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3 Views · 6 months ago

Circassian youth today are the most impacted by the ubiquity of globalization, as they are
immersed in diverse societies and cultures that play a significant role in shaping their unique
identities. Hence, it is no surprise that Circassian youth living
in the diaspora face several challenges in attaining and/or
preserving their Circassian identity. Prior to enacting solutions
to help connect youth with their Circassian identities, it is vital
to listen to their concerns and understand their challenges.


Dana Rajab is a first-year medical student at the Queen’s University School of Medicine in Ontario,
Canada. She graduated with a Bachelors of Life Sciences from McMaster University in June 2021. In her undergraduate years, she gained experience conducting both quantitative and qualitative research. Her interests include accessibility, teaching, global health, and working with vulnerable populations.

Taya Yenam is a fourth-year student at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada. She is majoring in Legal Studies and aims to pursue a graduate degree in Cybercrime and Surveillance
studies. She currently works as an Adjudicator at an Insurance company and a Research Assistant in the field of legal sociology. Her interests include cybercrime, privacy law and Intellectual Property

Symposium on Circassians in the Diaspora, Istanbul, Turkey 2021

2 Views · 6 months ago

circassians/circassian genocide/Circassian/who are circassians

7 Views · 6 months ago

Черкесы(адыги) в Иордании (Иорданием ис адыгэхэр/) — диаспора адыгов численностью около 170 тыс. граждан Иордании, одно из малых этнических меньшинств.

Вся черкесская(адыгская) диаспора в Иордании представляет собой потомков мухаджиров (иммигрантов) с Кавказа, покинувших родину (Кавказ) после поражения в Русско-Кавказской войне (1763—1864).

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#черкесы #черкесия #адыги

2 Views · 6 months ago

Circassian diaspora after fashion show of Mila Ardan in Jordan. Really impressive and exciting evening thank you everyone for coming and making it more beautiful.
It was really pleasant to know that they still keep the customs and traditions and proud to their nation. Undoubtedly it was my honor to present our collection in Jordan.
الشتات الشركسي بعد عرض أزياء ميلا أردان في الأردن.
كان في وقته حلو كتير.
شكرا كثير كله!
انا كنت مبسوطه كتير لإظهار ملابسنا الشركسية
في الاردن

Черкесская диаспора после показа Мила Ардан в Иордании. Действительно впечатляющий и захватывающий вечер, спасибо всем за то, что пришли и сделали его более красивым.
Было очень приятно узнать, что они до сих пор хранят обычаи и традиции и гордятся своей нацией. Несомненно, для меня было честью представить нашу коллекцию в Иордании! спасибо всем!
#jordan #milaardan #circassian #adige #kavkaz #

4 Views · 6 months ago

Черкесы(адыги), а также абхазы, абазины и убыхи переселялись на территорию Османской империи в основном после Кавказской войны в XIX веке. Убыхи, насильно изгнанные русскими войсками в Турцию, потеряли идентичность и влились либо в турецкий этнос, либо в черкесский (адыгский). Черкесское(адыгское) население в Турции проживает практически повсеместно, в частности в провинциях Хатай и Самсун, а также в провинции Дюзче и городе Чанаккале.

Осетины в Турции живут в провинциях Карс и Йозгат 

Чеченцы живут в основном в городе Кахраманмараш,Карс,Сивас,Стамбул а также в провинции Мардин.

Дагестанская диаспора (в основном аварцы, лезгины и кумыки) проживают в провинциях Токат, Балыкесир, Ялова.

Карачаевцы и балкарцы проживают в регионе Конья.

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♦️Моя страница в инстаграмме:

#черкесы #черкесия #адыги

3 Views · 6 months ago

Adiga wered.circassian song by ABIER DIER
Festival of music .MAYKOP 2003

3 Views · 6 months ago

Rondeli Foundation is delighted to announce the relaunch of a series of webinars about North Caucasian affairs moderated by our Research Fellow, Aleksandre Kvakhadze.
Speakers: Aydamir Kazanoko (Tbilisi), founder of YouTube channel Circassian Media @CircassianMedia
Kase Kik (Istanbul), Chairman of "Circassian Congress"
Moderator: Aleksandre Kvakhadze, Research Fellow at the Rondeli Foundation

4 Views · 6 months ago

The Circassian Cultural Institute presents Dr. Mitat Celikpala. In his lecture Dr. Celikpala discusses Turkish National policy toward the North Caucasus, the Circassian Diaspora and what the future might hold.

Mitat Çelikpala is Associate Professor of International Relations at TOBB Economy and Technology University, Ankara/Turkey. Çelikpala has been working on the Caucasus, Caucasian Diaspora, people and security in the Caucasus and the Black Sea regions and Turkish-Russian relations. Before joining the academia, he served for Turkish National Security Council. Currently he is lecturing in TOBB ETU, War College and Turkish National Security Academy on Turkish foreign policy, politics and history of the Caucasus and Central Asia, and Turkish political structure and political life. He is academic adviser to National Security Academy, Turkish MFA's Strategic Research Center and TAF's Strategic Research Center (SAREM), Ankara. He is the author of many publications dealing with above mentioned topics published in academic journals as well as newspapers.

11 Views · 6 months ago


3 Views · 6 months ago

3 Views · 6 months ago

A dance called Circassian Circle

The Sassenachs Ceilidh Band

5 Views · 6 months ago

#адыгэ #history #кабардинцы #черкес #history #caucasus #circassia #adige #кавказ #tarih

3 Views · 6 months ago

My YouTube channel:
Second channel:ЧеркесыАдыги
Life channel:
My instagram:
Video filming. Aerial photography. Reportage. Weddings. Bloggers. Clips.
tel. +7 (966) 7777226
This channel is dedicated to the Circassian (Adyghe) national culture, life, dance, songs! If you want to learn more about the Circassian culture, then be sure to subscribe to the channel. #AydemirShumahov #АйдемирШумахов
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