News & Politics
#circassian #adige #adigepsase #circassiangirldance
Beautiful Circassian Music!
Danstyp Polka
Ursprungsland England
Fattningar Ringfattnig, snoafattning, korsfattning framför.
Steg Gångsteg, swingsteg, fotmobytessteg.
Utgångsställning Parvis i sluten ring, vända inåt ringens mitt.
1 Alla går fyra steg mot ringens mitt och tillbaka
Upprepas en gång.
2 Damerna går fyra steg mot ringens mitt och niger på det fjärde steget.
Tillbaka till plats.
Kavaljeren går fyra steg mot mitten och bugar, vänder åt vänster och går fyra steg mot den dam de hade till vänster om sig i stora ringen.
3 Snoafattning, åtta swingsteg med den nya partnern.
Korsfattning framför, åtta gångsteg framåt i dansriktningen.
4 Samma fattning och åtta fotombytessteg och slut ringen på det åttonde.
Från "Danser från när och fjärran"
#circassian #circassiandance#circassianwedding #caucasus #caucasusdance
kafkas dansı çerkes oyunu circassian dance
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Almanca’da Tscherkessen, İngilizce’de Circassian ve Fransızca’da Circassien olarak adlandırılmaktadırlar. Çerkeslerin komşu halklarından Abazalar, Çerkesleri Azıhua, Osetler de Kaşgon/Kasgon olarak adlandırır. Çerkesler ise kendilerine Adığe adını verirler.
Çerkeslerin yoğun olarak yaşadığı Rusya’da ise Sovyetler Birliği döneminde Çerkesler yaşadıkları bölgelere göre farklı şekilllerde isimlendirildiler. Bu isimlendirme günümüzde hala daha Rusya’da varlığını sürdürmeye devam ediyor. Çerkes kelimesi sadece etnik bir tanımlama olarak değil, aynı zamanda Karaçay-Çerkes Cumhuriyeti’ndeki yerleşimi belirten coğrafi bir tanım olarak da kullanılıyor. Bu durum Rusya’da farklı eleştirilerin doğmasına da neden olmuş durumda.
Они называются Tscherkessen по-немецки, черкесские по-английски и черкесские по-французски. Соседние с черкесами народы, абазины, называют черкесов азихуа, а осетин - кашгон/касгон. Черкесы называют себя адыгейцами.
В России, где черкесы проживают интенсивно, черкесов называли по-разному в зависимости от регионов, в которых они проживали в период Советского Союза. Эта номенклатура до сих пор продолжает существовать в России. Слово черкес используется не только как этническое обозначение, но и как географическое описание, обозначающее населенный пункт в Карачаево-Черкесской Республике. Эта ситуация также вызвала различную критику в России.
----- They are called Tscherkessen in German, Circassian in English, and Circassien in French. Circassians' neighboring peoples, Abaza, call the Circassians Azihua, and the Ossetians as Kashgon/Kasgon. Circassians call themselves Adyge.
In Russia, where Circassians live intensely, Circassians were named in different ways according to the regions they lived in during the Soviet Union period. This nomenclature still continues to exist in Russia today. The word Circassian is used not only as an ethnic designation, but also as a geographical description denoting the settlement in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic. This situation has also led to different criticisms in Russia.
يطلق عليهم اسم Tscherkessen في الألمانية ، والشركسية في اللغة الإنجليزية ، والشركس بالفرنسية. يُطلق على الشعوب المجاورة من الشركس اسم الأباظة ، والشركس باسم أزيهوا ، والأوسيتيون باسم كاسغون / كاسغون. يسمي الشركس أنفسهم أديجي.
في روسيا ، حيث يعيش الشركس بشكل مكثف ، تم تسمية الشركس بشكل مختلف وفقًا للمناطق التي عاشوا فيها خلال فترة الاتحاد السوفيتي. لا تزال هذه التسمية موجودة في روسيا اليوم. كلمة شركسية لا تستخدم فقط كتسمية عرقية ، ولكن أيضًا كوصف جغرافي يشير إلى الاستيطان في جمهورية قراتشاي - شركيس. أدى هذا الوضع إلى انتقادات مختلفة في روسيا.
