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1 Views · 7 months ago

Circassian swords and dagger tricks

6 Views · 7 months ago

Circassian Circle Part 1
was danced at the Cinderella Ball held by Melbourne Colonial Dancers on
July 2nd 2022. Our musicians were Blackberry Jam
Dance Instructions are :
32 bar Reel Australian
4 Bars: Right and left through.

4 Bars: Right and left back.

4 Bars: Set right and left to partner twice.

4 Bars: Swing partners with ballroom hold pivot swing

4 Bars: Ladies chain across.

4 Bars: Ladies chain back.

8 Bars: Promenade around opposite couple in full circle and
continue in original direction to meet new couple

0 Views · 7 months ago

muhteşem çerkes dansı, mükemmel çerkes dansı, çerkes düğün videoları, çerkes videoları, çerkez düğünleri, çerkez dansı, adige kafe, adige qafe, circassian qafa, adiga qafa çerkes dansı muhteşem çerkes dansı çerkez düğünleri çerkes düğünleri adige düğünleri nachik adige cegu Черкесская свадьба Супер Адыгэ джэгу circassian dance circassian wedding adıge cegu çerkezler çerkesler dünyanın en güzel düğünü dünyanın en güzel şarkıları Нальчик Майкопе краснодар сочи circassia cherkessia Туапсинского cherkes Черкесск черкесский çerkez düğünü böyle olur circassian dance çerkes düğünü circassian wedding çerkez düğünü adige ceug adıge cegu şeşen щэщэн лъэпэрисэ Адыгэ джэгу Черкесская свадьба زفاف شركسي Չերքեզի հարսանիքը Çərkəz toyu Circassianische Hochzeit ჩერქეზული ქორწილი Черкеська весілля ჩრდილოკავკასიელი კავკასიის kafkas düğünleri adige khafe Matrimonio circasso süper dans show Κυκασιανός γάμος Καυκάσιοι γάμο dance taki taki dance afro танец Tanz رقص valle rəqs dantza danza ריקוד պարել 舞蹈 舞蹈 dança плес नृत्य tanec χορός sayaw 댄스 ples би танц danza tari رقص नृत्य Nr̥tya tánc qoob ka ダンス бий адыгэ джэгу, адыгэ джэгу свадьба, адыгэ джэгу лъапэрисэ, адыгэ джэгу 2018, адыгэ джэгу адыгейск, адыгэ, адыгэ уэрэд, адыгэ къафэ, къафэ, черкес, адыгея, шэшэн, адыгэ къашъо, черкесия ансамбль, черкесия песня

2 Views · 7 months ago

ХьэгъуэлIыгъуэр тезыхар:
"Золотая лента" студием ( щыщхэу:
Бэджыдэхэ Елдар
Къущхьэхэ Вячеслав

"Фокус" видеуэстудием ( щыщхэу:
ТхьэилIхэ Замир
Кумыщхэ Асчэр
Даурхэ Замир

Коптерым къезыгъэлъэтыхьар Таухэ Замирщ

ХьэгъуэлIыгъуэр езыгъэкIуэкIа, нэгузыужь зыщIахэр:
Нэхущхэ Чэрим, Гумэхэ Маринэ, Нэхущхэ Тимуррэ и гупымрэ, Бэчхэ Азэмэт, ГъукIэхэ Ислъам, Къуэдзокъуэхэ Ислъам, Нэнейхэ Уэнур, Чылархэ Насрэн, Къуныжьхэ Хьэмид, Дымхэ Аслъэнджэрий.

4 Views · 7 months ago

Тинькофф. Оформи кредит, сим-карту, автостраховку. Через эту ссылку Кэшбэк 30%
My YouTube channel:
Second channel:ЧеркесыАдыги
Life channel:
My instagram:
Video filming. Aerial photography. Reportage. Weddings. Bloggers. Clips.
tel. +7 (966) 7777226
This channel is dedicated to the Circassian (Adyghe) national culture, life, dance, songs! If you want to learn more about the Circassian culture, then be sure to subscribe to the channel. #AydemirShumahov #АйдемирШумахов
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2 Views · 7 months ago

21-May-1864 is not an easy day for the Circassian nation , 157 years have been passed & our souls will never forget the Circassian genocide.

