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Circassian's debut album 'Hantse Guashe' released on 13/01/2014.
Released on Chaotic Synergy records, with the support of Spinalonga records and Body Blows records. From 07/02/2014 available on Vinyl.
Artwork by Constantine Lianos.
All music and lyrics by Circassian.
Late at night
lays a crime
Feel the sound
that lies around
White mud lights
Pale blue moan
Seems i'm blind
Feels like home
to illustrate all the folk dances and musics of the world ) a Circassian dance , the name : Kabardinka Wuic Gafe , i do a playlist on this channel : '' FOLK Circassian , about geography and ethnic group history ,see more on Circassian youtube channels , and his TV channel : NART TV
thank's to '' shagh '' youtube channel , and his Circassian's roots , surprise at the end of this dance , when we think that is finish , thans also '' vindej ''& ' 'azarmatus'' youtubechannels
Professor Walter Richmond presenting evidence for the Circassian Genocide from the Tbilisi State Archives.
IXth Biennial Conference
International Association of Genocide Scholars
Buenos Aires, Argentina
In opposition to the 2014 Sochi Olympic Games in Russia
The First International Circassian Conference in Nurmberg 21-22 Sept. 2018
How to Survive the Circassian Nation in the 21st Century and Resist Assimilation
Mr. Rashid Zafesov (Maykop, Adygea Republic, Russian Federation)
المؤتمر الشركسي الدولي الأول في نورنبرغ- ألمانيا 21-22 .09. 2018
كيف بقاء واستمرار الأمة الشركسية في القرن الواحد والعشرين ومقاومة الانحلال
السيد رشيد زافيسوف : مايكوب ، جمهورية أديغيا ، الاتحاد الروسي
Aibek wants to learn how to Iron fittings, so he ask from Jan Bek to teach him. when Jan Bek have to leave for a while, he warns Aaibek to not touch nothing ! will Aaibk obey ? :)
МЕЧТЫ СБЫВАЮТСЯ.Студия мультипликации "Надежда"КБР г.Нальчик.
Summery of two Chapters from the coming book of Professor Walter Richmond on the Circassian genocide
Join our FREE Circassian Online classes and learn how to read, pronounce, and write in Circassian Language! We offer Wednesday and Saturday Circassian Online Classes for FREE via ZOOM. If you want to join us visit our Facebook group page, join the group and send us a message.
Facebook group page-
To know more about the Circassian Language please visit our website:
For effective learning of the Circassian Language, we are using the Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling or TPRS. It's a fun and stress-free way of learning, it focuses on the most useful vocabulary and uses gestures, visual imagery, spatial memory aid, body language, and voice inflection. PLUS There are no memorized dialogues or grammar worksheets with the TPRS method.
Circassian Education foundation 16th annual scholarship awards first-ever virtual gala.
Bringing everyone together from around the world to celebrate and honor extraordinary individuals with guest speakers and exciting entertainment
Youtube Background Video - Royalty Free Video Free Videos provided by
Fireworks Video Background by Amitai Angor
للحصول على الترجمة باللغة العربية الرجاء الضغط على أسفل الفيديو Captions وإختيار اللغة العربية
إن غاية أي مواطنٍ شركسي وحلمه يجب أن يكون إيصال صوتنا كشراكسة إلى العالم الحر الذي يسمح ويتقبل، وبأن يدافع عن تاريخنا وقيمنا، وبما أن صوتنا لا يمكن أن يصل بغير جهدٍ من جهود أبناءه المخلصين، و أنا أذكر وقبل ما يقارب الأربع سنوات أي في يناير عام 2009، بأنني ولله الحمد كنت من أوائل الأصوات التي باركت لقناة الجزيرة الوثائقيّة بإطلاق قناتها الجديدة، وقد دعوت طاقم القناة في حينها بأن يتم عمل برنامج وثائقي عن الشراكسة ونضالاتهم و مقاومة محو التاريخ الشركسي في القفقاس بشكل عام وفي سوتشي بشكل خاص و التي تتبعه آلة الدعاية الروسية وكما هو مبين في التعليق رقم (2) ، وقد عاودت الطلب ذاته في مايو عام 2010 وكما هو مبين في التعليق رقم (103)، ووفقاً للرابط المبين أدناه:
ونحن الآن في شهر حزيران 2013 ، وقد منّ علينا الله بفضله بأن قامت القناة بعمل برنامج حول أولمبياد سوتشي 2014 ومدى التزييف الممارس حول تاريخ الشراكسة في سوتشي ، بفيلم وثائقي عنوانه "شتاء الإضراب"""
فالحمد لله حمداً كثيراً، ولن نتوقف عن الدفاع عن مصالح أمتنا ولو طال الزمن.
