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They are the fourth largest ethnic group in the Middle East, but they never obtained a permanent nation-state.
Around 35 million Kurdish reside in the mountainous regions located at the borders of Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Iran, and Armenia.
During the rise of the Ottoman empire, the Kurds were promised a separate homeland. When the borders of modern Turkey and its neighbours were drawn there was no more talk of an independent Kurdistan.
The thought of a free Kurdistan, can be worrying, will there ever be an independent state?
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#AlJazeeraEnglish #Kurdistan #Explainer
The Caucasian War of 1763–1864 was an invasion of the Caucasus by the Russian Empire which resulted in Russia's annexation of the areas of the North Caucasus, and the ethnic cleansing of Circassians. It consisted of a series of military actions waged by the Empire against the peoples of the Caucasus including the Adyghe, Abkhaz–Abaza, Ubykhs, Kumyks and Nakh and Dagestanians as Russia sought to expand. In Dagestan, resistance to the Russians was described as jihad.
Russian control of the Georgian Military Highway in the center divided the Caucasian War into the Russo-Circassian War in the west and the Murid War in the east. Other territories of the Caucasus (comprising contemporary eastern Georgia, southern Dagestan, Armenia and Azerbaijan) were incorporated into the Russian empire at various times in the 19th century as a result of Russian wars with Persia. The remaining part, western Georgia, was taken by the Russians from the Ottomans during the same period.
#CircassianGenocide #UntoldHistory #RememberingTheLost #JusticeForCircassians
1864 - The Circassian Tragedy
If our lives are to be short,
Then let our fame be great!
Let us not depart from truth!
Let fairness be our path!
Let us not know grief!
Let us live in freedom!
39 Major Genocides: Circassian genocide #Genocide#HumanHistory#LastCentury#DarkHistory#Humanrights#i
Short video compiles major genocides from history to present, sourced from Wikipedia, offering poignant insight into humanity's tragic past.
#Genocide #History #Wikipedia, Tragedy #ShortVideo #Humanity #Remembrance #Awareness #Education #Conflict
Kabardey dilinde cerkes tarihi, Geschichte von Tscherkessen in Kabardinischer Sprache Producer: Askarbi Naghaplev Aminat, Maykop 2007 Thanks to Janbolat from NJ
Circassian Community Network
The Circassian genocide was the Russian Empire's ethnic cleansing, killing, forced migration, and expulsion of the majority of the Circassians from their historical homeland Circassia, which roughly encompassed the major part of the North Caucasus and the northeast shore of the Black Sea. This occurred in the aftermath of the Caucasian War in the second half of the 19th century. The displaced people moved primarily to the Ottoman Empire.
9-е февраля сего года вместе с Риадом и Сарией Абдельраззак (Riad Abdelrazzak and Saria Abdelrazzak) и Мухаммедом Мельхемом (Mohammad Melhem) я выехал в город Минья, что находится в Ливане. Мы все искали следы черкесской истории. Истории пребывания адыгов, абхазов, абазин и убыхов в этой ближневосточной стране. А были наши соотечественники здесь ещё при мамлюках.
Мы глядели на бывшие черкесские улицы, обжитые в наше время арабами. Мы долго искали и, наконец, нашли территорию «Черкесского кладбища». Оно и сегодня так называется. Однако уже на кладбище мы долго искали могилы самих черкесов. Больно на душе и тревожится сердце за современных ливанских черкесов. Готовы ли адыгские республики России вместе с Абхазией помочь местным черкесам? Примут ли они программы по развитию связей с этой частью черкесской диаспоры? Не скажут ли на Кавказе, что «спасение утопающих – дело рук самих утопающих»? В YouTube уже вопрошают так называемые анонимы, косящие под «черкесов», мол, какие они черкесы, живущие в Ливане? И какова моя цель? Какова цель Абхазии?
