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3 Views · 3 months ago

"Hara Harwaa Reihaby" [The Leader of Our Soldiers] is a musical film in which there is a collection of songs which were born in one of the most challenging periods for Abkhazia, the period when not only the future of the country but the very future of the nation found itself in question.

The film incorporates a military chronicle: right at the start their authors and first performers sing military songs. These archival sequences are combined with staged shots of the same songs but now in performances by descendants of the heroes who gave their lives for Victory.

Realisation of the project " Hara Harwaa Reihaby " was facilitated thanks to funding by the companies AQUAFON and «Wines and Beverages of Abkhazia".

Аиааира ашәақәа.
Иҭырхит Емма Хәаџьаа-ҧҳаи Ҭемыр Қәычбериеи.
Ашәақәа аус рыдиулеит Анри Гәымба

Full Video:



Адыга ҧшына иҳәа нас аурашьа...
ҳашҭаҿы гәырҕьароуп, ажәлар еизыжәгала.
Шәҩаха нас аҵәцақәа, ҳҭалозар шьардаамҭа.
Дҭаҳгалоит ашҭа адыга ҭаца...


О рада адыга ҭаца,
Лыҧшӡара илыхәаҧшо ргәаҵа,
Гәыҕрала иҭәуп, аҿиара иатәуп,
Адыга ҭаца дҭаҳгалоит ҳашҭаду,
Радеда еиҵышәх иахьа гәырҕьароуп!

ҳаҷкәынцәа гәымшәақәа, зкәымжәы ҧшӡа иҭаҟаҵо.
ҳабацәа ргәеисыбжь иалҵыз ауп ашәақәа,
ишьыцлааит амра ҧха шәыҧшӡара гәаҭаны.
Дҭаҳгалоит ашҭа адыга ҭаца
О рада адыга ҭаца,
Лыҧшӡара илыхәаҧшо ргәаҵа,
Гәыҕрала иҭәуп, аҿиара иатәуп,
Адыга ҭаца дҭаҳгалоит ҳашҭаду,
Радеда еиҵышәх иахьа гәырҕьароуп!

Алаҳәеиҧш еиқәаҵәо ҽыҧшӡа кәаша-кашо,
Амза хаҿы лашеиҧш, уҟамара ӡымшаха,
Адыд мацәыс еиҧш изыршанхо иухәаҧшуа...
Дҭаугалоит ашҭа адыга ҭаца

О рада адыга ҭаца,
Лыҧшӡара илыхәаҧшо ргәаҵа,
Гәыҕрала иҭәуп, аҿиара иатәуп,
Адыга ҭаца дҭаҳгалоит ҳашҭаду,
Радеда еиҵышәх иахьа гәырҕьароуп!

3 Views · 3 months ago

#circassian #adige #adigepsase #chechen #adyghe #abzah #cherkes #kabardey #adygamusic #kafkas #circassiandance

3 Views · 3 months ago

The Israelian adyghe djigit is a dancing in Kabarda, 21.09.2011
Адыгский джигит из Израиля танцует в Кабарде

3 Views · 3 months ago

An old adyghe song, Si Kasay

О уишыгъо цlыкlу гущэр
Зэрэ нэтlэ гъунджэр.

Гъунджэм тызэдиплъэзэрэ
Шlу зысэбгъэлъэгъуи,
Сыбгъэунэхъугъи си Къэсэй.

Къалэм дэсы кlалэхэми
Гъэзетыр хауты.

Сянэ къылъфыгъищы гущэм
Хэмыкlокlэжьыни гущэ сэ.

Тыгъужъы Якъубэ гущэм
Пчыхьэм джэгур къешl.

Си Къэсэир къытыращи
Сыкъызэхэфагъэ гущи сэ.

Унэми сыращы гущэ
Хьакlэщым сащэжь.

Ер сызыфащэжьы гущэр
Мыстхъэ пхъэтэкъэжъы
Пlэкlорыгум исы гущэ сэ.

Си дэнэ шарыфы гущэр
Пшъэми къесэщэкl.

Гум имылъы аплlы гущэр
lаджалэ сфэхъугъэ гущэ сэ.

Си насыпыр къыхьырэми
Былымым егъот.

