Non-profits & Activism

7 Views · 11 months ago

Every year in late September in Wayne County town of Passaic in New Jersey disclosed Circassian music - this time of year is traditionally Circassian Diaspora otmechat praznik Adyghe Mahue - Day of the Circassians.

0 Views · 11 months ago

The Ottoman penetration into Europe in the 1350s and their capture of Constantinople later in 1453 opened new floodgates for slave-trade from the European front. In their last attempt to overrun Europe in 1683, the Ottoman army, although defeated, returned from the Gates of Vienna with 80,000 captives.874 An immense number of slaves flowed from the Crimea, the Balkans and the steppes of West Asia to Islamic markets. BD Davis laments that the ‘‘Tartars and other Black Sea peoples had sold millions of Ukrainians, Georgians, Circassians, Greeks, Armenians, Bulgarians, Slavs and Turks,’’ which received little notice.875 Crimean Tatars enslaved and sold some 1,750,000 Ukrainians, Poles and Russian between 1468 and 1694. 876 According to another estimate, between 1450 and 1700, the Crimean Tatars exported some 10,000 slaves, including some Circassians, annually—that is, some 2,500,000 slaves in all, to the Ottoman Empire.877 The Tatar slave-raiding Khans returned with 18,000 slaves from Poland (1463), 100,000 from Lvov (1498), 60,000 from South Russia (1515), 50,000–100,000 from Galicia (1516), during the ‘harvesting of the steppe.’ Numbers from Moscow (1521), 800,000 were taken and from Valynia (1676), 400,000 were taken. 800,000 from Moscow (1521), 200,000 from South Russia (1555), 100,000 from Moscow (1571), 50,000 from Poland (1612), 60,000 from South Russia (1646), 100,000 from Poland (1648), 300,000 from Ukraine (1654), 400,000 from Valynia (1676) and thousands from Poland (1694). Besides these major catches, they made countless more Jihad raids during the same period, which yielded a few to tens of thousands of slaves.878 These figures of enslavement must be considered in the context that the population of the Tatar Khanate was only about 400,000 at the time. (1463-1694) while sources are incomplete, conservative tabulation of the slave raids against the Eastern European population indicate that at least 7 Million European people-men, women, children were enslaved by Muslims.

Sources suggest that in the few years between 1436-1442, some 500,000 people were seized in the Balkans. Many of the captives died in forced marches towards Anatolia (Turkey). Contemporary chronicles note that the Ottomans reduced masses of the inhabitants of Greece, Romania, and the Balkans to slavery eg from Moree (1460)-70,000 and Transylvania (1438) - 60,000-70,000 and 300,000-600,000 from Hungary and 10,000 from Mytilene/Mitilini on Lesbos island (1462) (Bulgaru p 567) and so it continued.

Barbary Slavery
Ohio State University history Professor Robert Davis describes the White Slave Trade as minimized by most modern historians in his book Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast and Italy, 1500–1800 (Palgrave Macmillan). Davis estimates that 1 million to 1.25 million white Christian Europeans were enslaved in North Africa, from the beginning of the 16th century to the middle of the 18th, by slave traders from Tunis, Algiers, and Tripoli alone (these numbers do not include the European people which were enslaved by Morocco and by other raiders and traders of the Mediterranean Sea coast), 16th- and 17th-century customs statistics suggest that Istanbul's additional slave import from the Black Sea may have totaled around 2.5 million from 1450 to 1700. The markets declined after the loss of the Barbary Wars and finally ended in the 1830s, when the region was conquered by France.

In 1544, the island of Ischia off Naples was ransacked, taking 4,000 inhabitants prisoners, while some 9,000 inhabitants of Lipari Island off the north coast of Sicily were enslaved.870 Turgut Reis, a Turkish pirate chief, ransacked the coastal settlements of Granada (Spain) in 1663 and carried away 4,000 people as slaves.

The barbaric slave-raiding activities of the Muslim pirates had a telling effect on Europe. France, England, and Spain lost thousands of ships, devastating to their sea-borne trade. Long stretches of the coast in Spain and Italy were almost completely abandoned by their inhabitants until the nineteenth century. The finishing industry was virtually devastated.