We will tell our story , stay tuned !

0 Views · 7 months ago

Dünyanın En Büyük Wunafesi!

0 Views · 7 months ago

Адыгэ Хэку #myadiga #адыгабзэ #circassian
Гущыlэхэр макъамэр зытхыгъэр: Дэгумыкъо Орхьан
Орэдыlо: Хъут Рустам

وطن الأديغة
كاتب الاغنية: دغُمِقوه وَرحان
المغني: خُت رُستام
ترجمة: تشتاو مروان

Адыгэ хэкур тэ къытэджэжьы
Адыгэ лъэпкъыр тэгумэкlы
Адыгэ хэку нартыжъ хэгъэгум
Тыпэчыжьэу тигъашlэхэр шlокlыгъ
وطن الأديغة تنادينا
ونحن أمة الأديغة قلقون
وطن الأديغة وطن النارتيين السالفين
بعيدون عنها تذوب أعمارنا
lаеми дахэми ар сэ сихэку
Баими тхьамыкlэми сэ сихэку
Тянэжъ ихэку уей
Тяатэжъ ихэку
Тщыгъупшэжьынэу амал иlэп
Ааар сиорэд ар, сиорэд ар, сиорэд ар
رديئاً حميداً إنه وطني
ثرياً بائساً إنه وطني
وطن أمهاتنا أَاي
وطن أجدادنا
محالٌ أن ننساه
ذاااااك أغنيتي, أغنيتي, أغنيتي
Сыдэуи удаха си адыгей
Сыдэуи угуапа ей си дунай / си къэбэртай
Сыдэуи улъага ти lошъхьэмаф
lошъхьэмафэми кlэлъырысхэр
كم أنت جميلة بلدي الأديغي
كم أنت قريبة للقلب أَاي دنياي أنت/ بلدي القبرتاي
كم أنت شامخٌ يا جبل الخير (أوشحة ماف)
تتوضع بجوار جبل الخير ( أوشحة ماف )
Мамыр бзыухэуи тхьарыкъо фыжьхэр
Хъяркlэ тихэку тыжъугъэбыбыжь
Тичlыгу налъэу тиошъо къаргъом
lаплlэхэр етэжъугъэщэкlыжь
هيا طيور سلامٍ حمامات بيضاء
أناشدكم لنطر عائدين بالخير إلى الوطن
إلى أرضنا الوادعة اللطيفة إلى سمائنا الصافية
ولنحضنها بذراعاتنا
Къиныбэ хэтыгъэу тинахьыжъхэм
Непэкlэ дунаим темытыжьхэм
Адыгэ лъэпкъым фэгумэкlыгъэхэм
Яосыетхэр тэжъугъэцэкlэжь
أجدادنا الذين عانوا الكثير
الذين فارقوا الحياة
الذين يقلقون لأمة الأديغة
لننفِّذ وصاياهم

0 Views · 7 months ago

muhteşem çerkes dansı, mükemmel çerkes dansı, çerkes düğün videoları, çerkes videoları, çerkez düğünleri, çerkez dansı, adige kafe, adige qafe, circassian qafa, adiga qafa çerkes dansı muhteşem çerkes dansı çerkez düğünleri çerkes düğünleri adige düğünleri nachik adige cegu Черкесская свадьба Супер Адыгэ джэгу circassian dance circassian wedding adıge cegu çerkezler çerkesler dünyanın en güzel düğünü dünyanın en güzel şarkıları Нальчик Майкопе краснодар сочи circassia cherkessia Туапсинского cherkes Черкесск черкесский çerkez düğünü böyle olur circassian dance çerkes düğünü circassian wedding çerkez düğünü adige ceug adıge cegu şeşen щэщэн лъэпэрисэ Адыгэ джэгу Черкесская свадьба زفاف شركسي Չերքեզի հարսանիքը Çərkəz toyu Circassianische Hochzeit ჩერქეზული ქორწილი Черкеська весілля ჩრდილოკავკასიელი კავკასიის kafkas düğünleri adige khafe Matrimonio circasso süper dans show Κυκασιανός γάμος Καυκάσιοι γάμο dance taki taki dance afro танец Tanz رقص valle rəqs dantza danza ריקוד պարել 舞蹈 舞蹈 dança плес नृत्य tanec χορός sayaw 댄스 ples би танц danza tari رقص नृत्य Nr̥tya tánc qoob ka ダンス бий адыгэ джэгу, адыгэ джэгу свадьба, адыгэ джэгу лъапэрисэ, адыгэ джэгу 2018, адыгэ джэгу адыгейск, адыгэ, адыгэ уэрэд, адыгэ къафэ, къафэ, черкес, адыгея, шэшэн, адыгэ къашъо, черкесия ансамбль, черкесия песня

