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muhteşem çerkes dansı, mükemmel çerkes dansı, çerkes düğün videoları, çerkes videoları, çerkez düğünleri, çerkez dansı, adige kafe, adige qafe, circassian qafa, adiga qafa çerkes dansı muhteşem çerkes dansı çerkez düğünleri çerkes düğünleri adige düğünleri nachik adige cegu Черкесская свадьба Супер Адыгэ джэгу circassian dance circassian wedding adıge cegu çerkezler çerkesler dünyanın en güzel düğünü dünyanın en güzel şarkıları Нальчик Майкопе краснодар сочи circassia cherkessia Туапсинского cherkes Черкесск черкесский çerkez düğünü böyle olur circassian dance çerkes düğünü circassian wedding çerkez düğünü adige ceug adıge cegu şeşen щэщэн лъэпэрисэ Адыгэ джэгу Черкесская свадьба زفاف شركسي Չերքեզի հարսանիքը Çərkəz toyu Circassianische Hochzeit ჩერქეზული ქორწილი Черкеська весілля ჩრდილოკავკასიელი კავკასიის kafkas düğünleri adige khafe Matrimonio circasso süper dans show Κυκασιανός γάμος Καυκάσιοι γάμο dance taki taki dance afro танец Tanz رقص valle rəqs dantza danza ריקוד պարել 舞蹈 舞蹈 dança плес नृत्य tanec χορός sayaw 댄스 ples би танц danza tari رقص नृत्य Nr̥tya tánc qoob ka ダンス бий адыгэ джэгу, адыгэ джэгу свадьба, адыгэ джэгу лъапэрисэ, адыгэ джэгу 2018, адыгэ джэгу адыгейск, адыгэ, адыгэ уэрэд, адыгэ къафэ, къафэ, черкес, адыгея, шэшэн, адыгэ къашъо, черкесия ансамбль, черкесия песня
This is purely humor don't get offended part 2
NART TV is the first Circassian satellite television channel
National Adiga Radio & Television
Черкесы ‒ один из самых одарённых в музыке народов мира. Я очень люблю, когда они поют свои народные песни. Когда я слышу черкесскую музыку и черкесские песни, моя душа начинает петь и танцевать. Порой мне кажется, что в прошлой жизни я был черкесом. И именно поэтому я обожаю черкесскую музыку. Черкесы, проживающие в Турции, скорее всего, подвергнут меня критике. Они скажут мне: «Не говори глупости! Если ты абхаз, то ты уже черкес». Я думаю, что они правы. Есть же абхазы, абазины, черкесы… Есть и абхазо-адыгская языковая группа. Если абхазы ‒ это абхазы, а черкесы – это черкесы, то как одним общим названием именовать абхазо-адыгов? Абхазами? Нет! Черкесами?
Как бы там ни было, мы – братские народы с единым корнем происхождения. А моя мать ‒ абхазского убыхского происхождения. Её бабушка из фамилии Атрышба также являлась абхазкой из убыхского рода. Мне посчастливилось побывать недавно в Турции. В настоящее время я нахожусь в Абхазии. Но здесь находится только моё тело. Моя душа до сих находится в Турции, в Стамбуле, в отеле Cevahir.
Моя поездка в Турцию на пять дней состоялась благодаря Макланде Квициниа и Алпаю Куаш, которым я безгранично благодарен. Перед поездкой я обратился в правительство Абхазии за финансовой поддержкой, но мне в поддержке отказали. Мы знали, что черкесы в Турции не дадут нам тратить свои деньги. Но мы хотели повезти им подарки из Абхазии. Не получилось. Международный проект «Кавказ – наш общий дом», который я возглавляю более 20 лет, нынешним властям Абхазии совсем не нужен. Это всё, что нужно знать вам о так называемой северокавказской политике правительства Абхазии.
Я безгранично благодарен истинному патриоту Абхазии, достойному сыну своего отца, владетелю гостиницы «Райда» (город Гагра) Рафаэлю Бениа за деньги, выделенные мне в день отлёта в Турцию. Он единственный абхаз, который оказывает мне моральную и материальную поддержку. Рафаэль Бениа неоднократно принимал в своём отеле почётных и влиятельных гостей из братских республик Северного Кавказа. Приём был, естественно, бесплатным, братским. Благодаря Рафаэлю Бениа я укрепил связи и контакты с некоторыми братскими народами. Без него я не смог бы этого добиться. Спасибо!!!