Paul Baepler’s White Slaves, African Masters: An Anthology of American Barbary Captivity Narratives lists a collection of essays by nine American captives held in North Africa. According to his book, there were more than 20,000 white Christian slaves by 1620 in Algiers alone; their number swelled to more than 30,000 men and 2,000 women by the 1630s. There were a minimum of 25,000 white slaves at any time in Sultan Moulay Ismail’s palace, records Ahmed ez-Zayyani; Algiers maintained a population of 25,000 white slaves between 1550 and 1730, and their numbers could double at certain times. During the same period, Tunis and Tripoli each maintained a white slave population of about 7,500. The Barbary pirates enslaved some 5,000 Europeans annually over a period of nearly three centuries.

5 Views · 11 months ago

Данный выпуск посвящен истории появления адыгского субэтноса кабардинцев, развитию Кабардинского княжества, его взаимоотношений с Крымским ханством и Россией, а также его судьбе в истории.

Тайм-код выпуска:
0:00 - вступление
0:02:30 - переселение на восток из Черкесии
0:04:07 - про версии древнего адыгского населения Кабарды
0:05:25 - фамилии Кабардинцев, Иналиды
0:07:50 - союз Ильдаровой Кабарды с Иваном Грозным, князь Темрюк
0:10:25- первые стычки с Османской империей
0:12:46 - усиление влияния Москвы
0:14:05 - полная независимость от Крымского ханства и война с ним
0:16:20 - Канжальская битва
0:20:55 - активное влияние России, русско-турецкая война 1736 года
0:23:05 - ухудшение отношений с Россией
0:24:20 - постройка Моздокской крепости, начало Кавказской войны
0:28:15 - полное политическое подчинение Кабарды
0:29:00 - колонизация кабардинских земель другими народами, Азово-моздокская линия
0:31:00 - последствия сужения территорий, чума. сокращение населения
0:32:08 - последние попытки сопротивления, выселение из гор, уход части кабардинцев в Кубанскую Черкесию
0:34:45 - судьба оставшихся кабардинцев
0:35:40 - культура кабардинцев и современные кабардинцы

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8 Views · 11 months ago

Circassian Circle Dance Show
Этно-проект "Черкесский Круг"
Нальчик 2007

Çerkes kültürüne ait daha fazla içerik için kanalımıza abone olmayı unutmayın. Bizi Facebook üzerinden de takip edebilirsiniz.

Facebook: Kocaeli Uzuntarla

6 Views · 11 months ago

The First International Circassian Conference in Nurmberg 21-22 Sept. 2018
Mr. Adel Bashqawi (Jordan Association of Caucasus Circassian Friends Amman, Jordan)

المؤتمر الشركسي الدولي الأول في نورنبرغ- ألمانيا 21-22 .09. 2018

دور أوروبا الأخلاقي في استعادة الحقوق الشرعية الشركسية
السيد عادل بشقاوي (جمعية أصدقاء شراكسة القفقاس الأردنية - عمان ، الأردن)

0 Views · 11 months ago

The Circassian people are an ethnic group from the North Caucasus in modern-day southern Russia. 157 years ago, the Russian army committed many atrocities and genocide against the Circassian people, leaving many of them exiled from their homeland. Many of them live in small communities across the world mainly in Turkey and the Middle east.

7 Views · 11 months ago

Büyük Çerkes Sürgünü 1864 / Circassian Genocide 21 May 1864

2 Views · 11 months ago

Hayreddin Pasha (Arabic: خير الدين باشا التونسي‎, Khair al-Din Pasha al-Tunsi, c.1822-1890) was an Ottoman politician who was born to a Circassian family , and became a Grand vizier of Ottoman Tunisia then a Grand vizier of the Ottoman Empire. He was a Ottoman Tunisian political reformer during a period of growing European ascendancy. He rose to become the chief minister of the state.

Of Circassian origin, Hayreddin was born in Abkhazia into "a family of warrior notables". His father Hassan Leffch, a local chieftain, died fighting against a Russian attack on the city of Sukhum. Thereafter as a young orphan Hayreddin was sold into slavery, then still a familiar event for Circassian youth. At Istanbul, however, he was eventually traded into a prestigious household, that of the notable Tahsin Bey, a Cypriot Ottoman who was the naqib al-ashraf (head of the Prophet's descendants) and qadi al-'askar (chief judge of the army) of Anatolia, and a poet.

