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1 Views · 2 months ago

the best old song

1 Views · 6 months ago

تعرف على المجموعات العرقية والثقافية التي تساهم في جمال الأردن وبنيته الاجتماعية
An introduction to the ethnic and cultural diversity of Jordan and the people who contribute to its community.

Try this Recipe: Luqum
•2 cups warm milk
•2 cups cold milk
•1 large stick of butter (softened, room temperature)
•2 kilograms AP flour
•1 tablespoon yeast
•3 eggs
•2 1/2 cups sugar
•1/4 teaspoon baking soda

•Mix the eggs with the cold milk. And the butter with the warm milk.
•Melt the sugar in the warm milk.
•Add a little bit of sugar to 1/2 cup water with the yeast.
•Mix the two mixtures of milk well together then add the yeast to it.
•Gradually add the flour to the mixture.
•Leave dough to rest for half an hour and then another half an hour in the fridge.
•Shape dough into 6cmx15cm rectangles and fry in hot oil.

1 Views · 6 months ago

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1 Views · 6 months ago

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1 Views · 6 months ago

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1 Views · 6 months ago

Download Link: <br />Alternate Download: <br />FRANCE USA CANADA AUSTRALIA EUROPE

1 Views · 6 months ago

1998, Nalchik, Nord Caucase, Russie. <br />Ilana, 24 ans, travaille dans le garage de son père pour l'aider à joindre les deux bouts. <br />Un soir, la famille et les amis se réunissent pour célébrer les fiançailles de son jeune frère David. <br />Dans la nuit, David et sa fiancée sont kidnappés et une rançon réclamée. <br />Au sein de cette communauté juive repliée sur elle-même, appeler la police est exclu. <br />Comment faire pour réunir la somme nécessaire et sauver David ? <br />Ilana et ses parents, chacun à leur façon, iront au bout de leur choix, au risque de bouleverser l'équilibre familial.

1 Views · 5 months ago

Circassian History in 13 minutes. Part One.

1 Views · 5 months ago

Genç Çerkesler Çerkes sürgünü üzerine konuşuyor.

1 Views · 5 months ago

1 Views · 5 months ago

Welcome to our Folk Music Indie channel. Our mission is to introduce and popularize folk music to the world without profit. You can help us by sharing this video with your friends. luv yall.

Music by: The 100
Picture in the video by: Circassian Repatriation Organization

1 Views · 5 months ago

5 Kişiden Oluşan 64 Takım , Rekabet Yetenek Strateji ve Circassians Sunar...

1 Views · 4 months ago

#Nalchik #Нальчик #КБР

1 Views · 3 months ago

Adyghe hart tale performed by soloist with choir.
(Song and image from
Surveying the music of the Caucasus,

1 Views · 3 months ago


1 Views · 3 months ago

vocal Timur Pshigosh
guitar Alim Nastaev
bass Anzor Shora
keyboard Rafael Boziev
drums Zaur Marshenkul
back vocal Asiyat Pshigosh
times-square band 1999

1 Views · 1 year ago

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