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Circassians created elegies and sang about every single aspect of life. About heroes, warriors, legends, nature, suffering, etc. As it’s also already clear from the two previous posts.
The word for “Elegy” in Circassian is “Ghibze” which literally translates to “language of crying”. Minstrels would engage in the practice of lamenting through elegies that resounded with tales of sorrow, history, and culture specific to the Circassian people.
This specific Ghibze is about Murat Wezi, against Russian despotism. Written by the great Circassian poet and bard Bechmirze Pasch’e (1859-1936), it relates the heroic story of Murat Wezi (real first name “Toqw”; born in 1858 in the village of Qaledes, near Georgiyevsk in the north of Kabarda, now in the Stavropol Krai), the intrepid Circassian abrek (абрздж; abrej; protector of the weak and poor), and his struggle against tyranny in the period of Tsarist Russia’s occupation of Circassia. He managed to escape many times from the clutches of the Tsarist invaders, despite perfidious tip-offs. One account tells of his emigration to Turkey, where he lived until his death. Another version has him exiled to Siberia, whence he never comes back.
- I know it’s not the best translation, but did anything to translate it as accurate as possible.
- Gwmqale (Пумкьалз) is a town (nowadays called “Georgievsk”) situated on the Kuma River (Tyм in Circassian) in (Greater) Kabarda to the northeast of Bgiytxw (6гитxy; Pyatigorsk).
(Resources gathered from the works of the late Amjad Jaimoukha)
Черкесы создавали элегии и пели о каждом аспекте жизни. О героях, воинах, легендах, природе, страданиях и т.д. Как это также уже ясно из двух предыдущих постов.
Слово, обозначающее “элегию” по-черкесски, - “Гибзе”, что буквально переводится как “язык плача”. Менестрели практиковали оплакивание с помощью элегий, в которых звучали рассказы о скорби, истории и культуре, характерных для черкесского народа.
Этот конкретный Гибзе посвящен Мурату Вези, выступающему против российского деспотизма. Написанная великим черкесским поэтом и бардом Бехмирзе Пашье (1859-1936), она повествует о героической истории Мурата Вези (настоящее имя “Токв”; родился в 1858 году в селе Каледес, недалеко от Георгиевска на севере Кабарды, ныне в Ставропольском крае), бесстрашного черкесского абрека (абрздж; абредж; защитник слабых и бедных) и его борьба против тирании в период оккупации Черкесии царской Россией. Ему много раз удавалось вырваться из лап царских захватчиков, несмотря на вероломные наводки. В одном из рассказов рассказывается о его эмиграции в Турцию, где он жил до самой своей смерти. По другой версии, его сослали в Сибирь, откуда он никогда не возвращался.
- Я знаю, что это не самый лучший перевод, но сделал все, чтобы перевести его как можно точнее.
- Гвмкале (Пумкялз) - город (ныне называемый “Георгиевск”), расположенный на реке Кума (Тым по-черкесски) в (Большой) Кабарде к северо-востоку от Bgiytxw (6gitxy; Пятигорск).
(Материалы, собранные из работ покойного Амджада Хаймухи)
#circassian #circassia #kabardian #kabarda #черкес #черкеся #адыгэ #кабарда #caucasus #кавказ #caucasian
The slaughter of Muslims in Russia simply because of religion.
A comparative reading between Greek Mythology and
Circassian Mythology of Narts has not been done so far.
This book has been intended to fill this gap in the field.
Circassian beauty or Adyghe beauty is a stereotype and a belief referring to the women of the Circassian people. A fairly extensive literary history suggests that Circassian women were thought to be unusually beautiful and attractive, spirited, smart and elegant, and as such were desirable (although most Circassians refuse to marry non-Circassians, a requirement of Adyghe Xabze). A similar yet smaller literature also exists for Circassian men, who were thought to be especially handsome.