Запомните: Абхазии в этом проекте нет. Никто в Абхазии мой проект не финансирует. Данный проект – это чисто гуманитарная и культурная программа, начатая двумя настоящими патриотами абхазо-адыгских народов. С мая месяца интернет пестрит новыми видеозаписями, который войдут в золотой фонд видео черкесского и абхазо-абазинского народов. Но никто из миллиардеров наших так и не откликнулся на этот проект. Они по любому не могут не интересоваться черкесскими делами. Но жаба душит их и им всё мало. Тем временем, период финансирования подходит к концу и через месяц проект будет завершён.
Побывав на тех могилах черкесов в Ливане и проанализировав нашу историю, я пришёл к выводу, что все самые достойные, за некоторым минимальным исключением, находятся в могиле. А у нас нет силы воли. Что бы мы отныне ни делали, нам не возродиться. Мы вот так, худо-бедно, будем доживать своё время. И когда-нибудь наступит момент, когда мы бесславно исчезнем. Вы хотите мир, где черкесы, абхазы и абазины ненавидят друг друга? Когда они завидуют друг другу по-чёрному. Когда они нанимают киллеров, чтобы убить друг друга. Когда они просырают миллионы и миллиарды в казино. И когда они в наркотическом угаре не знают, что творят. Кто не понимает моей миссии, тому Бог судья. А сейчас мы вместе смотрим видео из Ливана…
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Kabardey dilinde cerkes tarihi, Geschichte von Tscherkessen in Kabardinischer Sprache Producer: Askarbi Naghaplev Aminat, Maykop 2007 Thanks to Janbolat from NJ
Circassian Community Network
A teaser of the interview with a representative of the Ossetian people for the international project "The Ethnic Origins Of Beauty" ("Les origines de la beauté") [a][/a]
avec les sous-titres FRANÇAIS ici:
About Ossetian people here:
Don't miss the release of the full version of the film.
To be continued ...
© Les origines de la beauté
MUA: Diana Bodruh
MUSIC: Traditional Ossetian motifs
DATE and PLACE: 19 of October 2018, Paris, Studio Valmy
Help the project "The Ethnic Origins of Beauty" to continue their mission, make a donation:
"The Ethnic Origins of Beauty" (Les origines de la beauté) is a non-profit, artistic, documentary and research project about the ethnic diversity of mankind, presented through the beauty of women of all ethnic groups of the world.
The objectif of this project is to show the real scale of ethnocultural diversity in a full, systematic and creative way; to illustrate each and every distinctive ethnicity, however small it is, and whatever its official status.
The project “The Ethnic Origins of Beauty” received the acknowledgment of UNESCO and was first officially presented at an exhibition devoted to international women’s day in March 2014, at its Parisian headquarters.
The project started in 2012, but it is only in the early stages of its realisation and in constant need of help. We would appreciate any kind of support, cooperation or partnership.
© Les origines de la beauté
All rights reserved
The reposting of the information and photos of the web-site is allowed only with the notion of the project name, the name of the author and reference to the website or the official Facebook page of the project:
CONTACTS for the participation and support of the project:
The Association for support to the project "The Ethnic Origins of Beauty"
65, rue de Rennes
Paris 75006, France
Теl.: +33668656824
Official web-site: [a][/a]
INSTAGRAM: lesoriginesdelabeaute
"Navigating Between History, Memory, and Politics: Circassian Trans-Nationalism in the 21st Century". A Discussion with Prof. Madina Tlostanova (Linköping University, Sweden) and Prof. Lidia Zhigunova (Tulane University, USA). RUCARR seminar, Malmö University (Sweden), June 15, 2022 (
ABSTRACT: In recent decades, we have witnessed a renewed ethnic mobilization among Circassians in the North Caucasus region in Russia, as well as among Circassians living in diasporic communities throughout the world. There has been an increased interaction between these two communities, especially since the outbreak of the Syrian Civil War in 2011 and the attempts of Circassians to save their compatriots by bringing them back and helping them to resettle in their homeland in the Russian North Caucasus. Our discussion will focus on the new forms of Circassian trans-diasporic mobilization and activism that led to the emergence of grassroots activism, the new civil society organizations and a substantially increased number of internet-based initiatives. Navigating between history, memory, and contemporary politics, Circassians have been able to cross many divides that no longer seem to be an issue in a post-Soviet digital world. They have showed a strong sense of common purpose in response to the many challenges faced by this community, whether defending their political and linguistic rights, or pushing Russia to reexamine its imperial legacy in the North Caucasus.