Сэркlэ шъо жъугъотыгъэ гущэу
Сомэ тыжьын шъищыр
Хьадэlусы шъошlы гущи шъо.

3 Views · 3 months ago

Адыгэ (шапсыгъэ) нысащэ видеоклип (Апэрэ версиеу).
Видеоклип с адыгской (черкесской, шапсугской) свадьбы (Версия №1).
The videoclip from adyghe (circassian, shapsug) wedding (The first version).
Un videoclip de la boda adigué (circasiana, shapsúg) (La primera versión).

3 Views · 3 months ago

Circassian Archeologists Dig the Remains of an Adyghe Hero

3 Views · 3 months ago

Ежь Адыгабзэкlэ мэгущыlа? Ары, ежь Адыгабзэкlэ мэгущыlэ. Хьау, ежь Адыгабзэкlэ гущыlэрэп.
Еджэгъу 1 – Пычыгъу 10.3
#Myadiga #shorts #adigabza #circassian #Çerkes #адыгэ #адыгабзэ #circassia #adiga

3 Views · 3 months ago

June 15, 2019. Master Zamudin Guchev introduced Adyghe-Circassien culture to our guests from Australia 🇦🇺. Very interesting music 🎼 instruments 🎻 and unique techniques to make straw mats . We wish long life in good health to our Master Zamudin and looking forward to seeing him in the nearest future to deepen and broaden our knowledge about Circassia!!!

3 Views · 3 months ago

Адыгэ артистхэр къешIэх адыгэ диаспорэм икъашъор.
Адыгские (черкесские) артисты исполняют танец адыгской (черкесской) диаспоры.
The adyghe (circassian) artists perform an adyghe (circassian) diaspora's dance.
Los artistas adigués (circasianos) demuestran un baile de la diaspora adigué (circasiana).

3 Views · 3 months ago

Music: Beat Crusaders - Moon on the Water [BECK OST]
Video: Xiaomi Yi Action Camera, basic corrections in Adobe Premiere CC

3 Views · 3 months ago

Адыгэ артистхэр къешIэх адыгэ къашъор.
Адыгские (черкесские) артисты исполняют адыгский (черкесский) танец.
The adyghe (circassian) artists perform an adyghe (circassian) dance.
Los artistas adigués (circasianos) demuestran un baile adigué (circasiano).

3 Views · 3 months ago

The Mezdegu Adyghe's dance!

3 Views · 3 months ago

Silk Road Dance Company
performs this Adyghe dance at "Legends of the Silk Road" concert.

Choreography by Mujgan Ergil. Costume design by Laurel Victoria Gray

3 Views · 3 months ago

"Чистые сердца" Clean Hearts 2008
Adighe Adygi Adygei Adyga Circassian Adige Adiga Адыги Адыгэ Adigha Circass Circassia Çerkez Çerkes

By Gutej

3 Views · 3 months ago

Circassians from Syria continue to repatriate to their homeland. This time the Adygea TV introduces us a young Circassian couple. Could you recognise the young mother? May God bless them. Please pray to Allah that all the Circassians in Syria will soon come back to our homeland.

Сирием исхэу зэо маш1ом ифызэгу къыхэнагъ тилъэпкъэгъухэр Хэкужъым къэк1ожьых. Мызэгъогум Адыгэ ТВ-р хьак1э зыфэхъугъэ унагъом шъуеплъынэ шъуфаемэ шъукъеблагъ.

3 Views · 3 months ago

Адыгэ артистхэр къашъотIу къешIэх - къэбэртэе къафэ ыкIи хьакIулащ.
Адыгские (черкесские) артисты исполняют два адыгских (черкесских) танца - кабардинский танец (кафа) и хакулящ.
The adyghe (circassian) artists perform adyghe (circassian) dance-mix - kabardian dance (kafa) and hakulyash.
Los artistas adigués (circasianos) demuestran dos bailes adigués (circasianos) - baile kabardo (kafa) y jaculyash.