它們在德語中稱為 Tscherkessen,在英語中稱為 Circassian,在法語中稱為 Circassien。切爾克斯人的鄰近民族稱為阿巴扎,切爾克斯人稱為阿茲華,奧塞梯人稱為卡斯貢/卡斯貢。切爾克斯人稱自己為 Adyge。
Sie heißen Tscherkessen auf Deutsch, Circassian auf Englisch und Circassien auf Französisch. Die Nachbarvölker der Tscherkessen heißen Abaza, die Tscherkessen Azihua und die Osseten Kasgon/Kasgon. Tscherkessen nennen sich Adyge.
In Russland, wo Tscherkessen intensiv leben, wurden die Tscherkessen je nach Region, in der sie während der Zeit der Sowjetunion lebten, unterschiedlich benannt. Diese Nomenklatur existiert noch heute in Russland. Das Wort Circassian wird nicht nur als ethnische Bezeichnung verwendet, sondern auch als geografische Beschreibung, die die Siedlung in der Karatschai-Tscherkessischen Republik bezeichnet. Diese Situation hat in Russland zu unterschiedlicher Kritik geführt.
उन्हें जर्मन में त्शेर्केसन, अंग्रेजी में सर्कसियन और फ्रेंच में सर्कसियन कहा जाता है। सर्कसियों के पड़ोसी लोगों को अबाजा, सर्कसियन को अज़ीहुआ और ओस्सेटियन को कासगोन/कासगोन कहा जाता है। सर्कसियन खुद को अदिगे कहते हैं।
रूस में, जहां सर्कसियन तीव्रता से रहते हैं, सर्कसियों को सोवियत संघ की अवधि के दौरान रहने वाले क्षेत्रों के अनुसार अलग-अलग नाम दिया गया था। यह नामकरण आज भी रूस में मौजूद है। सर्कसियन शब्द का उपयोग न केवल एक जातीय पदनाम के रूप में किया जाता है, बल्कि भौगोलिक विवरण के रूप में भी किया जाता है, जो कराची-चर्केस गणराज्य में बसावट को दर्शाता है। इस स्थिति ने रूस में विभिन्न आलोचनाओं को जन्म दिया है।
Mereka disebut Tscherkessen dalam bahasa Jerman, Circassian dalam bahasa Inggris dan Circassien dalam bahasa Prancis. Orang-orang Circassians yang bertetangga disebut Abaza, Circassians sebagai Azihua, dan Ossetians sebagai Kasgon/Kasgon. Circassians menyebut diri mereka Adyge.
#кавказ #грозный #circassian #chechenia #rek #майкоп #гигабайт #махачкала #нальчик #sports #shorts #short #назрань #магас #владикавказ #пятигорск #машук #лермонтов #мусульмане #братьяисестры #черкесск #кабарда #кабардинцы #кабардинобалкария #черкесы #адыги #адыгэ #мир #rek #reels #reelsinstagram #religion #music #muslim #breakingnews #usa #russia #москва #питер #россия #краснодар #сочи #краснаяполяна #краснаяплощадь #траур
In this episode I am joined by Geneticist Razib Khan and we dive into an episode that many of your requested and that is the origins of the Scythians.
The Scythians were a power of the ancient Steppes who made the image of the pants wearing barbarian on horseback in the popular imagination in the classical world.
From discussing what ancient sources such as Herodotus had to say to looking at traditional narratives in historiography as to the origins of the Scythians, we then turn to look at what ancient DNA has to say about the ancient Scythians and where they came from... who they came from?
Interestingly enough due to occupying the Eurasian Steppes we now know that there was some genetic diversity but they were all primarily homogenous.
With admixtures related to European farmers and the Yamnaya culture. But we also see an interesting discovery that a certain percentage of Scythian ancestry can be traced to East Asians.
Lastly, we leave off by discussing Russian scientists and their amusing attempts to clone ancient Scythian DNA.
Support Mr. Khan and his awesome work below!
Razib Khan:
News broadcast in Adyghebze showing Circassians demonstrating in Turkey demanding their right to have Circassian language schools, TV, radio station, etc. (at their own expenses).
One of the most ancient languages of Eastern Europe, the Circassian language belongs to the Abazgi–Adyghe language isolate family. There are two written (mutually-intelligible) Circassian (aka Adyghe) dialects: Lowland Adyghe (Кӏах Адыгабзэ) and Kabardian Adyghe (Къэбэрдей Адыгэбзэ). It is much easier for the speaker of the latter to understand the former which is the dialect spoken in this video.
Circassian Mourning Day 21/05/1864
Day of Circassian Genocide & Exile
Orfan Shouakar-Stash, CRO Chairman
© CRO, 2020
ШЪЫГЪО МЭФ 21/05/1864
Welcome to my channel! This is Andy from I love languages. Let's learn different languages/dialects together.