فيجب أن تعرف الشعوب المآسي التي مرت على الشعب الشركسي وأن يتعرف على إبادته التي أستمرت 100 عام وبشكل ممنهج
The aim of any Circassian must be telling the free world about our history and values, despite it is a hard job, which needs a continuous and dedicated efforts. I can remember before nearly 4 years from now and to be precise in January 2009, that the voice of the Circassians was one of the earliest voices that congratulated the establishment of Al-Jazeera Documentary, and I urged the channel to make a documentary program about the Circassians, their glories, in addition to their resistance to preserve their traditions, history, and values, as can be clearly seen in comment number (2), and I urged them again after 1.5 years in May 2010 as can be clearly seen in comment number (103) in the following link:
Now we are in June 2013, and I want to thank God that our voices were listened by the channel; by preparing the documentary file titled "Winter of Discontent",
Thank you my God, and we will not stop to resist for the interest of our nation as much as we still alive.
All the nations should know about our tragedy and sorrow!
Circassian Genocide in Sochi 2014 Circassian Genocide in sochi 2014
In April 15, 1277, the Mamluk forces complimented with bedouins auxilary under Sultan Baibars marched from Syria into the Mongol-Ilkhanate in Anatolia. Upon reaching Elbistan, Mamluks was confronted with the Mongols ilkhan forces totalling in equal size under General Tadaun, although the Mongol core forces were smaller than the Mamluk army, they were supplemented by Georgians contingent. Rûm-Seljuk forces under vizier Pervâne, vassal of the Ilkhanate, were pesent at the battlefield as Ilkhnate reserve, but at the height of the battle did not take part.
Music :
Adam Skorupa - Holy War to Come (Ancestors Legacy : Saladin's Conquest)
Sarah Schachner - Fight Theme (Assassin’s Creed Origins)
Stephen Rippy - Canyon Of Death (Age of Empires: Definitive Edition)
10 years later, balagh iqbal's
caricatures are more actual then ever.
Xabze, Xa: many, vast or space, Bze: language, literally meaning, the language of the cosmos is an oral unwritten code of conduct, which incorporates all aspects of life, dictating behavior from birth to death. It is not an explicit dogma nor a separate creed, but can be closely described as an art of life.
Welcome to Intro to Circassian A0 Course! Join our FREE Circassian Online classes and learn how to read, pronounce, and write in Circassian Language! To join, click here to register for FREE:
Join our Facebook group page-
To know more about the Circassian Language please visit our website:
For effective learning of the Circassian Language, we are using the Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling or TPRS. It's a fun and stress-free way of learning, it focuses on the most useful vocabulary and uses gestures, visual imagery, spatial memory aid, body language, and voice inflection. PLUS There are no memorized dialogues or grammar worksheets with the TPRS method.
Welcome to Intro to Circassian A0 Course! Join our FREE Circassian Online classes and learn how to read, pronounce, and write in Circassian Language! To join, click here to register for FREE:
Join our Facebook group page-
To know more about the Circassian Language please visit our website:
For effective learning of the Circassian Language, we are using the Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling or TPRS. It's a fun and stress-free way of learning, it focuses on the most useful vocabulary and uses gestures, visual imagery, spatial memory aid, body language, and voice inflection. PLUS There are no memorized dialogues or grammar worksheets with the TPRS method.