Tahsin Bey moved the boy to his country palace at Kanlica near the Bosporus, where he became the childhood companion of the Bey's son for a span of years. Khayr al-Din received a "first-rate education" which included the Islamic curriculum, also the Turkish language, and perhaps French; yet he was not raised as a mamluk. Following "the son's tragic premature death" Khayr al-Din was again sold, in Istanbul by Tahsin Bey to an envoy of Ahmed Bey of Tunis. This new uprooting would obviously provoke emotional turmoil in Khayr al-Din, then about 17 years old. Soon he was on board a ship bound for Africa.

Circa 1840 Hayreddin became situated at the Bardo Palace, in the court of Ahmad Bey (r.1837-1855), as a mamluk bi-l-saraya [inner palace retainer]. He resumed his high-level studies, mainly at the Bardo Military Academy (al-maktab al-Harbi) a nearby institution newly established by the bey. A key part of his education now was learning to converse in Arabic, also acquaintance with French. At the Husaynid court he abilities were soon recognized; he became favored with the attention and trust of Ahmad Bey. He rose quickly in the elite cavalry, the nucleus of the bey's new army. Moreover, during the 1840s and 1850s he was sent by the Bay on several key diplomatic missions, e.g., to the Ottoman Porte at Istanbul, which was then pursuing its Tanzimat reforms, and to European capitals, including Paris. His political career thus began auspiciously under this famously modernizing ruler.

In 1846 he accompanied the bey, as part of small staff which included the influential advisor Bin Diyaf, during a two-month state visit to France. This trip was of a special cultural and political significant in that the orthodox bey traveled for an extended stay to a non-Islamic country in order to acquire familiarity with its modern methods of operation and governance. The trip "expanded the cultural space deemed acceptable for Muslim rulers." The French took care to show France to advantage; the small Tunisian party was well received by top government officials and leading private citizens. "Having traveled beyond the land of Islam, Ahmad Bey was blessed upon his return to Tunis by the grand mufti." In 1853 Hayreddin was elevated to the highest military grade, commander of the cavalry; he also then became an aide-de-camp of the bey. Yet shortly thereafter he was sent to Paris to arrange a loan for the bey's regime, but where instead he spend four years attempting to reclaim large sums embezzled by the notable Mahmud bin 'Ayyad, former head of the newly created national bank of Tunis, who with foresight had already secured French citizenship. During his years occupied with negotiations in Paris, Hayreddin also managed to browse libraries and bookshops, to improve his French, asking many questions, and to study European society, industry, and finance.
Because of the dire financial situation caused in part by the embezzlement of bin 'Ayyad, the bey's loan did not appear prudent to Hayreddin, according to Prof. Abun-Nasr. Nonetheless, the bey had stifled most political opposition to his financial schemes by long cultivation of the urban ulama and the rural tribal leaders. Due to Hayreddin's passive resistance, however, the loan was still being negotiated when Ahmed Bey died in 1855.

2 Views · 11 months ago

from old archives, times of small local TV company called NTR.

2 Views · 11 months ago

Kabardian Circassian volunteers in Abkhazia.

2 Views · 11 months ago

We will never forget
يوم الحداد الشركسي

14 Views · 11 months ago

Documentary film “The Man from Psibe Village” on the Circassian settlement of Psibe in Shapsughia in westernmost Circassia, made in 1972.

Director: Gennady Kraskov
Operator: Yuri Musatov
Produced by: Rostov Newsreel Studio
Year: 1972

The film is about the work of the rural postman X’useyn Achmiz (Ацумыжъ), a resident of the Circassian village of Psebe (Псыбэ [Psibe], in Circassian), “in the Adigean Autonomous Oblast”. It depicts the life in a (Shapsugh) Circassian village in the early 1970s. Although the village Psebe is billed as being in the Adigean Autonomous Oblast, it is actually in the Shapsugh Region, to the north of the town of Tuapse. Psibe (Псыбэ) literally means “Water Abundant” in Circassian. It has a population of a few hundreds, mainly Circassians. The number of villagers has been decreasing in the past few decades.

It is hoped that the Shapsugh Region would be joined to the Republic of Adigea for the benefit of both the Adigeans and Shapsugh. Adigea would then have access to the Black Sea, and the Shapsugh would benefit from the Circassian language and culture institutions in Adigea, which would stem the rising tide of assimilation.