45 Views · 7 months ago

Specifically for the project "High Caucasus"

My social networks:

0 Views · 7 months ago

The Cragganmore Ceilidh Band performing The Circassian Circle at Balbirnie House Hotel, Scotland.
The band can be booked for your event by emailing or calling on +44 (0)1592 331011

Credit to Graeme Mackay Videography for the video.

The Cragganmore Ceilidh Band are one of the UK’s finest ceilidh bands, providing musical entertainment for weddings, parties, corporate events, functions and special occasions throughout Scotland, the UK and the rest of the world!

With more than 30 years of experience within the industry, Cragganmore are a highly professional ceilidh band who offer a reliable, personal service from start to finish.

The band have played for ceilidhs at venues throughout Scotland and the rest of the UK, including Gleneagles, Stirling Castle and Hopetoun House, as well as venues abroad within Malaysia and China!

The Cragganmore Ceilidh Band understand the importance of musical entertainment and guarantee to make your event both memorable and enjoyable for your guests, providing an energetic, authentic Scottish ceilidh experience.

Our unique and individual service allows us to tailor your entertainment package to suit your tastes and budget.

We are able to split the evening up with a mixture of both ceilidh and disco music, using our professional sound system and lighting. Cragganmore will also provide a highly experienced caller to talk guests through the dances.

4 Views · 7 months ago


💕 Welcome to my Folk Songs Channel. 💕
💕 This channel includes songs of many countries. 💕
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💕 Thanks for listening 💕
💕 Artist: Ayşenur Kolivar 💕



3 Views · 7 months ago

Sheshen is a moderate-paced Circassian dance.

The clip is taken from the World Adygea Ceug Day festival in 2018 at Maykop where
Circassians and Abkhazians all over the world gathered to celebrate and show
their dancing skills.

Link to the original materials:

5 Views · 7 months ago

Rehaniya is a predominantly Circassian village in northern Israel. Located about 8 km north of Safed, it falls under the jurisdiction of Merom HaGalil Regional Council.

Spring, Workday, 9AM, 25°C / 77°F


Become a member to show your support!

Coordinates - Start of walk:
33.04938, 35.48679

Route on Google Maps (Pink color):

All Routes on Google Maps:

Route timestamps:
00:00 Drone
01:54 The village of Rehaniya
05:28 Circassian mosque
26:08 Nalchik Restaurant
32:39 Lake of Rehaniya

Relaxing Walk. No action, Video walks for Relaxation. Enjoy!
All videos in 4k,6k,8k and 25/30/50/60 fps
Link to this video:

My Gear:
1. Drone Quadcopter - Dji Mavic Air 2
2. Camera - Sony a7s3
3. Lens - Sony 20mm f/1.8 G
4. Stabilizer for camera - Dji RSC 2
5. Stereo Microphone - Audiotechnica AT9946CM

Gear for Live Streaming:
6. iPhone 12 Pro Max
7. Stabilizer for phone - Dji OM 4

PLEASE Subscribe to my Channels:
1. This channel - Relaxing WALKER
2. Nature in ISRAEL
3. Virtual JERUSALEM
4. Night WALKS

#relaxingwalker #natureinisrael #virtualjerusalem #nightwalks

5 Views · 7 months ago

Music & Arrangements Saeed Bazoqa, the amazing Vocals by Lara Al-Mufti
taken from Ahli Club's Circassian Song Festival in the 90's
where Circassian dance and singing was much better than today's!