На этой видеозаписи вы видите фрагмент репетиции черкесских певцов в городе Стамбуле, на третьем этаже гостиницы «Майкоп». Посмотрите, как они поют душой. Как они любят свой народ, свой родной язык и родную культуру. Если этот мир кто-нибудь спасёт, то это сделают музыканты. Я верю в них и желаю им Счастья!
The Circassians are one of the most gifted peoples in the world in music. I really love when they sing their folk songs. When I hear Circassian music and Circassian songs, my soul begins to sing and dance. Sometimes it seems to me that in a past life I was a Circassian. And that is why I adore Circassian music. Circassians living in Turkey are likely to criticize me. They will tell me: “Don't talk nonsense! If you are an Abkhaz, then you are already a Circassian.” I think they are right. There are Abkhazians, Abaza, Circassians ... There is also an Abkhaz-Adyghe language group. If Abkhazians are Abkhazians, and Circassians are Circassians, then how can the Abkhaz-Adyghes be called by one common name? Abkhazians? Not! Circassians?
Be that as it may, we are fraternal peoples with a single root of origin. And my mother is of Abkhaz Ubykh origin. Her grandmother from the surname Atryshba was also an Abkhaz from the Ubykh family. I was lucky to visit Turkey recently. I am currently in Abkhazia. But here is only my body. My soul is still in Turkey, in Istanbul, at the Cevahir Hotel.
My trip to Turkey for five days was made possible thanks to Maklanda Kvitsinia and Alpay Kuash, to whom I am infinitely grateful. Before the trip, I applied to the government of Abkhazia for financial support, but they refused me support. We knew that the Circassians in Turkey would not let us spend our money. But we wanted to bring them gifts from Abkhazia. Did not work out. The international project "The Caucasus is our common home", which I have been heading for over 20 years, is not needed by the current authorities of Abkhazia. That's all you need to know about the so-called North Caucasian policy of the government of Abkhazia.
I am infinitely grateful to the true patriot of Abkhazia, the worthy son of his father, the owner of the Raida Hotel (Gagra city) Rafael Benia for the money allocated to me on the day of departure to Turkey. He is the only Abkhaz who gives me moral and material support. Rafael Benia has repeatedly received honorable and influential guests from the fraternal republics of the North Caucasus in his hotel. The reception was, of course, free, fraternal. Thanks to Rafael Benia, I have strengthened ties and contacts with some fraternal peoples. Without him, I would not have been able to achieve this. Thank you!!!
muhteşem çerkes dansı, mükemmel çerkes dansı, çerkes düğün videoları, çerkes videoları, çerkez düğünleri, çerkez dansı, adige kafe, adige qafe, circassian qafa, adiga qafa çerkes dansı muhteşem çerkes dansı çerkez düğünleri çerkes düğünleri adige düğünleri nachik adige cegu Черкесская свадьба Супер Адыгэ джэгу circassian dance circassian wedding adıge cegu çerkezler çerkesler dünyanın en güzel düğünü dünyanın en güzel şarkıları Нальчик Майкопе краснодар сочи circassia cherkessia Туапсинского cherkes Черкесск черкесский çerkez düğünü böyle olur circassian dance çerkes düğünü circassian wedding çerkez düğünü adige ceug adıge cegu şeşen щэщэн лъэпэрисэ Адыгэ джэгу Черкесская свадьба زفاف شركسي Չերքեզի հարսանիքը Çərkəz toyu Circassianische Hochzeit ჩერქეზული ქორწილი Черкеська весілля ჩრდილოკავკასიელი კავკასიის kafkas düğünleri adige khafe Matrimonio circasso süper dans show Κυκασιανός γάμος Καυκάσιοι γάμο dance taki taki dance afro танец Tanz رقص valle rəqs dantza danza ריקוד պարել 舞蹈 舞蹈 dança плес नृत्य tanec χορός sayaw 댄스 ples би танц danza tari رقص नृत्य Nr̥tya tánc qoob ka ダンス бий адыгэ джэгу, адыгэ джэгу свадьба, адыгэ джэгу лъапэрисэ, адыгэ джэгу 2018, адыгэ джэгу адыгейск, адыгэ, адыгэ уэрэд, адыгэ къафэ, къафэ, черкес, адыгея, шэшэн, адыгэ къашъо, черкесия ансамбль, черкесия песня
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Channel "Circassians of Adygea" is dedicated to Adyghes (Circassians), if you Adyg (Circassians) do not forget to subscribe to the channel, there will be a lot of interesting video!
