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2 Views · 9 months ago

2 Views · 9 months ago

Russia is a great place to raise a child. Especially Beslan 2004



Tik Tok:




Song name:
'Αllаhu Αkbаr!' - Chechen War Song
hell march red alert 2
putin walking meme kazoo

#history #russia #russian #memes #school

2 Views · 9 months ago

adige circassian cerkes

2 Views · 9 months ago

Everything in the video is for "HUMOR" and is not my personal opinion.

2 Views · 9 months ago

Circassians created elegies and sang about every single aspect of life. About heroes, warriors, legends, nature, suffering, etc. As it’s also already clear from the two previous posts.

The word for “Elegy” in Circassian is “Ghibze” which literally translates to “language of crying”. Minstrels would engage in the practice of lamenting through elegies that resounded with tales of sorrow, history, and culture specific to the Circassian people.

This specific Ghibze is about Murat Wezi, against Russian despotism. Written by the great Circassian poet and bard Bechmirze Pasch’e (1859-1936), it relates the heroic story of Murat Wezi (real first name “Toqw”; born in 1858 in the village of Qaledes, near Georgiyevsk in the north of Kabarda, now in the Stavropol Krai), the intrepid Circassian abrek (абрздж; abrej; protector of the weak and poor), and his struggle against tyranny in the period of Tsarist Russia’s occupation of Circassia. He managed to escape many times from the clutches of the Tsarist invaders, despite perfidious tip-offs. One account tells of his emigration to Turkey, where he lived until his death. Another version has him exiled to Siberia, whence he never comes back.

- I know it’s not the best translation, but did anything to translate it as accurate as possible.

- Gwmqale (Пумкьалз) is a town (nowadays called “Georgievsk”) situated on the Kuma River (Tyм in Circassian) in (Greater) Kabarda to the northeast of Bgiytxw (6гитxy; Pyatigorsk).

(Resources gathered from the works of the late Amjad Jaimoukha)

Черкесы создавали элегии и пели о каждом аспекте жизни. О героях, воинах, легендах, природе, страданиях и т.д. Как это также уже ясно из двух предыдущих постов.

Слово, обозначающее “элегию” по-черкесски, - “Гибзе”, что буквально переводится как “язык плача”. Менестрели практиковали оплакивание с помощью элегий, в которых звучали рассказы о скорби, истории и культуре, характерных для черкесского народа.

Этот конкретный Гибзе посвящен Мурату Вези, выступающему против российского деспотизма. Написанная великим черкесским поэтом и бардом Бехмирзе Пашье (1859-1936), она повествует о героической истории Мурата Вези (настоящее имя “Токв”; родился в 1858 году в селе Каледес, недалеко от Георгиевска на севере Кабарды, ныне в Ставропольском крае), бесстрашного черкесского абрека (абрздж; абредж; защитник слабых и бедных) и его борьба против тирании в период оккупации Черкесии царской Россией. Ему много раз удавалось вырваться из лап царских захватчиков, несмотря на вероломные наводки. В одном из рассказов рассказывается о его эмиграции в Турцию, где он жил до самой своей смерти. По другой версии, его сослали в Сибирь, откуда он никогда не возвращался.

- Я знаю, что это не самый лучший перевод, но сделал все, чтобы перевести его как можно точнее.

- Гвмкале (Пумкялз) - город (ныне называемый “Георгиевск”), расположенный на реке Кума (Тым по-черкесски) в (Большой) Кабарде к северо-востоку от Bgiytxw (6gitxy; Пятигорск).

(Материалы, собранные из работ покойного Амджада Хаймухи)

#circassian #circassia #kabardian #kabarda #черкес #черкеся #адыгэ #кабарда #caucasus #кавказ #caucasian

2 Views · 9 months ago

Russia has started to released shows on their state-funded and operated television channels to hopefully spread misinformation about the Circassian issue. Here is a translated version of the show which is a good example of how they are willing to lie to cover up the truth.

"The Circassians historically inhabited the whole northwestern Caucasus, including the Black Sea coast. During the Russian conquest of the Caucasus in the nineteenth Century, the Circassians were exterminated and deported from their homeland to the Ottoman Empire on a mass scale. An estimated 90 percent of the Circassian population was killed, died of artificially imposed hardships or were sent into exile. After Moscow won the right to hold the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, which was once Circassian land, the Circassian diasporas worldwide and in the North Caucasus started to campaign to attract the world's attention to their plight. One of the principal demands of the Circassians is for Moscow to affirm the right of the exiles' descendants to return to their historic homeland in the North Caucasus. So far, the Russian government has been very reluctant to allow any sizable immigration of the Circassians."

Artem Shirkov, Aleksey Yaschikov, Andrey Popov
Analytical program "Postscriptum"

Propaganda Interviews by :
1) Mikhail Zalikhanov -- deputy of state Duma, a Hero of Socilist Labour.
2) Sergey Mikheyev -- head of the Center of political state of affairs.
3) Aleksander Chachiya - political scientist, head of the Center of globalization problems.
4) Valery Kadokhov - assistant director of the Committee of Council of the Federation of Russian Federation on regional politics.

