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0 Views · 6 months ago

Symposium; Circassian in Diaspora Challenges and Solutions
25/9/2021 Istanbul

2 Views · 6 months ago

Старинный Адыгский обычай,поход за невестой.(Нысашэ)
Сторона жениха,старшие,сестры,друзья,едут за невестой,во главе с Хьатияко,с песнями и танцами.
адыгэ/свадьба/нальчик/Фызышэ/джэгу/circassian/Нысашэ док1уэ

3 Views · 6 months ago

#черкесы#Адыгэ хабзэ#адыги в турции/адыгея/черкесы в турции/черкесы умирают стоя/кто такие черкесы/адыгэ/черкесы турции//адыгэбзэ/черкесия/кабардинцы/нальчик/майкоп/кавказ/кавказская война/народы кавказа/кавказцы/история кавказа/нальчик 2021/кабардино-балкария/#кбр/Нальчик/северный кавказ/джэгу/circassian/Адыгэ джэгу

5 Views · 6 months ago

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5 Views · 6 months ago

Circassian dance at the Circassian Museum

2 Views · 6 months ago

This video recorded by Kaberdey TV (KBR TV) in kayseri city TURKEY ... Interviewd with KURIJE WUMAR AND WOTEY WUMAR about the reasons and results of asimilation and specific changes on traditional Adighe - Circassian - CHerkes wedding ceramonies and folklore - dances ...

5 Views · 6 months ago

The Circassian Cultural Institute lecture series this week will feature Dr. Maja Catic.

Dr Maja Catic holds a BA in International Development Studies from the University of Toronto (2000), an MA in Russian and East European Studies from the University of Toronto (2002), and a PhD in Political Science from Brandeis University in Waltham, MA (2009). Her research focuses on the politics of statebuilding in divided societies, especially on internationally-sponsored statebuilding; nationalism and ethnic conflict; politics of memory; and, various aspects of comparative genocide studies. She is currently serving on the Advisory Council of the International Association of Genocide Scholars.

Dr. Catic discussed moral claims and political demands in the context of genocide recognition. As well as the the issue of recognition and the viability of genocide recognition initiatives.

0 Views · 6 months ago

In honor of Circassia becoming a member of The Captive Nations, a joug was held in front of the United Nations in New York City on July 18, 2010.

7 Views · 6 months ago

Во время геноцида черкесов применялось биологическое оружие.
Военные приказывали убивать скот дожидаться гниения и появления бактерий.
После чего гниющую мертвечину бросали в колодцы чтобы вода была заражена, и чтобы как можно больше черкесов были убиты.
И это подтверждается архивными документами!
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5 Views · 6 months ago

Every circassian is like a homeless in diaspora. Sadness and tears are always with diaspora circassian . These video showing a part of muhajır adighe peoples

7 Views · 6 months ago

(17 Feb 2014) While Olympic spectators watch the Winter Games in gleaming arenas, boys in nearby Bolshoi Kichmai herd their goats by tying them to rickety bicycles, riding through a rocky valley where their ancestors fiercely resisted the Russian Czarist conquest.
Circassians, a Muslim ethnic group, say the Russian Army committed genocide against their ancestors and exiled them from Sochi from 1860 to 1864.
Russia has denied the charges of genocide.
Members of the Circassian diaspora from New Jersey to Turkey and Israel have protested, arguing that Sochi Olympic skiing and other events are being staged on the blood of their forebears.
Russia's most prominent militant, Doku Umarov, has also adopted the Circassians' cause.
In a warning last year, the Chechen rebel leader urged Muslim extremists to target the Games.
Activists say Umarov's threat has provided Russian security services with a pretext to increase document checks and pressure on women wearing headscarves and men with long beards across the Caucasus.
However Circassians living in villages sprinkled through the Sochi region insist they are peaceful and have nothing to do with Umarov's threat.
Aisa Achmizov, who runs the small folk art museum in Bolshoi Kichmai, hopes the Olympics will bring in more visitors.
"This is a huge breakthrough, and not only for me, but for our children," he said.
Circassians in Bolshoi Kichmai, struggle to get by on tourism in a town with few amenities, just a few dozen kilometres from Olympic events but a world away from their glory.
Firewood is the primary fuel for many families.
But water is running short, after a company building railroads for the Olympic project hauled away huge amounts of gravel from the Shakhe river, disrupting its flow through the town.
Achmizov said businessmen and authorities took too much gravel, more than was necessary.
"We were against it. We closed the road for them here, but still they look for the way to get here," he said.
Residents filed a lawsuit against the company, but are still waiting for results.
The No Sochi campaign (, launched by exiled Circassians, wants Russian authorities to recognise what happened in 1864 as a genocide, to allow Circassians from around the world to move back to ancestral lands, and an end to de facto quotas for Circassians in local police, government and other positions.
Amid the pressure, regional authorities belatedly acknowledged that the Olympic sites are on what was once Circassian land, and Olympic organisers hastily erected a Circassian House in Olympic Park.
President Vladimir Putin however, has dismissed Circassian protests abroad as a tool in a campaign against Russia's global influence.
Bolshoi Kichmai's residents meanwhile, are leading their lives as if the Olympics weren't happening just a few valleys away.
Beekeeper Khamed Komzh shrugs when asked about how history has treated his people.
"Well, what can we do? It is done. God will be their judge."

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0 Views · 6 months ago

Music is Flowers of Edinburgh played by
Bill, Laurie, and Brian.