• Postman X’useyn Achmiz travels with his horse across the Shapsugh countryside. He knows every nook and cranny in this ancient land of the Shapsugh Circassians.
• View of the Psibe village in the Shapsugh Region (in westernmost Circassia).
• The postman goes through the village, handing out letters and telegrams to villagers.
• The villagers are dancing, talking.
• Pioneers lay flowers at the monument to those killed in the Great Patriotic War (World War II).
• New-born baby is blessed by the elders, in accordance with ancient Circassian customs.
• Postman Achmiz takes part in “sch’ihafi” [«шIыхьафы»], an ancient Circassian custom whereby the residents of a village assemble to build or fix a house for or needy family on a voluntary basis.
• Postman hands a woman a “talking letter”. She listens to it on a record-player. “I am alive and kicking, and doing alright. My work is also going well! ...”
• Road construction near Psibe connecting to Adigea. Cars drive on the road.
• View of the village Psebe.
• Postman X’useyn Achmiz travelling on a treacherous mountain path.

4 Views · 11 months ago

To have an English translation for the video (just click on the Captions button) under the clip

In this Reportage which was produced by Nart TV under the name "21", is The Tale of Suffers and Pains of the Circassians that happened after 21-May-1864, and was translated based on a request from Brother STOPSOCHI1864

في هذا البرنامج والذي أعد من قبل قناة نارت الفضائية الشركسية تحت أسم "21"، هي حكاية الأحزان والآلام التي مرت على الشراكسة أثناء رحلة تهجيرهم القسري عن وطنهم شيركاسيا وقد تم ترجمته لبيان مدى المآسي التي مرت على أجدادنا الشراكسة الأديجة، والتي بدأت من تاريخ 21 أيار 1864 وهو تاريخ إحتلال شركاسيا.

4 Views · 11 months ago

Circassian online is supported by "Chessa Handcrafts" (Follow on Facebook and Instagram)

3 Views · 11 months ago

0 Views · 11 months ago

#chechen #grozny #çerkes #adigepşaşe #sürgün #pşine #ceug #grozny #lezginka #adigecale #çeçen #lovzar #nalchik #circassian #çeçenler #çerkesler #adiga #adigeler #kafkas #takipçi #адыги #cerkes #çerkeskıyafetleri #chechens #школаэтнос. #şeşen #adigekıyafet #adigeceug #adigeulusalkıyafetgünü #gt #çerkesler #pşinavo #ağlatandans #ağlatankafe #AğlatanQafe #çeçen #kabardeys #abone #takipçi #gt #abonekazanma #parakazanma #parakazanabilmek #kolayyoldanparakazanma #evdenparakazanma

4 Views · 11 months ago

ÇERKES SOYKIRIMI VE SÜRGÜNÜ NEDİR ? 21 MAYIS 1864 TE NELER YAŞANDI ? ÇERKESLER NİÇİN TOPRAKLARINDAN SÜRÜLDÜLER ? адыги ,circassian, adige, genocide, circassian genocide, ubıh, rusya, kafkasya çerkez, caukasus.

5 Views · 11 months ago

Vassals are such a wonderful thing :)

1 Views · 11 months ago

ingilizce belgesel agırlıklı yayın yapan bir rus televizyonundan,maykopta kabartay kültürü diye bir programdan alınmıştır ....

0 Views · 11 months ago

A song made by the Circassians for the battles against the Russian invaders in the Russo-Circassian war.

3 Views · 11 months ago

Union of Marchers and Fans (UMF) |

(==✪ ATTENTION ✪==)
The content uploaded here doesn't carry out any purpose of propaganda or hatred and they have nothing to do with my own world view.

(==✪ Adyghe Lyrics ✪==)
Си абдзахэр къумбылмэ щэхасэ, гущэба!
Урысхэри къалэмэ щэждэгух, гущэба!

Ра нысэщэ джэгу нахьи шIомышIэу язаох,
Ахэм я зэуакIэхэр гуихы, гущэба!

Джаурэуи хьэжъхэри мэхьакъух, гущэба!
КIэлэцIыкIу гъы макъэхэр къыдэIукI, гущэба!

О ионэкъопитIу, гущэр (ра), зи щыныталa,
Ар шы джалэм хэлъэуи заор къытфешIы, гущ!

Ра абэдзэ къарэхэр шыушъэмэ раапшъа,
Ор ти оркъы пшъыгъэхэр къытфыхэзыщыры.