0 Views · 7 months ago

muhteşem çerkes dansı, mükemmel çerkes dansı, çerkes düğün videoları, çerkes videoları, çerkez düğünleri, çerkez dansı, adige kafe, adige qafe, circassian qafa, adiga qafa çerkes dansı muhteşem çerkes dansı çerkez düğünleri çerkes düğünleri adige düğünleri nachik adige cegu Черкесская свадьба Супер Адыгэ джэгу circassian dance circassian wedding adıge cegu çerkezler çerkesler dünyanın en güzel düğünü dünyanın en güzel şarkıları Нальчик Майкопе краснодар сочи circassia cherkessia Туапсинского cherkes Черкесск черкесский çerkez düğünü böyle olur circassian dance çerkes düğünü circassian wedding çerkez düğünü adige ceug adıge cegu şeşen щэщэн лъэпэрисэ Адыгэ джэгу Черкесская свадьба زفاف شركسي Չերքեզի հարսանիքը Çərkəz toyu Circassianische Hochzeit ჩერქეზული ქორწილი Черкеська весілля ჩრდილოკავკასიელი კავკასიის kafkas düğünleri adige khafe Matrimonio circasso süper dans show Κυκασιανός γάμος Καυκάσιοι γάμο dance taki taki dance afro танец Tanz رقص valle rəqs dantza danza ריקוד պարել 舞蹈 舞蹈 dança плес नृत्य tanec χορός sayaw 댄스 ples би танц danza tari رقص नृत्य Nr̥tya tánc qoob ka ダンス бий адыгэ джэгу, адыгэ джэгу свадьба, адыгэ джэгу лъапэрисэ, адыгэ джэгу 2018, адыгэ джэгу адыгейск, адыгэ, адыгэ уэрэд, адыгэ къафэ, къафэ, черкес, адыгея, шэшэн, адыгэ къашъо, черкесия ансамбль, черкесия песня

4 Views · 7 months ago


1 Views · 7 months ago

#кавказ #грозный #circassian #chechenia #rek #майкоп #гигабайт #махачкала #нальчик #sports #shorts #short #назрань #магас #владикавказ #пятигорск #машук #лермонтов #мусульмане #братьяисестры #черкесск #кабарда #кабардинцы #кабардинобалкария #черкесы #адыги #адыгэ #мир #rek #reels #reelsinstagram #religion #music #muslim #breakingnews #usa #russia #москва #питер #россия #краснодар #сочи #краснаяполяна #краснаяплощадь #траур #абхазия #апсуа #грузия #гигабайт #реки #тренды #лошадь #конь #кабардинскаяпородалошадей #шевченко

0 Views · 7 months ago

الشركسية هو طبق من الدجاج المسلوق يقدم مع صلصة غنية محضرة من الجوز المطحون ومرق سميك بخبز التوست. الدجاج الشركسي هو طبق ملكي، أخذناه في مصر من المطبخ العثماني اأثناء احتلالهم لمصر. على الرغم من أنه كان يقدم عادة كطبق رئيسي ، إلا أنه أصبح شائعًا كفاتح للشهية .
Circassian chicken is a dish of boiled chicken served with a rich sauce made with crushed walnuts, and stock thickened with toast bread. Circassian Chicken is a royal dish, adopted by the Imperial Ottoman cuisine during their occupation to Egypt. Although it was typically served as a main course, it became popular as an appetizer.
preparation time: 45 mins cooking time: 1 hr serve: 6-8 person
وقت التحضير: 45 دقيقة التسوية: ساعة التقديم 6-8 أشخاص

7 Views · 7 months ago

Every year in late September in Wayne County town of Passaic in New Jersey disclosed Circassian music - this time of year is traditionally Circassian Diaspora otmechat praznik Adyghe Mahue - Day of the Circassians.