0 Views · 6 months ago

***PART 2 OF 2***
Circassians of the community perform diaspora, Jordanian Abeeda style, Kafa and Shshan at the Circassian Education Foundation scholarship dinner on November 26th, 2008 at the West Mount Country Club in West Paterson, NJ. Due to the limited video length, I couldn't fit the entire opening monologue that explains the origin of the Abeeda style.
The opening monologue was written by Nauras Apesh
Music arranged and performed by Samer Sami
Choreography by Murad Peret
Video by Amer Bazoqa
This video has been posted with permission from the Circassian Education Foundation. All rights reserved.
The DVD can be purchased from their website.

***PART 2 OF 2***

2 Views · 6 months ago

Istanbul / Станбул (14.06.2019 / Bostancı Gösteri Merkezi)

3 Views · 6 months ago

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4 Views · 6 months ago

Шэнгул Мэфэшеку - Черкесская активистка, вернувшаяся из Турции на черкесскую родину в 90-е годы. Работает в Национальном музее Республики Адыгея. Также представлены программы на радио Адыгеи, предназначенные для черкесской диаспоры.

Shengul Mefeshuqu - Circassian activist who returned from Turkey to the Circassian homeland in the 1990s. Works at the National Museum of the Republic of Adygea. Also presents programs on Adygea radio intended for the Circassian diaspora.

Şengül Mafeşeku, 90'lı yıllarda Türkiye'den Çerkes anavatanına dönen bir Çerkes aktivisttir. Adıge Cumhuriyeti Ulusal Müzesi'nde çalışıyor. Ayrıca Adıge Radyosu'nda Çerkes diasporasına yönelik programlar da sunulmaktadır.

Мэфэшӏукъу Шэнгул - Адыгэ лъэпкъ Iофлэжь. Адыгэ Республикэм имузей щэлажьэ. Адыгеим ирадио хэхэсым факIорэ програмэхэр къешIы.

#адыгэ #черкесы #çerkes #circassians

1 Views · 6 months ago

In honor of Circassia becoming a member of The Captive Nations, a joug was held in front of the United Nations in New York City on July 18, 2010.

4 Views · 6 months ago

Тимур Лосэн - Къэйсэр къафэ кIыхь (Timur Losan - Kayseri Qafa Chih)

0 Views · 6 months ago

Circassian Dance group GUFİT / Maykop 2011 (HD Video)

5 Views · 6 months ago

diaspora dansı
nalmes dans
çerkes dansı
circassian dance

4 Views · 6 months ago

Pshinawa Shoqar Anas & Barbanawa Stas Mamer playing some Circassian music from diaspora

4 Views · 6 months ago

Many people are unaware that there exists a rich repertoire of Circassian folk songs that have been originally sang by Circassian diaspora communities, particularly in Turkey, Jordan, and Syria. Which later were popularized in the Caucasus. One notable masterpiece is the song ‘Къайсэрыжьым и истасйоныр’ meaning ‘Kayseri station’ originating from Kayseri, Turkey (🇹🇷) that tells a sad love story about Ju Jansuret, in the rhythm of the Qafa dance, who could not reunite with her loved one after the Circassian genocide. Popularized and eventually restored by Kush’ha Dogan.

Clip: from 1994, by the Circassian folk group “Al-Ahli” from Jordan (🇯🇴) during the Jerash Festival.

Многие люди не знают, что существует богатый репертуар черкесских народных песен, которые первоначально исполнялись черкесскими диаспорами, особенно в Турции, Иордании и Сирии. Которые позже были популяризированы на Кавказе. Одним из выдающихся шедевров является песня “Къайсэрыжьым и истасйоныр”, что означает “станция Кайсери”, родом из Кайсери, Турция (🇹🇷), в которой в ритме танца Кафа рассказывается печальная история любви Джу Джансурета, который не смог воссоединиться со своим любимым человеком после геноцида черкесов. Популяризированный и в конечном счете восстановленный Kush’ha Dogan.

Клип: 1994 года, черкесской фольклорной группы “Al-Ahli” из Иордании (🇯🇴) во время фестиваля в Джераше.

4 Views · 6 months ago

The Circassian flag (Adyge nyp) is the national flag of the Circassians. It consists of a green cloth decorated with twelve golden stars, nine of which form an arc resembling a bow, and three horizontal ones, also decorated with three crossed arrows in the center. According to one theory, Seferbiy Zanoko, a Circassian diplomat, is the author of the flag. Circassians celebrate Circassian Flag Day on April 25 every year. Currently, this version of the flag is officially used by the Republic of Adygea of the Russian Federation.
The green color represents nature and Islam. The golden color represents a bright future in the world and an abundance of grain and wheat crops. The twelve stars symbolize the twelve provinces of Circassia. The three arrows symbolize the Adyghe khabze, meaning "peace if you are my friend, and war if you attack me."

David Urquhart, as he himself claimed, was the creator of this flag, but no evidence of his words has been found. The Circassian flag was mentioned and described by the traveler Edmund Spencer in 1830

The first copy of the flag was personally presented by British delegate James Stanislaus Bell to Nur Muhammad Hagur in the Gesh Valley (on the territory of modern Sochi). A council was held in the Psefabe Valley, attended by representatives of Circassian tribes, at which the flag was presented and adopted. Then Hirtsijiko Ale raised the flag to the cheers of the Circassian commanders and many people.

The Circassian people have been using this flag since its first appearance, including during the Russian-Circassian war. The flag is considered one of the symbols of the Circassian people all over the world. This flag was also used by Circassians in the Circassian diaspora, who held various positions.

#CircassianCommunity #Circassians #Adygs

4 Views · 6 months ago

Tlleperush is a Circassian dance which originated from the Adygea Tribes settled in Black Sea coastal area of North Caucasus.

The clip is taken from the World Adygea Ceug Day festival in 2018 at Maykop where
Circassians and Abkhazians all over the world gathered to celebrate and show
their dancing skills.

Link to the original materials:

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