Da tempo volevo insegnare questa danza a lezione, dovendo aspettare ancora a lungo prima di poterlo fare ho approfittato della reclusione per danzarla in prima persona. Il Circassian Circle è una danza tradizionale che si trova in molti manuali dell'Ottocento. Le varianti sono molteplici ma si assomigliano tutte. In particolare mi affascina questa versione, descritta dal Maestro Thomas Hillgrove nel suo manuale pubblicato a New York nel 1857. Curiosamente nella riedizione del medesimo manuale dell'anno successivo questa danza è stata eliminata.
La particolarità di questo manuale rispetto agli altri è che dà la descrizione precisa di dieci diverse sequenze (dieci! esatto) che chiama "figure". Quindi ci siamo divertiti a farle tutte quante, una dietro all'altra.
Ho fatto la scelta di danzarla "alla scozzese" quindi con la tecnica di passi e figure della RSCDS: anche se probabilmente non è la scelta storicamente più esatta, è sicuramente quella che preferisco stilisticamente; ballare il Circassian con una musica francese o camminando sono entrambe ozpioni deprimenti...
Ovviamente essendo solo due coppie nella progressione abbiamo dovuto aggiungere una curva per poterci nuovamente fronteggiare: l'originale prevederebbe di proseguire dritto incontrando la coppia successiva.
Infine notare come la versione ufficiale dell'RSCDS (il Circassian è la terza danza che l'RSCDS ha pubblicato, dopo Petronella e Triumph, quindi anche l'RSCDS ha attribuito a questa danza grande valore tradizionale) ha come progressione la Poussette, che non è presente in nessuna di queste 10 sequenze!
Since long time I wanted to teach this dance in class, having to wait a lot before I could do it, I took advantage of the lockdown to dance it in first person. Circassian Circle is a traditional dance present in many 19th century dance manuals. The variations are many but they all look similar. In particular I am fascinated by this version, described by M° Thomas Hillgrove in his manual published in 1857 in New York. Curiously in the re-edition of the same manual of the following year this dance has been eliminated.
The peculiarity of this manual compared to the others is that it gives an exact description of ten different sequences (ten! Exactly) that he call "figures". So we had fun doing them all, one behind the other.
I made the choice to dance in "Scottish way" with the RSCDS technique for steps and formations: although it is probably not the most historically exact choice, it is certainly the one I prefer stylistically; dancing the Circassian with French music or walking it are both depressing.
Obviously being only two couples in the progression we had to add a curve to face each other again: the original says to continue forward to meet a new couple.
Finally note how the official version of the RSCDS (the Circassian is the third dance that the RSCDS has published, after Petronella and Triumph, therefore the RSCDS itself has attributed it great tradition) has the Poussette as progression, which is not present in any of these 10 sequences!
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Ubykh or Päkhy is an extinct Northwest Caucasian language once spoken by the Ubykh tribe of Circassians who originally lived along the eastern coast of the Black Sea before being deported en masse to Turkey in the Circassian g enocide.
According to Ethnologue, a web-based publication of statistics about world languages, there were 50,000 Ubykh speakers in the Caucasus valleys a century ago. However, the number of Ubykh people is relatively low now.
If you are interested to see your native language/dialect be featured here.
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The Circassian code of conduct or the 'Adiga Xhabze' from the cradle to the grave.
commentary in Circassian language Chemgoy dialect.
for commentary in the Russian language and Kabardian Dialect go to:
This is the second(in series of three) Documentary film about the Circassians and their history and culture made by Neghaplhe Askerby.
for the first documentry 'Cherkessia' go to:
Join our FREE Circassian Online classes and learn how to read, pronounce, and write in Circassian Language! We offer Wednesday and Saturday Circassian Online Classes for FREE via ZOOM. If you want to join us visit our Facebook group page, join the group and send us a message.
Facebook group page-
To know more about the Circassian Language please visit our website:
For effective learning of the Circassian Language, we are using the Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling or TPRS. It's a fun and stress-free way of learning, it focuses on the most useful vocabulary and uses gestures, visual imagery, spatial memory aid, body language, and voice inflection. PLUS There are no memorized dialogues or grammar worksheets with the TPRS method.