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There are five recognized languages in the Northwest Caucasian family: Abkhaz, Abaza, Kabardian or East Circassian, Adyghe or West Circassian, and Ubykh.
Adyghe is one of the more widely spoken Northwest Caucasian languages. It has 500,000 speakers in Russia, where it is official in the Republic of Adygea, the Middle East, Turkey, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, and Israel. There is even a small community in the United States. Four main dialects are recognised: Temirgoy, Abadzekh, Shapsugh and Bzhedugh, as well as many minor ones such as Hakuchi spoken by the last speakers of Ubykh in Turkey. Adyghe has many consonants: between 50 and 60 consonants in the various Adyghe dialects but it has only three phonemic vowels. Its consonants and consonant clusters are less complex than the Abkhaz–Abaza dialects.
Abkhaz has 100,000 speakers in Abkhazia (a de facto independent republic, but a de jure autonomous entity within Georgia), where it is the official language, and an unknown number of speakers in Turkey. It has been a literary language from the beginning of the 20th century. Abkhaz and Abaza may be said to be dialects of the same language, but each preserves phonemes which the other has lost. Abkhaz is characterised by unusual consonant clusters and one of the world's smallest vowel inventories: It has only two distinctive vowels, an open vowel /a/ and a mid vowel /ə/. Next to palatalized or labialized consonants, /a/ is realized as [e] or [o], and /ə/ as [i] or [u]. There are three major dialects: Abzhuy and Bzyp in Abkhazia and Sadz in Turkey.
If you are interested to see your native language/dialect be featured here.
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How can you preserve your culture in a melting pot of cultures?
This question is important with global migration due to wars, natural disasters, and violence in so many places in the world. Now we all hunger to discover our DNA, our heritage, our origins. It's human nature to want to trace back our ancestry.
Join Suhein Beck in this episode as she invites brother Yusef and sister Maza Eshak to discuss how and why they are working so hard to preserve our ancient Circassian / Adighe Culture here in Southern California, USA.
A special tribute to their father, Zuher Eshak Melgoush, with appreciation & encouragement for them to keep inspiring the NEXT generation to HOLD THE KEY OF CULTURE onward!
**Circassians were expelled by the Russians after a150+/- years of war/genocide in the Caucasus Mountains of Southern Russia between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. The fear of extinction has driven Circassians around the world to a passionate obsession of holding on to their heritage. Since May 21, 1864, Circassians have thrived all over the Mideast, Europe, America, and Australia and have proven to be resilient in spirit and keeping their fundamental traditions alive.
This video proves the Circassian spirit is still vibrant and continues.
Suhein Beck presents this episode as a testimony of human nature's innate need to identify our roots. We can roam the earth freely, but there is always some form of pull-back in our souls to self-reflect.
Please share your thoughts about YOUR culture and what you enjoy of your own history...
#геноцид #черкесы #21мая #краснаяполяна #россия #черкесия #Убыхи #circassian #кбр #нальчик #сочи #кавказ #пятигорск #майкоп #краснодар #анапа #туапсе #черкесск #кабарда #кабардинцы #адыги #адыгея заходим играем бонусы новым пользователям по моей ссылке играйте и выигрывайте
The CCI lecture series presents the author of Let Our Fame Be Great, Oliver Bullough.
Oliver Bullough was a Reuters Moscow correspondent, and is now Caucasus Editor for the Institute for War and Peace Reporting. His book Let Our Fame Be Great: Journeys Among the Defiant People of the Caucasus.
Let Our Fame Be Great won the Oxfam Emerging Writer Prize and was short-listed for the Orwell Prize, with prize judge James Naughtie calling it "an extraordinary book... a wonderful part-travelogue, part-history". In August 2010 Basic Books published it in the United States, where the Overseas Press Club awarded it the Cornelius Ryan Award for "best nonfiction book on international affairs".
Mark Will and Tomek discuss the Caucasus region of Russia, the etymology of Caucasian, the Circassians as an ethnic group, and related issues in this clip from "Travel in the Time of Genocide," a "special emergency edition" of Texting: A Podcast for Textual Deviants
#Texting #Caucasus #Russia #Circassians
Short clip providing you with the historical summary of the land once occupied by Circassians and the current day situation. All this due to the genocidal polices of the Russian government in the past and today.
Recognize the Circassian Genocide!