2 Views · 9 months ago

Кадры черкесского военного героя Джавада Анзора и его черкесского кавалерийского полка под Дамаском, Сирия, в сентябре 1941 года.

2 Views · 9 months ago

Union of Marchers and Fans (UMF) |

(==✪ ATTENTION ✪==)
The content uploaded here doesn't carry out any purpose of propaganda or hatred and they have nothing to do with my own world view.

(==✪ Adyghe Lyrics ✪==)
Си абдзахэр къумбылмэ щэхасэ, гущэба!
Урысхэри къалэмэ щэждэгух, гущэба!

Ра нысэщэ джэгу нахьи шIомышIэу язаох,
Ахэм я зэуакIэхэр гуихы, гущэба!

Джаурэуи хьэжъхэри мэхьакъух, гущэба!
КIэлэцIыкIу гъы макъэхэр къыдэIукI, гущэба!

О ионэкъопитIу, гущэр (ра), зи щыныталa,
Ар шы джалэм хэлъэуи заор къытфешIы, гущ!

Ра абэдзэ къарэхэр шыушъэмэ раапшъа,
Ор ти оркъы пшъыгъэхэр къытфыхэзыщыры.

О ионэкъопитIу, гущэр ра, къызэкъуредзэ,
Ар шышъхьэзэкъуадзэкIэ къыдэзэрэщы, гущ!

Джаурэуи хьэжъхэри мэхьакъух, гущэба!
КIэлэ хьакъу макъэхэр къыдэIукI, гущэба!

(==✪ Transliteration ✪==)
Si abdzaxər qumbılmə şçəxasə, guşçəba!
Wurısxəri qaləmə şçəcəgux, guşçəba!

Ra nısəşçə cəgu nah ş'omış'əw yazawox,
Axəm ya zewuak'əxər guyixı, guşçəba!

Cawurəwi həĵxəri məhaqux, guşçeba!
K'ələts'ık'u ğı maqəxər qıdə'uk', guşçeba!

Wo yiwonəqopit'u guşçər ra, zi şçınıtala,
Ar şı caləm xəłəwi zaor qıtfeş'ı, guşç!

Ra abədzə qarəxər şıwŝəmə raapŝa,
Wor ti worqı pŝığəxər qıtfıxəzışçırı.

Wo yiwonəqopit'u, guşçər ra, qısəquredzə,
Ar şıŝhəsəqwadsək'ə qıdəzərəşçı, guşç!

Cawurəwi həĵxəri məhaqux, guşçeba!
K'ələ haqu maqəxər qıdə'uk', guşçeba!

(==✪ English Lyrics ✪==)
The Abzakh gathered and held a tribal council under the white poplar trees, alas!
Whilst the Russian occupiers were making merry in their town-fortresses, alack!

The valiant Abzakh warriors engaged in their battles as if they were mere wedding games,
Their military prowess cast terror into the hearts of their inimical foes, alas!

The heathens, despicable dogs that they are, acted impudently, alas!
The sobbing of young children could be heard from the fortress, alack!

The two pommels of his saddle serving as a bipod for his gun,
And pressing against his horse’s withers, he set earnestly to battle, alas!

The Abaza warrior astride his black horse at the head of a hundred horsemen,
Rescued our battle-weary noblemen.

He bound himself firmly to his horse’s pommels,
And darted out of the fortress in close horseback battle, alas!

The heathens, despicable dogs that they are, acted impudently, alas!
The sound of weeping of young children could be heard from the fortress, alack!

2 Views · 9 months ago

21-May-1864 is not an easy day for the Circassian nation , 157 years have been passed & our souls will never forget the Circassian genocide.

We will tell our story , stay tuned !

2 Views · 9 months ago

ХьэгъуэлIыгъуэр тезыхар:
"Золотая лента" студием ( щыщхэу:
Бэджыдэхэ Елдар
Къущхьэхэ Вячеслав

"Фокус" видеуэстудием ( щыщхэу:
ТхьэилIхэ Замир
Кумыщхэ Асчэр
Даурхэ Замир

Коптерым къезыгъэлъэтыхьар Таухэ Замирщ

ХьэгъуэлIыгъуэр езыгъэкIуэкIа, нэгузыужь зыщIахэр:
Нэхущхэ Чэрим, Гумэхэ Маринэ, Нэхущхэ Тимуррэ и гупымрэ, Бэчхэ Азэмэт, ГъукIэхэ Ислъам, Къуэдзокъуэхэ Ислъам, Нэнейхэ Уэнур, Чылархэ Насрэн, Къуныжьхэ Хьэмид, Дымхэ Аслъэнджэрий.

