CIRCASSIAN - How to say Circassian?
CIRCASSIAN - Circassian pronunciation: Common mistakes & fixes in 2023
Circassian refers to the indigenous people of the Circassia region, which is located in the northern Caucasus.
This ethnic group has a rich history and culture, and are known for their distinct language, traditions, and customs.
Circassians have a diverse ancestry and have faced challenges throughout history, including displacement and political unrest.
Nowadays, they can be found in different parts of the world due to diaspora communities formed by historical events.
To pronounce 'Circassian', you can say ['sur-kay-shuhn'] or ['sur-kas-ee-uhn'] with emphasis on the first syllable.
Alternatively, you can break it down as ['sur'] (rhymes with 'see') + ['kay'] (rhymes with 'way') + ['shuhn'] (rhymes with 'sun').
Test yourself by speaking the following examples:
1. Circassian people have a unique and fascinating history
2. The Circassian language is an important part of their cultural heritage
3. Many Circassians living abroad strive to preserve their traditions and identity
4. Circassian cuisine is known for its delicious flavors and use of local ingredients
5. Circassian dance is a vibrant and energetic form of artistic expression
Last updated: September, 2023