“State Anthem of Circassia” - National Anthem of the Republic of Circassia
Plot: After the Russian Civil War of 2034 and the effects of the Great War, the Republic of Circassia was formed, uniting a the circassians under a flag and sovereign state for the first time in centuries.
Democratic Republic (2034-2040)(2058-2106)
Democratic Republic Dictatorship (2040-2058)
Democracy (2034-2040)(2058-2103)
Militarism (2040-2058)
Anthem: State anthem of Circassia
Тихэгъэгу кlасэу тигупсэр
Адыгэ чlыгушъ, терэl.
Зы бын-унагъоу лъэпкъыбэр
Щызэгурыlоу щэрэl.
Шlум факlу, лъыкlуат,
Республикэу тиунэ дах.
Егъэхъу, зыlат,
𝄆 Республикэу тигугъэ лъаг –
Уилъэпкъы хъишъэр фэlуат. 𝄇
Дунаим ичlыпlэ шlагъор
Нахьыжъмэ тэ къытфыхах,
Ахэмэ ялlыгъэ-шlагъэ
Лlэшlэгъумэ къызэlэпах.
Хьазабмэ уахэмытыжьэу
Уитыгъэ нэфи ушъхьащыт.
Россием зыкlэ ущыщэу
Ащ гукlи ущышъхьафит.
Тэ тыщыlэфэ – егъашlэмъ –
Тичlыгоу тыгур щlэщт.
Тиуашъуи, тыгъи бэгъашlэ
Тфэхъоу тикlасэу тиlэщт
Хьатитэмэ Япщыналъ
Хьатитэуи тятэжъхэр
Лъэпкъыжъхэм ащыщэу
Тхыдэжъмэ къаIуатэ.
Хьатитмэ Япщыгъошхо
Хыщхо ЧIыбым щыIэу,
ЦIэрыIоу зеубгъу,
Ягъунапкъи Мысырым
Хьатитэмэ нагъэсы.
Рамзэсэу пэчъахьым
Ар ымыдэу зао къешIы.
Хьатитэуи зэолIмэ
ЯлIыгухэр мэталъэх,
Атамэхэр зэзэпкъыхэу,
Апкъыхэр пкъыехэу,
Ужъышъхьэ щэрэхъхэу,
Кутанмэ аритхэу,
ЧIэу зэрыкIорэр агъэгырзэу,
Зэогъум пчышъхьэрыкIох...
Пыим ыгуи агъэкIодэу,
ЗэкIурэми текIор щашIы.
Хьатитмэ яшIэныгъэ
Бгъу пстэумкIи лъагъэкIуатэ,
Ешыт пэчъахьэу
Фирхьаунэ Рамзэсыри
Хьатитэмэ ар къякIуи,
ЗэкIутхылъи зэдашIи,
Благъэ тIури зэрэшIыгъ.
On May 21, marking the anniversary of the end of the Caucasian War, about 4000 members of the Caucasian Diasporas in Turkey took part in mourning march to the walls of the Russian Consulate General in Istanbul. This year, the policemen stopped the procession 50 meters before the territory of the Consulate and let only several members of the Diaspora to lay a wreath with inscription reading "153 years of the Circassian genocide". For details, see:
Everything in the video is for "HUMOR" and is not my personal opinion.
Global Circassian Initiative For May 21
Recognize the Circassian Genocide
Ask Russia where is Circassia
The Circassian Genocide has been hidden from the world. It is the first genocide of modern European history that ripped Circassians from the coasts of Circassia. For Russia to build their empire they have chosen to destroy the people of Circassia and keep their land. Millions of Circassians died at the hands of Imperialist Russia.
Now 147 years later Circassians are organizing a global initiative against the Sochi Olympic Games. Sochi was the capital of Circassia and the main port where the whole nation was annihilated and forced into exile. Krasnaya Polyana is where the Olympic main venues will be held and that is the site where Russia declared victory over Circassia 150 years earlier.
