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Circassian War Song - Абдзахэмэ язекIо орэд (Abdzaxəmə yazek'o worəd) | Abzakh Military Campaig

3 Views· 04/08/24

Union of Marchers and Fans (UMF) |

(==✪ ATTENTION ✪==)
The content uploaded here doesn't carry out any purpose of propaganda or hatred and they have nothing to do with my own world view.

(==✪ Adyghe Lyrics ✪==)
Си абдзахэр къумбылмэ щэхасэ, гущэба!
Урысхэри къалэмэ щэждэгух, гущэба!

Ра нысэщэ джэгу нахьи шIомышIэу язаох,
Ахэм я зэуакIэхэр гуихы, гущэба!

Джаурэуи хьэжъхэри мэхьакъух, гущэба!
КIэлэцIыкIу гъы макъэхэр къыдэIукI, гущэба!

О ионэкъопитIу, гущэр (ра), зи щыныталa,
Ар шы джалэм хэлъэуи заор къытфешIы, гущ!

Ра абэдзэ къарэхэр шыушъэмэ раапшъа,
Ор ти оркъы пшъыгъэхэр къытфыхэзыщыры.

О ионэкъопитIу, гущэр ра, къызэкъуредзэ,
Ар шышъхьэзэкъуадзэкIэ къыдэзэрэщы, гущ!

Джаурэуи хьэжъхэри мэхьакъух, гущэба!
КIэлэ хьакъу макъэхэр къыдэIукI, гущэба!

(==✪ Transliteration ✪==)
Si abdzaxər qumbılmə şçəxasə, guşçəba!
Wurısxəri qaləmə şçəcəgux, guşçəba!

Ra nısəşçə cəgu nah ş'omış'əw yazawox,
Axəm ya zewuak'əxər guyixı, guşçəba!

Cawurəwi həĵxəri məhaqux, guşçeba!
K'ələts'ık'u ğı maqəxər qıdə'uk', guşçeba!

Wo yiwonəqopit'u guşçər ra, zi şçınıtala,
Ar şı caləm xəłəwi zaor qıtfeş'ı, guşç!

Ra abədzə qarəxər şıwŝəmə raapŝa,
Wor ti worqı pŝığəxər qıtfıxəzışçırı.

Wo yiwonəqopit'u, guşçər ra, qısəquredzə,
Ar şıŝhəsəqwadsək'ə qıdəzərəşçı, guşç!

Cawurəwi həĵxəri məhaqux, guşçeba!
K'ələ haqu maqəxər qıdə'uk', guşçeba!

(==✪ English Lyrics ✪==)
The Abzakh gathered and held a tribal council under the white poplar trees, alas!
Whilst the Russian occupiers were making merry in their town-fortresses, alack!

The valiant Abzakh warriors engaged in their battles as if they were mere wedding games,
Their military prowess cast terror into the hearts of their inimical foes, alas!

The heathens, despicable dogs that they are, acted impudently, alas!
The sobbing of young children could be heard from the fortress, alack!

The two pommels of his saddle serving as a bipod for his gun,
And pressing against his horse’s withers, he set earnestly to battle, alas!

The Abaza warrior astride his black horse at the head of a hundred horsemen,
Rescued our battle-weary noblemen.

He bound himself firmly to his horse’s pommels,
And darted out of the fortress in close horseback battle, alas!

The heathens, despicable dogs that they are, acted impudently, alas!
The sound of weeping of young children could be heard from the fortress, alack!

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