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Адыгэ артистхэр къашъотIу къешIэх - къэбэртэе къафэ ыкIи хьакIулащ.
Адыгские (черкесские) артисты исполняют два адыгских (черкесских) танца - кабардинский танец (кафа) и хакулящ.
The adyghe (circassian) artists perform adyghe (circassian) dance-mix - kabardian dance (kafa) and hakulyash.
Los artistas adigués (circasianos) demuestran dos bailes adigués (circasianos) - baile kabardo (kafa) y jaculyash.
#адыгэ #черкесск #circassian
#адыги #черкес #çerkes
#kabardey #cerkesking #осетии
#абаза #chechen #cerkeskizi
#adygamusic #hatukhay #natukhay
#abzah #bjeduğ #kafkas #cherkes
#wored #fyp #адыга
#adyghe #adigepsase #shapsig
Circassians from Syria continue to repatriate to their homeland. This time the Adygea TV introduces us a young Circassian couple. Could you recognise the young mother? May God bless them. Please pray to Allah that all the Circassians in Syria will soon come back to our homeland.
Сирием исхэу зэо маш1ом ифызэгу къыхэнагъ тилъэпкъэгъухэр Хэкужъым къэк1ожьых. Мызэгъогум Адыгэ ТВ-р хьак1э зыфэхъугъэ унагъом шъуеплъынэ шъуфаемэ шъукъеблагъ.
Adigey Cumhuriyeti Rusya'nın güneyinde bulunmaktadır. İnsanları kendilerine 'Adige' derler ve dünyada varolan en eski halk olduklarını söylerler. Bugün adigeler dünyanın çeşitli yerlerine dağılmışlardır. Bazı raporlara göre bugünkü Adige nüfusu 14 milyon civarındadır. Eskiden olduğu gibi bugün de Adigelerde kız kaçırma olayı vardır bunun yanı sıra erkek, eşi olacak bayanın ailesiyle düğün öncesi asla görüşmez. Adigey'de bugün eski taş tabletler bulabilirsiniz ve Kuzay Kafkasya'daki ilk kadın silah ustasıyla da tanışabilirsiniz.
The Republic of Adyghea is in Russia's south. People who live here are called the Adyghes. They say the Adyghes are one of the oldest peoples in the world. Today these people are scattered around the world. According to some reports, the Adyghe population today is 14 million. Here, people still abduct their brides and bridegrooms, never meeting their future wife's parents. Here you can find old table-stones and also meet the first female gunsmith in the Northern Caucasus
Адыгэ артистхэр къешIэх адыгэ къашъор.
Адыгские (черкесские) артисты исполняют адыгский (черкесский) танец.
The adyghe (circassian) artists perform an adyghe (circassian) dance.
Los artistas adigués (circasianos) demuestran un baile adigué (circasiano).
Amazing Facts About Adygea Republic in urdu. Adygea full documentary. Biography Documentary of Adyghe Republic. Adygea Urdu History. Adyghe Republic travel. amazing facts in urdu hindi.
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Provided to YouTube by Kavkaz Music по лицензии ZvukM
Adyghe Bride · Астемир Апанасов
KAVKAZ COLLECTION. Circassian music, Vol. 1
℗ Kavkaz Music по лицензии ZvukM
Released on: 2014-01-01
Composer: У.Тхабисимов
Lyricist: Б.Бахов
Auto-generated by YouTube.
Adyghe dance instrumental with zhiu accompaniment, recorded 1977. Surveying the music of the Caucasus,
Сэ Адыгабзэ сэшlа? Ары, о Адыгабзэ ошlэ. Хьау, о Адыгабзэ пшlэрэп.
Еджэгъу 1 – Пычыгъу 9.2
#Myadiga #shorts #adigabza #circassian #Çerkes #адыгэ #адыгабзэ #circassia #adiga
Provided to YouTube by Kavkaz Music по лицензии ZvukM
Abaza-Adyghe Melodies · Diana Apsova
Abaza-Adyghe Melodies
℗ Kavkaz Music по лицензии ZvukM
Released on: 2019-07-10
Composer: Traditional
Composer: Зубер Еуаз
Auto-generated by YouTube.
"Чистые сердца" Clean Hearts 2008
Adighe Adygi Adygei Adyga Circassian Adige Adiga Адыги Адыгэ Adigha Circass Circassia Çerkez Çerkes
By Gutej
With some Nart Saga pictures
The Mezdegu Adyghe's dance!