О ионэкъопитIу, гущэр ра, къызэкъуредзэ,
Ар шышъхьэзэкъуадзэкIэ къыдэзэрэщы, гущ!

Джаурэуи хьэжъхэри мэхьакъух, гущэба!
КIэлэ хьакъу макъэхэр къыдэIукI, гущэба!

(==✪ Transliteration ✪==)
Si abdzaxər qumbılmə şçəxasə, guşçəba!
Wurısxəri qaləmə şçəcəgux, guşçəba!

Ra nısəşçə cəgu nah ş'omış'əw yazawox,
Axəm ya zewuak'əxər guyixı, guşçəba!

Cawurəwi həĵxəri məhaqux, guşçeba!
K'ələts'ık'u ğı maqəxər qıdə'uk', guşçeba!

Wo yiwonəqopit'u guşçər ra, zi şçınıtala,
Ar şı caləm xəłəwi zaor qıtfeş'ı, guşç!

Ra abədzə qarəxər şıwŝəmə raapŝa,
Wor ti worqı pŝığəxər qıtfıxəzışçırı.

Wo yiwonəqopit'u, guşçər ra, qısəquredzə,
Ar şıŝhəsəqwadsək'ə qıdəzərəşçı, guşç!

Cawurəwi həĵxəri məhaqux, guşçeba!
K'ələ haqu maqəxər qıdə'uk', guşçeba!

(==✪ English Lyrics ✪==)
The Abzakh gathered and held a tribal council under the white poplar trees, alas!
Whilst the Russian occupiers were making merry in their town-fortresses, alack!

The valiant Abzakh warriors engaged in their battles as if they were mere wedding games,
Their military prowess cast terror into the hearts of their inimical foes, alas!

The heathens, despicable dogs that they are, acted impudently, alas!
The sobbing of young children could be heard from the fortress, alack!

The two pommels of his saddle serving as a bipod for his gun,
And pressing against his horse’s withers, he set earnestly to battle, alas!

The Abaza warrior astride his black horse at the head of a hundred horsemen,
Rescued our battle-weary noblemen.

He bound himself firmly to his horse’s pommels,
And darted out of the fortress in close horseback battle, alas!

The heathens, despicable dogs that they are, acted impudently, alas!
The sound of weeping of young children could be heard from the fortress, alack!

7 Views · 11 months ago

Pandemi süresince evinden çıkmayan Thamademiz sonunda kafasını ekrandan çıkardı: Çocuklarına Çerkes ismi vermeyen ebeveynleri azarlayıp anne ve baba adaylarına da bir dize kız ve erkek bebek ismi önerisinde bulundu.

Editörün Notu: Eğer daha fazla, farklı Çerkes isimler arayışı içindeyseniz:

Çeviri: T'eşu Mustafa

Müzik: Нарт Хэку - Тхьэшхуэ Удж

Xase TV, İstanbul'dan bir grup yenilikçi Çerkes genci tarafından yayınlanmakta olan bir YouTube Kanalıdır. Gayesi, toplumu mizah yoluyla eğlendirmek, yanında da az buçuk bir şeyler öğretmeye çalışmaktır.

Bizi takip edin!

1 Views · 11 months ago

3 Views · 11 months ago

and some Nart Saga pictures

0 Views · 11 months ago


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Elmeskhan Hagundokova-Circassian Savior of France

Undoubtedly, one of the brightest Circassians, who left a bright trace in the history of several States - Elmeskhan Hagundokova. A hard life made her change the runway on the military training ground, and the character and aging has been successful in everything he undertook Elmeskhan. Noble family, work in the main fashion House, the Savior of thousands of lives - all this about her.

This is a wonderful story about the fate of the Circassian woman, the Commodore and honorary Brigadier General of France Elmeskhan Cherundolo.

Несомненно, одной из самых ярких черкешенок, оставивших светлый след в истории нескольких государств- Эльмесхан Хагундокова. Нелегкая судьба заставила ее сменить подиум на военный полигон, а характер и выдержка позволили добиться успеха во всем, за что бралась Эльмесхан. Дворянская семья, работа в главном Доме моды, спасительница тысяч жизней, - все это про нее.

Это рассказ об удивительной судьбе черкесской женщины, о командоре и почетном бригадном генерале Франции Эльмесхан Хагундоковой.