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An excellent documentary about the Circassian history in Egypt.
Circassian Voiceover
Kabardey dilinde cerkes tarihi, Geschichte von Tscherkessen in Kabardinischer Sprache Producer: Askarbi Naghaplev Aminat, Maykop 2007 Thanks to Janbolat from NJ
Circassian Community Network
Circassian Cerkes Tscherkessen
An informational short summary about an event that happened in 1864 that still has lingering affects on international relations.
Majdoline Habjoqa Hilmi speaks about Circassian customs in Kabardian.
Circassian DNA. The Circassians are originally from the North Caucasus and experienced significant losses during long wars with Russia. About 90% died or were exiled, resulting in most living in Turkey today. But what are they genetically? Here we see the breakdown of Circassian DNA on average. They have mainly Caucasian roots, with influences from Turkic peoples, Slavs, Germanic peoples and Sarmatians. The most genetically similar peoples are Karachays and Balkars. However, as we can see here, the values differs by region and tribe. For example, Circassians from Adygea are more similar to Ossetians and Ingush than other Circassians
On the 158th anniversary of the Circassian Exile, one of the most upsetting events in human history, we commemorate the Circassians with mercy as they were martyred and displaced from their homeland while defending it.
#Çərkəz soyqırımı #Circassian #caucasus #azerbaijan #dagestan #turkey #russia #history #genocide #circassiangenocide #crime #russianempire #battle #war #shameofhumanity #europe #tarix #bakı #xəzər #caspiansea #blacksea #adyghe #kabardians #chechens #Shorts
Kabardey dilinde cerkes tarihi, Geschichte von Tscherkessen in Kabardinischer Sprache Producer: Askarbi Naghaplev Aminat, Maykop 2007 Thanks to Janbolat from NJ
Circassian Community Network
Circassian Cerkes Tscherkessen
Finally the truth comes out. Long suspected, but finally confirmed. The brilliant Leonardo Da Vinci mystery of who was his mother has been verified by Italian Government Archives.
Leonardo Da Vinci's mother, Caterina was a CIRCASSIAN Princess captured and stolen into the sex trades from the Caucasus Mountains into Constantinople then Venice then Florence. Pietro Da Vinci was a notary and documents verified that he had certificate of liberation for Caterina and she was the mother of Leonardo Da Vinci.
This interview with Suhein Beck and Dr. John Colarusso further "dives deeper" into the vast sea of lost accounts from the CIRCASSIAN history into Europe and Italy during the Renaissance period through the Silk Road and Textiles Industry.
In the Book: "The Mystery of Caterina: Who Was the Mother of Leonardo da Vinci"
Viacheslav Chirikba's hypothesis confirmed by Italian Government Archives
New Book "The Smile of Catherine" by Carlo Vecce, an Italian professor spent decades studying Leonardo's life found the deed of liberation the in the State Archives of Florence, that was signed by Piero da Vinci, the notary and father of Leonardo.
Suhein Beck's book, SHADES OF HONOR is due out to be published as an episodic series on KINDLE VELLA - to be adapted as a TV Series
Check out this shocking history of the Circassian Genocide by Russian General Grigori von Zass 😱 Learn about the brutal role he played in the ethnic cleansing of Circassians in the 19th century 🕵️♂️ #CircassianGenocide #RussianEmpire #History #GenocideAwareness #EducationalContent
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