Адыгэ артистхэр къешIэх адыгэ къашъор.
Адыгские (черкесские) артисты исполняют адыгский (черкесский) танец.
The adyghe (circassian) artists perform an adyghe (circassian) dance.
Los artistas adigués (circasianos) demuestran un baile adigué (circasiano).
Here is a very simple recipe for Adyghe cheese at home. Do you want to treat yourself to a delicious and healthy treat? There is nothing easier, remember the recipe.
Milk — 4 Liters,
Kefir — 1 Liter,
Salt — To taste,
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Very tasty recipe, This is a simple recipe, Recipe preparation, Delicious recipes, Classic recipes with photos step-by-step recipes, This is a recipe with a photo, A good recipe, Home recipe, Holiday recipes,
This is: Words of Life Adyghe (адыгэбзэ) People/Language Movie Trailer c18820 [c18820t]
Other names for this language are: Adygei; Adygey; Aiwi; Cherkes; Circassian; Kiakh; Kjax; Lower Circassian; Upper Circassian; West Circassian; адыгэбзэ; адыгэбзэ
This language is spoken in: Australia; Egypt (Mişr or Maşr, مصر); France; Germany (Deutschland); Iraq (Al-'Iraq, العراق); Israel (Yisra'el, ישראל, Isra'il, اسرائيل); Jordan (Al-'Urdun, الأردن); Netherlands (Nederland); Russia (Rossiya or Rossiâ, Россия); Syria (Suriyah, سورية); Turkey (Türkiye); United States of America (United States or America, Estados Unidos or América, États-Unis or Amérique, 'Amelika-hui-pu-'ia or 'Amelika-hui)
This language is spoken by: Cherkess; Cherkess Adyghe; Circassian; Circassian West; Kjax; Shapsug
This movie concerns: movie movies video videos music song songs mp3 God Allah Jesus Christ real exist exists early life crucifixion tomb Bible Christian Christians church gospel injil hope help life Global Recordings Network language free world language movies man men woman women
For more information on this program see
кавказ адыгэ нысащэ (1) -- a circassian wedding in the caucasus --- a soviet era documentary
Music: Beat Crusaders - Moon on the Water [BECK OST]
Video: Xiaomi Yi Action Camera, basic corrections in Adobe Premiere CC
Адыгэ артистхэр къешIэх адыгэ диаспорэм икъашъор.
Адыгские (черкесские) артисты исполняют танец адыгской (черкесской) диаспоры.
The adyghe (circassian) artists perform an adyghe (circassian) diaspora's dance.
Los artistas adigués (circasianos) demuestran un baile de la diaspora adigué (circasiana).
Here the Anthem of the Republic of Adygea vocal in Adyghe
Aqui o hino da República da Adiguésia cantado em Adigue
Lyrics - Letras:
Тихэгъэгу кlacэу тигупсэр
Адыгэ чlыгушъ, терэl.
Зы бын-унагъоу лъэпкъыбэр
Щызэгурыloy щэрэl.
Шlyм факly, лъыкlyaт,
Республикэу тиунэ дах.
Егъэхъу, зыlaт,
Республикэу тигугъэ лъаг —
Уилъэнкън хъишъэр фэlyaт.
Дунаим ичlыпlэ шlaгъор
Нахьыжъмэ тэ къытфыхах,
Ахэмэ ялlыгъэ-шlaгъэ
Лlэшlэгъумэ къызэlэпах.
Хьазабмэ уахэмытыжьэу
Уитыгъэ нэфи ншъхьащыт.
Россием зыкlэ ущыщэу
Ащ гукlи ущышъхьафит.
Тэ тыщыlэфэ — егъашlэмъ —
Тичlыгоу тыгур щlэщт.
Тиуашъуи, тыгъи бэгъашlэ
Тфэхъоу тикlacэу тиlэщт.
June 15, 2019. Master Zamudin Guchev introduced Adyghe-Circassien culture to our guests from Australia 🇦🇺. Very interesting music 🎼 instruments 🎻 and unique techniques to make straw mats . We wish long life in good health to our Master Zamudin and looking forward to seeing him in the nearest future to deepen and broaden our knowledge about Circassia!!!
Advertising of Adyghe cheese in Germany
Adyge cheese
Circassian cheese in Germany from Russia (Caucas)
music by Aslan Tlebzu