2 Views · 9 months ago

👩‍🍳✨Follow us on Instagram for the full recipe:✨

✨My bite-sized poetry on Circassian Chicken✨:

gongs, conches, bugles
and the kind, mighty
reddened ballooned faces
breathed their blood out,
their battle unique and
largely unknown to
an audience of ages later
whom they (the audience)
assumed could dramatize and
imagine and many other ways
to say they visualized wrong
or parts were wrong - my point
being that - truth, the whole truth
in its most sentinel form
is extinct or is in exile
a timid exile, and admittance
and conviction
and everything
that remotely resembles
honesty, loyalty, empathy;
they the cause - not their lack of -
but they the cause.

#circassianchicken #chickensalad #mediterraneancuisine #chickenrecipe #apetizer #simplerecipe #homemadecooking #foodstories #foodaccount #instayoutube #youtubevide #youtubelike #tryathome #simplerecipe #cookingenthusiast #foodlover #foryoupage #viral #comment #foodblogger #foodchannel

2 Views · 9 months ago

Os traemos otro de los maravillosos bailes folklóricos del mundo: en este caso, Irlanda. Agradecemos a Begoña, de Danzas del Mundo, el que dé a conocer estas danzas :)

The students of 3rd of Secondary School dance a beautiful Irish song called "Circassian Circle". We want to thank Begoña, from the Blog "Dances of the world" for her kindness in showing us all kind of dances from all the World. :)

2 Views · 9 months ago

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2 Views · 9 months ago

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2 Views · 9 months ago

Beautiful Circassian Music!

2 Views · 9 months ago

muhteşem çerkes dansı, mükemmel çerkes dansı, çerkes düğün videoları, çerkes videoları, çerkez düğünleri, çerkez dansı, adige kafe, adige qafe, circassian qafa, adiga qafa çerkes dansı muhteşem çerkes dansı çerkez düğünleri çerkes düğünleri adige düğünleri nachik adige cegu Черкесская свадьба Супер Адыгэ джэгу circassian dance circassian wedding adıge cegu çerkezler çerkesler dünyanın en güzel düğünü dünyanın en güzel şarkıları Нальчик Майкопе краснодар сочи circassia cherkessia Туапсинского cherkes Черкесск черкесский çerkez düğünü böyle olur circassian dance çerkes düğünü circassian wedding çerkez düğünü adige ceug adıge cegu şeşen щэщэн лъэпэрисэ Адыгэ джэгу Черкесская свадьба زفاف شركسي Չերքեզի հարսանիքը Çərkəz toyu Circassianische Hochzeit ჩერქეზული ქორწილი Черкеська весілля ჩრდილოკავკასიელი კავკასიის kafkas düğünleri adige khafe Matrimonio circasso süper dans show Κυκασιανός γάμος Καυκάσιοι γάμο dance taki taki dance afro танец Tanz رقص valle rəqs dantza danza ריקוד պարել 舞蹈 舞蹈 dança плес नृत्य tanec χορός sayaw 댄스 ples би танц danza tari رقص नृत्य Nr̥tya tánc qoob ka ダンス бий адыгэ джэгу, адыгэ джэгу свадьба, адыгэ джэгу лъапэрисэ, адыгэ джэгу 2018, адыгэ джэгу адыгейск, адыгэ, адыгэ уэрэд, адыгэ къафэ, къафэ, черкес, адыгея, шэшэн, адыгэ къашъо, черкесия ансамбль, черкесия песня

2 Views · 9 months ago

Circassian Riffs (Folk Songs Medley) by Aslan Gotov.
Aslan Gotov & Friends Project (Official Video 2022)

Performed by:
Ali Ligidov (Nalchik. Russia) - Garmonika, Accordion
Aslan Tlebzu (Maykop. Russia) - Garmonika, Accordion
Inal Gotov (Toronto. Canada) - Guitar, Vocal
Astemir Haupa (Nalchik. Russia) - Pkhachich, Doul
Ruslan Teuvazhukov (Nalchik. Russia) - Doul
Aslan Gotov (Toronto. Canada) - Key's, Vocal, Arrange
Hasan Qayet (Amman. Jordan) - Bass Guitar
Aroutioun Karapetian (Limoges. France) - Drums
Ruslan Neguch (Moscow. Russia) - Video Edit
Hasan Qayet (Amman. Jordan) - Sound Engineer
Tareq Mirza (Amman. Jordan) - Mastering Engineer

2 Views · 9 months ago

סרט קצר שהופק עבור יום הזיכרון הצ'רקסי, ה21 במאי.

צולם בכפר כמא, ישראל.

מפיק ובמאי: אנתשאו גוש
צלם: שובל פישר
תאורן: אורי סקופ
עוזר הפקה: איוב מוסא
איפור: הודה אתלאוז
עריכת אופליין, צבע וסאונד: ליף אריקסון

סמאייה צ'וסחא
הודה אתלאוז
ביברס אשמוז
דינה שמסי
שרה גרכד

2 Views · 9 months ago

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2 Views · 9 months ago

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2 Views · 9 months ago

Circassian Adige Trap Beat Remix | Qafqaz | Prod. by HM MUSIC PRODUCTION

►Beat Name: Qafqaz



#adige #adigetrap #qafqaz #azerbaijan #circassian #hmmusicproduction

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