance #BeatsampBreaks
Album: Ozan [ALBUM]
Track: 15 of 21
Title: Circassian
Artist: Enver Göyken
Label: Shapes of Rhythm
Cat#: SOR021
Formats: Cassette/Digital
Digital Release: 30th September 2022
Physical Release: 30th September 2022

About This Release:

BodyMoves returns under the moniker Enver Goyken for his second full length beat tape on London-based label Shapes of Rhythm. Ozan (meaning travelling wise poet in Turkish) is a 21-track exploration of the Turkish side of his heritage, and the alias which is his birth name. Enver's biological dad was from Istanbul, and unfortunately the beat-maker didn't have a relationship with him for most of his life. When he died in 2016, BodyMoves was advised to use his passion for music to explore Turkiye and its culture as part of the grieving process, and to better understand that part of who he is.
"Amongst other things, my biological dad was a musician who first played a part in Turkish rock n roll history, and then as a producer who pioneered modern studio set ups in Turkey, so perhaps I was always going to be obsessed by music myself"
"As a beat maker, my dive into Turkish music inevitably led to identifying samples in the music I was digging into, and although it's been quite a long process, it has resulted in this beat tape project coming together."
Alongside digging into the musical side of Turkiye's culture, it also presented an opportunity to explore thousands of years of history as the bridge between East and West. It's for this reason that the tracklisting reads like a history lesson, referencing famous people and places across time, from archaeological sites and ancient statues to empires, Sultans, armies and tribes of people.
The music on Ozan is loosely framed around hip hop but is unrestricted by tempo. Using his trusty SP404 (championed by people like Ras G and Madlib), and a stack of records and historical references these are raw, raw beats and grooves. The departure from 2017's Cariño beat tape is that here there is a much more global approach to the sound sources. The opener Göbekli Tepe welcomes you in with an introductory stringed instrument fanfare before a whirlwind of polyrhythms move around a swinging, unquantised beat.
Urfa Man quickens the tempo with hand percussion samples and urgent vocal chants and calls, whilst a bassline moves nimbly around joined by a lush Rhodes line. Achaemenid is a lower affair, underpinned by a repetitive dusty piano sample and clacking wooden percussion. In classic BodyMoves style the duration is short but the ideas within it are many. Constantine I is all woozy sub bass and neck-snapping snares, whilst a hypnotic set of hand drums work their way through your brain. Sasanian is a complete assault on the senses with its swirling effects and minimal percussion.
Byzantium is the beat tape's longest and possibly grooviest track, led by a bassline and a reflective keyboard sequence. İznik is another track underpinned by Rhodes and punctuated by an urgent, looped up vocal hook.

Staying true to beat tape tradition Ozan is released on limited white cassette (and digital) with extensive contextual and historic liner notes plus map. Limited to 75 copies.

Reviews for This Release:

"This is awesome" - Tom Ravenscroft (BBC 6 Music)

"Lots of great stuff on here" - West Norwood Cassette Library (Repeater Radio)

"Ace!" - Lloyd Briggs (Deeep Space - PBS106.7fm)

"What a beattape!?!?! It flows like a champ, and I'm not just saying that cause I'm Turkish." - Kerem Gokmen (Dubmission Radioshow (WYEP Pittsburgh))

"Really enjoying the music and excited to delve into the album further. I love the exploration of heritage/identity through music, so really cool to hear your journey" - Jamz Supernova (BBC 6 Music/1Xtra/Radio 1)

Showing 129 out of 130