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Nik Sharma shares one of his favorite recipes: Egyptian-British cookbook author Claudia Roden’s recipe for classic Çerkez Tavuğu, aka Circassian Chicken. "It’s one of the creamiest, most comforting chicken dishes you’ll ever taste," Nik writes. "Most importantly, it relies on a very unassuming trick to thicken the sauce—nuts." SUBSCRIBE TO FOOD52 ►►
Serves: 4
Prep time: 20 min
Cook time: 1 hrs 15 min
1 large roasting chicken (about 4 pounds)
2 large onions, quartered
2 stalks celery
Salt and black pepper
1 cup shelled nuts (walnuts, almonds, or hazelnuts, or a mixture)
1 cup fine dry white bread crumbs (optional)
2 tablespoons oil
1 teaspoon paprika
3 cups long-grain rice
2 1/2 tablespoons butter
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As a one-stop shop for joyful living, Food52 connects discerning home cooks with the interests they're passionate about via award-winning food and lifestyle content across platforms. We provide our audience with the recipes and solutions they crave to eat thoughtfully, live joyfully, entertain beautifully, and travel differently.
(20 Aug 2012) LEAD-IN:
The fighting in Syria is spilling out across the Middle East as refugees flee.
People from one ethnic group, the Circassians are escaping to Russia to find their long lost ancestors in the North Caucasus.
In the 1860s they fled to Syria to escape fighting in their ancestral homeland, and now they are trying to return.
Rim Kray is a refugee from Aleppo in Syria, and now she resides in this small, cramped room with her two sons.
She is living in a single room in a sanatorium in Nalchik in Russia's Caucasus region.
The refugee from Aleppo says she was worried for her two sons' safety, so the family left Syria for Russia.
"We were afraid of bombings and armed people who were attacking. So because of the kids we had to leave everything we had there and go away," she says.
In the 1860s many Circassians such as Kray's ancestors fled Russia.
The Circassians fiercely resisted the Russian czarist conquest that ended in the 1860s after decades of scorched-earth warfare, mass killings or expulsions that some historians and politicians consider genocide.
Now, hundreds of Circassians are fleeing war-torn Syria for this remote Russian region of soaring peaks and lush forests.
In the coming months, thousands more are expected to arrive in Kabardino-Balkariya, a Caucasus province the size of Maryland with a population of less than 900,000, two-thirds of which is ethnic Circassian.
Circassians were widely dispersed in the Russian expulsions.
An estimated 2 million live in Turkey, another 100,000 in Syria and other sizable populations are in Jordan and the United States. But their sense of ethnic unity remains strong and the pull of their homeland compelling.
The region they have come back to is afflicted by violence, too. The Caucasus republics are plagued by an Islamic insurgency that spread from Chechnya's separatist wars.
A brazen 2005 raid of Islamists on Nalchik left 130 people dead, and Kabardino-Balkariya still experiences occasional small clashes.
Despite the violence, Circassians say they feel comfortable in their ancestral homeland.
But the refugees arriving say the economic prospects in the area are greater than in the Middle East.
Natai al-Sharkas, a 35-year-old Syrian refugee from Damascus says some of the conflict in the Caucasus are similar to the Middle East.
Al Sharkas's great-grandfather Koushoukou, his brother and two cousins were forcibly drafted and sent to the Russian-Turkish war of the late 1870s.
They had to fight Ottoman Turks - fellow Muslims whose sultans supported Circassian resistance and provided refuge for hundreds of thousands of Circassians. After killing his officer in Bulgaria, Koushoukou joined the Turkish military and ended his life in Damascus - part of Ottoman Turkey at the time.
Al Sharkas, which means Circassian in Arabic, used a network of family connections, along with Facebook, to find relatives in Kabardino-Balkariya and other parts of Russia.
He encourages his Syrian relatives to follow him to the Caucasus, although now, because of the fighting, it hardly seems possible.