Выпуск о черкесских армянах - черкесогаях, истории их появления в Черкесии, жизненном устройстве и судьбе в истории Российской империи
На основании статей портала Голос Адыга -
и газеты Ноев Ковчег -
Тайм-код выпуска:
0:00 - вступление
0:03:00 - тюркские вторжения в Армению
0:04:30 - армяне в Крыму
0:04:55 - исход из Крыма
0:06:22 - появление черкесогаев в Черкесии
0:08:05 - роль армян в Черкесии
0:10:50 - армяне на Дону
0:13:25 - 16-19 века
0:18:35 - в Кавказскую войну, усложение обстановки
0:20:45 - начало выселения в Российскую империю
0:23:11 - планирование и основание Армавира
0:26:00 - ассимиляция армян в России и потеря этнической идентичности
0:28:10 - Богарсуковы
0:29:45 - после выселения. Частные инициативы
0:30:30 - армяне Черноморского побережья
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Download & Stream:
Official stream from Shapes of Rhythm. Distributed by Kudos Records.
More music playlists:
#ShapesofRhythm #ElectronicaDance #BeatsampBreaks
Album: Ozan [ALBUM]
Track: 15 of 21
Title: Circassian
Artist: Enver Göyken
Label: Shapes of Rhythm
Cat#: SOR021
Formats: Cassette/Digital
Digital Release: 30th September 2022
Physical Release: 30th September 2022
About This Release:
BodyMoves returns under the moniker Enver Goyken for his second full length beat tape on London-based label Shapes of Rhythm. Ozan (meaning travelling wise poet in Turkish) is a 21-track exploration of the Turkish side of his heritage, and the alias which is his birth name. Enver's biological dad was from Istanbul, and unfortunately the beat-maker didn't have a relationship with him for most of his life. When he died in 2016, BodyMoves was advised to use his passion for music to explore Turkiye and its culture as part of the grieving process, and to better understand that part of who he is.
"Amongst other things, my biological dad was a musician who first played a part in Turkish rock n roll history, and then as a producer who pioneered modern studio set ups in Turkey, so perhaps I was always going to be obsessed by music myself"
"As a beat maker, my dive into Turkish music inevitably led to identifying samples in the music I was digging into, and although it's been quite a long process, it has resulted in this beat tape project coming together."
Alongside digging into the musical side of Turkiye's culture, it also presented an opportunity to explore thousands of years of history as the bridge between East and West. It's for this reason that the tracklisting reads like a history lesson, referencing famous people and places across time, from archaeological sites and ancient statues to empires, Sultans, armies and tribes of people.
The music on Ozan is loosely framed around hip hop but is unrestricted by tempo. Using his trusty SP404 (championed by people like Ras G and Madlib), and a stack of records and historical references these are raw, raw beats and grooves. The departure from 2017's Cariño beat tape is that here there is a much more global approach to the sound sources. The opener Göbekli Tepe welcomes you in with an introductory stringed instrument fanfare before a whirlwind of polyrhythms move around a swinging, unquantised beat.
Urfa Man quickens the tempo with hand percussion samples and urgent vocal chants and calls, whilst a bassline moves nimbly around joined by a lush Rhodes line. Achaemenid is a lower affair, underpinned by a repetitive dusty piano sample and clacking wooden percussion. In classic BodyMoves style the duration is short but the ideas within it are many. Constantine I is all woozy sub bass and neck-snapping snares, whilst a hypnotic set of hand drums work their way through your brain. Sasanian is a complete assault on the senses with its swirling effects and minimal percussion.
Byzantium is the beat tape's longest and possibly grooviest track, led by a bassline and a reflective keyboard sequence. İznik is another track underpinned by Rhodes and punctuated by an urgent, looped up vocal hook.
Staying true to beat tape tradition Ozan is released on limited white cassette (and digital) with extensive contextual and historic liner notes plus map. Limited to 75 copies.
Reviews for This Release:
"This is awesome" - Tom Ravenscroft (BBC 6 Music)
"Lots of great stuff on here" - West Norwood Cassette Library (Repeater Radio)
"Ace!" - Lloyd Briggs (Deeep Space - PBS106.7fm)
"What a beattape!?!?! It flows like a champ, and I'm not just saying that cause I'm Turkish." - Kerem Gokmen (Dubmission Radioshow (WYEP Pittsburgh))
"Really enjoying the music and excited to delve into the album further. I love the exploration of heritage/identity through music, so really cool to hear your journey" - Jamz Supernova (BBC 6 Music/1Xtra/Radio 1)
Бара быхьыз Минара. Адигська (черкеська) пісня. Виконує Альберт Тлячев з Республіки Адигея. Світлини: культура адигів (черкесів). Мінара - адигське (черкеське) жіноче ім'я. Bara byhyz Minara. Circassian (Adigha) song by Albert Tliachev from the Republic of Adygea. In Circassian (Adyghe) language. Photos of Circassian (Adiga) culture.