It's not just about memory it's also about the continual crimes against humanity conducted by Russia against the Circassian nation, environmental destruction of a UNESCO World Heritage site, the corruption where the Sochi Games will cost $50 billion dollars and be the most expensive in history and the annihilation of human rights in the region.
We call upon not just Circassians but to all those who feel passion for humanity.
We also ask all to call their local Russian Embassies/Consulates to ask where is Circassia.
The CCI lecture series presents the author of Let Our Fame Be Great, Oliver Bullough.
Oliver Bullough was a Reuters Moscow correspondent, and is now Caucasus Editor for the Institute for War and Peace Reporting. His book Let Our Fame Be Great: Journeys Among the Defiant People of the Caucasus.
Let Our Fame Be Great won the Oxfam Emerging Writer Prize and was short-listed for the Orwell Prize, with prize judge James Naughtie calling it "an extraordinary book... a wonderful part-travelogue, part-history". In August 2010 Basic Books published it in the United States, where the Overseas Press Club awarded it the Cornelius Ryan Award for "best nonfiction book on international affairs".
Circassian Day 21 may 2009 recognized officially by Israel. and granted a Day off to the Circassians We hope more countries will join this recognition next year.
It is the first time in the history of the Circassians a country recognize our genocide officially and broadcasts the events on its national governmental TV
Circassian beauties, or Moss-haired girls as they were sometimes known, reflect a curious legacy of racial stereotyping and sexual titillation. Racial theories of the mid 19th century held that the people living in the Circassian mountains near the Black Sea were examples of the purest stock of the Caucasian race. Legend had it that the Circassians produced the worlds most beautiful white women, who were consequently in great demand for the harems of Turkish sultans.
The long shadow of slavery can also be discerned in this hybrid depiction. American audiences were both intrigued and horrified, given their false association of slavery with Africans, by the fact that Circassian women were among the most sought-after concubines in the Sultans harem - hence the need to make them appear somewhat African. Both African slaves and Circassian slaves were subject to sexual exploitation and this is the point of contact that played so powerfully on white Americans imagination, wrote philosophy professor Gregory Fried.
0:00 - Intro
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❤️About Us❤️
Old Times Photos Revives past stories that need to be shared with You.
Together, we can work on the heartwarming, historical, shocking, mysterious, eerie, and inspiring stories of the past.
These photos and stories have a huge impact on viewers by allowing readers to learn from the past. This allows the best culture to continue to grow without the worst history being repeated.
adige circassian cerkes
about the Circassian etiquette ( Adige Xabze )
May 21, 2011 - Circassian activists in the United States demonstrate in New York City, peacefully demanding recognition of the Circassian Genocide, No Sochi Olympics on the Land of Genocide and a free Circassia now. This was a global partner to demonstrations in Istanbul, Amman, Haifa, Munich, Hamburg, Montreal, and other locations where Circassians and people with compassion demanded Circassian rights on the 147th anniversary of the Circassian Genocide.
Это история ветви черкесского рода Джаркес из Ливана. Следует отметить, что представители рода Джаркес далеко не всегда являются близкими родственниками. Учитывая особенность фиксации этнического происхождения представителей абхазо-адыгских и нахско-дагестанских народов в странах Ближнего Востока, ношение фамильного имени Джаркес или Шаркас не всегда указывает на адыгское происхождение их носителей. Но семья, которая запечатлена на этом видео, реально адыгская, шапсугская.
В Ливан предки данной ветви рода Джаркес прибыли из Самсуна в 1880 году. Прибыл, как выяснилось, один 13-летний мальчик вместе со своей тётей. Тётя умирает по пути, и в Ливане полностью осиротевшего мальчика принимает семья Сантино. Представители этой семьи не знали арабского языка, но проживали в Ливане. Мальчику дали фамилию Сантино-Джаркес, чтобы он не забыл о своём происхождении.
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