1 Views · 11 months ago

To have an English translation for the video (just click on Captions button) under the clip

In this series (Muhammad Ali) which was done by "Al-Jazeera Documentary channel" in 2012, the series covered the mentality of Ali of getting rid any possible competitors to his dynasty in Egypt.

One of the victims were the "Burji Dynasty" or the Circassian Mamluks" whom were betrayed by Muhammad Ali on one of the holiest days for Muslims (Fridays), in a fake celebration arranged by Ali to gather the Circassian princes asking them to join his army to free the holy places of Mecca & Al-Medina from the Wahhabis, while intending to slaughter them in Cairo Citadel (Saladin Citadel) in 1811.

في هذا البرنامج الذي تم إعداده من قبل قناة الجزيرة الوثائقيّة في عام 2012 ، والذي يتحدث فيه عن شخصية محمد علي والي مصر، من حيث غدره وخيانته وتخلصه من أعدائه بطريقة تندى لها الجبين بدءاً من عمر مكرم والنخبة المصريّة ومن ثم بالمماليك الشراكسة ليستأثر بالحكم.
وقد عمل محمد علي على خداع أمراء الشراكسة من حيث دعوته لهم للانضمام إلى جيشه الذي سوف يقوم بتحرير الحرمين الشريفين من سطوة الوهابيين، وبعد أحتفال وهمي أعده في يوم الجمعة والذي يعتبر من الأيام المقدسة عند المسلمين ، حيث قام بذبح المماليك الشراكسة في يوم الجمعة وقبل الصلاة ، لخوفه من المماليك على حكمه وليتسنى له بعد ذلك التفرد في حكم مصر.
وتغطي هذه اللقطات الحالة الإجتماعية في مصر إبان دخول محمد علي عليها.

10 Views · 11 months ago

We thank everyone that participated.

"Узэрымыпсалъэ бзэм уригупсысэкъым, узэрымыгупсысэ бзэр щымы1э п1алъэщ."

Дунейпсо адыгэ ныбжьыщ1э хасэм къыбгъэдэк1у дэтхэнэ зыми адыгэбзэм и махуэмк1э дынывохъуэхъу!
Мы ди нэтынымк1э фытедгъэгушхуэну дыхуейщ, ц1ык1ухэр анэдэлъхубзэм хуевгъэджэну. Иджыри гук1и-псэк1и дыныволъэ1у - ди щ1эблэм адыгэбзэк1э фепсалъэ!

"Уи бзэр бзууэ пlэщlэкlамэ,
Кlэлъылъати къэпхъуэтэж.
Ар уи щlэблэм lурыпчамэ,
Къэтlи мащэ итlысхьэж."

Dear Circassians,

Congratulations on the world Circassian language day.

The World Circassian Youth Organization presents on this day a short film named: I am Adige, I speak Adigebze.

One of the oldest unchanged languages in the world ... Adigebze.

This beautiful language that has existed for thousands of years is unfortunaty considered by linguists and specialized organizations (incl: UNESCO) as endangered.

Adighabza has deep roots in the North Caucasus region.

Greeks used Circassian names to denominate the river Danube (Circassian: Танэпс). They also knew the Sea of Azof as the Maeotian sea ( Circassian: мы1ут, the sea which cannot be dammed).

The influence of Circassian language remains today in the names of Ukrainian families ending with the suffix -ko, from the Circassian word къуэ for : the son of.

Adigebze is mainly divided into two dialects: eastern and western.

In the homeland, Adigebze is spoken in all areas where Adiges live.

With rather less speakers in diaspora, it is mostly the the elders that speak the language fluently.

Today we have all kinds of sources to learn it.

We as CYO have several projects to teach Adigebze including a rich website dedicated to sharing materials and a language parnter program together with people from the homeland.

If you speak Adigebze, use it! Speak with your children and teach them. If you don't, what you can do is find an online teacher and show them materials like cartoons and films.

Let us work together, so our children can speak it fluently.

We still have a chance.

0 Views · 11 months ago

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For effective learning of the Circassian Language, we are using the Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling or TPRS. It's a fun and stress-free way of learning, it focuses on the most useful vocabulary and uses gestures, visual imagery, spatial memory aid, body language, and voice inflection. PLUS There are no memorized dialogues or grammar worksheets with the TPRS method.

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