3 Views · 3 months ago

Kabardinskij ansambl "Terek".
Kabardinskoe obshestvo Estonii "Elbrus"

3 Views · 3 months ago

Адыгэ кIалэхэр лезгинкэр къэшъох (ЯплIэнэрэ версиеу).
Адыгская (черкесская) молодёжь исполняет танец "Лезгинка" в народном стиле (Версия № 4).
The adyghe (circassian) youth perform "Lezginka" in their style (The fourth version).
Los jóvenes adigués (circasianos) demuestran el baile "Lezguínka" en su estilo popular (La cuarta versión).

3 Views · 3 months ago

Адыгэ артистхэр къешIэх адыгэ диаспорэм икъашъор.
Адыгские (черкесские) артисты исполняют танец адыгской (черкесской) диаспоры.
The adyghe (circassian) artists perform an adyghe (circassian) diaspora's dance.
Los artistas adigués (circasianos) demuestran un baile de la diaspora adigué (circasiana).

3 Views · 3 months ago

a funny adyghe play in the kabardine dialect (робот алимэт)

3 Views · 3 months ago

This video is not perfect because the song titles did not match the music being played and the part of history of our people was not aired, however this wonderful event was history by itself because it was the first time that five Circassian songs and music were played on FM radio in the United States for 20 minutes without interruption.... Адыгэ псо! Adyghe Pso!!!

Entire "World Wide" radio show:

For audio of the 20 minute entire Adyghe portion of the broadcast:

3 Views · 3 months ago

This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Adyghe language

00:02:08 1 Dialects
00:03:33 2 Phonology
00:04:59 3 Grammar
00:05:18 4 Alphabet
00:05:29 5 Orthography
00:05:38 5.1 Labialised consonants
00:06:04 5.2 Writing system rules
00:09:28 5.3 Vowels
00:09:53 6 Writing systems
00:10:16 7 Adyghe outside Circassia
00:11:10 8 Publications
00:11:28 9 UNESCO 2009 map of endangered languages
00:12:00 10 Sample text
00:13:27 10.1 Example
00:13:47 11 See also

Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.

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"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing."
- Socrates

Adyghe ( or ; Adyghe: Адыгабзэ, translit. Adygabzæ [aːdəɣaːbza]), also known as West Circassian (КӀахыбзэ, K’axybzæ), is one of the two official languages of the Republic of Adygea in the Russian Federation, the other being Russian. It is spoken by various tribes of the Adyghe people: Abzekh, Adamey, Bzhedug, Hatuqwai, Temirgoy, Mamkhegh, Natekuay, Shapsug, Zhaney and Yegerikuay, each with its own dialect. The language is referred to by its speakers as Adygebze or Adəgăbză, and alternatively transliterated in English as Adygean, Adygeyan or Adygei. The literary language is based on the Temirgoy dialect.
There are apparently around 128,000 speakers of Adyghe in Russia, almost all of them native speakers. In total, some 300,000 speak it worldwide. The largest Adyghe-speaking community is in Turkey, spoken by the post Russian–Circassian War (circa 1763–1864) diaspora; in addition to that, the Adyghe language is spoken by the Cherkesogai in Krasnodar Krai.
Adyghe belongs to the family of Northwest Caucasian languages. Kabardian (also known as East Circassian) is a very close relative, treated by some as a dialect of Adyghe or of an overarching Circassian language. Ubykh, Abkhaz and Abaza are somewhat more distantly related to Adyghe.
The language was standardised after the October Revolution in 1917. Since 1936, the Cyrillic script has been used to write Adyghe. Before that, an Arabic-based alphabet was used together with the Latin. In recent years, use of the Latin script has seen a resurgence, particularly among Circassian Nationalists. Originally unstandardised, all dialects of Adyghe are now included in the ICSLO (Indigenous Caucasian Standard Latin Orthography), providing a standardised Latin script that is gaining popularity. (The ICSLO treats Kabardian as a dialect of Adyghe, so Kabardian-exclusive consonants such as the labiodental ejective fricative are also represented in its Adyghe Latin script.)

3 Views · 3 months ago

Video shows what Adyghe Autonomous Oblast means. Autonomous oblast of the Soviet Union in the Russian SFSR established on August 24, 1922 and existing until July 3, 1991, when it was elevated to the status of a republic and renamed Republic of Adygea.. Adyghe Autonomous Oblast Meaning. How to pronounce, definition audio dictionary. How to say Adyghe Autonomous Oblast. Powered by MaryTTS, Wiktionary

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