"It's the same situation in the Middle East, you know, you always have problems almost everywhere, such kind of problems. If it's not some Islamic insurgency, so it will be mafia and criminal activities. So, everywhere in the world you have this situation. The major problem is the economical problem, I believe, and here, I think that Caucasus has the huge opportunity to be developed and to be a very developed area," says al-Sharkas.
Without residence and work permits, they will have to leave the country when their visas expire.
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14. Yalova Uluslararası Kafkas Dans ve Müzik Festivali kortejle başladıYALOVA'da bu yıl 14'üncüsü yapılan Uluslararası Kafkas Dans ve Müzik Festivali, Gazipaşa Caddesi'nde düzenlenen kortejle başladı. <br>14. Yalova Uluslararası Kafkas Dans ve Müzik Festivali kortejle başladı<br><br>YALOVA'da bu yıl 14'üncüsü yapılan Uluslararası Kafkas Dans ve Müzik Festivali, Gazipaşa Caddesi'nde düzenlenen kortejle başladı. Kortej sırasında konuk ekiplerin gösterileri ise büyük ilgi topladı.<br><br>Yalova Kuzey Kafkas Derneği'nin organizasyonuyla gerçekleşen ve Yalova'dan Kafkas Dans ekibinin yer aldığı kortejde Kuzey Osetya'dan Bars, Kabardey Balkar'dan Kabardinka, Dağıstan'dan Dağıstan Kartalları, Adigey'den Zori Maykop, Karaçay Çerkes'den Elbrus isimli folklor ekipleri yer aldı. Festivalin korteji Deprem Anıtı'ndan başlayarak Gazipaşa Caddesi boyunca sürdü. Vatandaşlar festivale katılan ekiplere ilgi göstererek sık sık alkışladılar.<br><br>14. Haber</a><br /><br />
Yalova Kuzey Kafkas Derneğinin bu yıl 14'üncüsünü düzenlediği Yalova Uluslararası Kafkas Dans ve Müzik Festivali kortej yürüyüşüyle başladı. <br><br><br>Gazipaşa Caddesi'ndeki korteje Türkiye'den KafDans, Kuzey Osetya'dan Bars, Kabardey Balkar'dan Kabardinka, Dağıstan'dan Dağıstan Kartalları, Adigey'den Zori Maykop, Karaçay Çerkes'den Elbrus adlı ekipler katıldı.<br><br>Ekiplerin gösterilerini vatandaşlar ilgiyle izledi.<br><br>Festival, 28 Temmuz Cuma günü Barış Manço Açık Amfi Tiyatrosunda düzenlenecek galayla sona erecek. Haber</a><br /><br />
Konstantín Alexeyevich Vasilyev (Russian: Константи́н Алексе́евич Васи́льев); born September 3, 1942, in Maykop, died in 1976) was a Russian painter, who left more than 400 paintings and drawings. His range of works included portraits, landscapes, realistic compositions, Russian epics, mythology and battle-paintings...
The Russian city of Maykop got its first planetarium, a small, domed building dedicated to our solar system. It's all the the work of one man, 73 year-old stargazer and space-fanatic Victor Matushin, who planned the building and financed the construction all by himself. Victor combined his passion for all things celestial with his Orthodox Christian religion and deep faith in God, which gave him the motivation to start the project and see it through to the end after nearly two decades.
Maykop Music Festival 2008 / Republic of Adigey
Janurary 2007 - Nalmes 70th year concert
Russian traffic police discovered an unusual passenger when they pulled over a car for speeding in in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic last weekend. The police officers stopped the car as its driver hastily raced down the road over the speed limit. The two passengers were attempting to hide a cow in the back seat and police soon discovered that the men had stolen the cow from a farm nearby. The cow is now with its owner and the thieves will face charges.<br />
Occurred on June 8, 2020 / Maykop, Adygea Republic, Russia<br /><br />Info from Licensor: "Shepherd is balancing with a stick."
Circassian Dance
bandırmadakı gosterilerden bir bölüm budaa bykn dan sizlere....
Çerkes Dans Gösterileri
Demirkapı dan ilkerin düğününden görüntüler
eski toprak oynuyo..
Maykop Music Festival 2008 / Republic of Adigey
Çerkes Dans Gösterileri
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