0 Views · 7 months ago

The Ottoman penetration into Europe in the 1350s and their capture of Constantinople later in 1453 opened new floodgates for slave-trade from the European front. In their last attempt to overrun Europe in 1683, the Ottoman army, although defeated, returned from the Gates of Vienna with 80,000 captives.874 An immense number of slaves flowed from the Crimea, the Balkans and the steppes of West Asia to Islamic markets. BD Davis laments that the ‘‘Tartars and other Black Sea peoples had sold millions of Ukrainians, Georgians, Circassians, Greeks, Armenians, Bulgarians, Slavs and Turks,’’ which received little notice.875 Crimean Tatars enslaved and sold some 1,750,000 Ukrainians, Poles and Russian between 1468 and 1694. 876 According to another estimate, between 1450 and 1700, the Crimean Tatars exported some 10,000 slaves, including some Circassians, annually—that is, some 2,500,000 slaves in all, to the Ottoman Empire.877 The Tatar slave-raiding Khans returned with 18,000 slaves from Poland (1463), 100,000 from Lvov (1498), 60,000 from South Russia (1515), 50,000–100,000 from Galicia (1516), during the ‘harvesting of the steppe.’ Numbers from Moscow (1521), 800,000 were taken and from Valynia (1676), 400,000 were taken. 800,000 from Moscow (1521), 200,000 from South Russia (1555), 100,000 from Moscow (1571), 50,000 from Poland (1612), 60,000 from South Russia (1646), 100,000 from Poland (1648), 300,000 from Ukraine (1654), 400,000 from Valynia (1676) and thousands from Poland (1694). Besides these major catches, they made countless more Jihad raids during the same period, which yielded a few to tens of thousands of slaves.878 These figures of enslavement must be considered in the context that the population of the Tatar Khanate was only about 400,000 at the time. (1463-1694) while sources are incomplete, conservative tabulation of the slave raids against the Eastern European population indicate that at least 7 Million European people-men, women, children were enslaved by Muslims.

Sources suggest that in the few years between 1436-1442, some 500,000 people were seized in the Balkans. Many of the captives died in forced marches towards Anatolia (Turkey). Contemporary chronicles note that the Ottomans reduced masses of the inhabitants of Greece, Romania, and the Balkans to slavery eg from Moree (1460)-70,000 and Transylvania (1438) - 60,000-70,000 and 300,000-600,000 from Hungary and 10,000 from Mytilene/Mitilini on Lesbos island (1462) (Bulgaru p 567) and so it continued.

Barbary Slavery
Ohio State University history Professor Robert Davis describes the White Slave Trade as minimized by most modern historians in his book Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast and Italy, 1500–1800 (Palgrave Macmillan). Davis estimates that 1 million to 1.25 million white Christian Europeans were enslaved in North Africa, from the beginning of the 16th century to the middle of the 18th, by slave traders from Tunis, Algiers, and Tripoli alone (these numbers do not include the European people which were enslaved by Morocco and by other raiders and traders of the Mediterranean Sea coast), 16th- and 17th-century customs statistics suggest that Istanbul's additional slave import from the Black Sea may have totaled around 2.5 million from 1450 to 1700. The markets declined after the loss of the Barbary Wars and finally ended in the 1830s, when the region was conquered by France.

In 1544, the island of Ischia off Naples was ransacked, taking 4,000 inhabitants prisoners, while some 9,000 inhabitants of Lipari Island off the north coast of Sicily were enslaved.870 Turgut Reis, a Turkish pirate chief, ransacked the coastal settlements of Granada (Spain) in 1663 and carried away 4,000 people as slaves.

The barbaric slave-raiding activities of the Muslim pirates had a telling effect on Europe. France, England, and Spain lost thousands of ships, devastating to their sea-borne trade. Long stretches of the coast in Spain and Italy were almost completely abandoned by their inhabitants until the nineteenth century. The finishing industry was virtually devastated.

Paul Baepler’s White Slaves, African Masters: An Anthology of American Barbary Captivity Narratives lists a collection of essays by nine American captives held in North Africa. According to his book, there were more than 20,000 white Christian slaves by 1620 in Algiers alone; their number swelled to more than 30,000 men and 2,000 women by the 1630s. There were a minimum of 25,000 white slaves at any time in Sultan Moulay Ismail’s palace, records Ahmed ez-Zayyani; Algiers maintained a population of 25,000 white slaves between 1550 and 1730, and their numbers could double at certain times. During the same period, Tunis and Tripoli each maintained a white slave population of about 7,500. The Barbary pirates enslaved some 5,000 Europeans annually over a period of nearly three centuries.

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