If someone has (or can decipher and write in Circassian) text to this song in Circassian pls send I will add - at the moment it is not available anywhere on on the internet (checked) ПІДТРИМАЙ МІЙ ПРОЕКТ!
We remember never gonna forget
Tarihin en eski dönemlerinden beri yaşadıkları anayurtları Çerkesya'da eşsiz bir dil ve kültür geliştiren Çerkesler yüzyıllarca süren onurlu direnişlerine rağmen Çarlık Rusyası ile büyük devletlerin kolonyalist politikaları ve stratejik hedefleri doğrultusunda soykırıma uğradı ve Anavatanlarından sürgün edildi.
Fakat tüm baskılara, dağılmışlığa, acılara karşın Çerkesler varlıklarını ve kimliklerini koruyor ve yaşatıyorlar. 21 Mayıs, Çerkes halkının yaşama direncinin ifadesidir. Direniştir, başkaldırıdır, diriliştir. 21 Mayıs, halkımızın belleğine kazınan tüm bu acıları, savaşları insanlık dışı uygulamaları dünyaya haykırmak istediğimiz gündür. 21 Mayıs, dün, bugün, yarın perspektifinde ulusal-kültürel kimliğimizi yaşama ve yaşatma isteği ile geleceğe ışık tuttuğumuz günlerdir. 21 Mayıs, birbirinden koparılmış halkın farklı coğrafyalara dağıtılsa bile, birlikte yaşama irade ve arzusunu haykırdıkları günlerdir. 21 Mayıs Diaspora ile Anavatandaki kardeşlerin yüreklerinde eş zamanlı yanan bir kor ateştir ve bu ateşin yaktığı yürekler mutlaka bir gün ortak geleceklerini kuracaktır. Soykırım ve sürgünün acısını yüreğinde hisseden tüm Çerkesleri ve Çerkes dostlarını bu anlamlı günlerde beraber olmaya çağırıyoruz.
@21_may_1864'ü takip edin:
Müzik: Berkay - Mahalli Ağlatan Kafe
Instagram: adige1furkan
Twitter: adige1furkan
21 Mayıs 1864
#ÇERKESSOYKIRIMI #Circassian #21May1864
Provided to YouTube by Kavkaz Music по лицензии ZvukM
Circassian Folk · Akhmat Batchaev · Traditional · Ахмат Батчаев
Caucasian Melodies
℗ Kavkaz Music по лицензии ZvukM
Released on: 2019-11-21
Auto-generated by YouTube.
Al-Ahli Circassian Ensemble History for 19 years.
شه شن :
شه شن تعني شخصية الحصان، ومن اعز على الفارس الشركسي من حصانه؟. يقلده في كل شيء، مشيته و وقفته و حركاته فهو رفيقه في السلم و الحرب. و شه شن رقصة حافظ عليها شراكسة المهجر و برعوا في أداءها و الحفاظ على موسيقاها فغدت عنوان محافظة شراكسة المهجر على تاريخهم و فلكلورهم.
2. Shehshan:
Shehshan means the horse personality. And what is dearer to a knight’s heart than his horse? Imitating his moves, his walk, his posture, it is his companion in peace and war. Shehshan is a dance preserved by Circassians in diaspora, they mastered it and its melodies, so it became the title of preserving Circassian history and culture in diaspora.
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The Call - A Short Circassian Film
An Ashraf Jankot & Mutaz Jankot Production
A Mutaz Jankot Film
Circassian - Quadrivium
0:00 - (Non Finite)
5:09 - The Longest Story
9:23 - No Shapes, Only Numbers
13:22 - Proper Motion
All music/lyrics by Circassian
Produced by Alex Bolpasis at Artracks Studios
Artwork by Constantine Lianos