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The Circassian Tamgas

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Circassians are an ethnic group native to the Caucasus region. They have a rich cultural heritage, and one aspect of that heritage is the use of stamps or seals.
These stamps, known as "tamgas," were used by Circassian families to mark their possessions and to identify themselves.
The tamga was typically made of metal and was engraved with a unique design that was specific to each family. 
It served as a symbol of family identity and was used to mark everything from household items and clothing to documents and letters. The tamga was also used as a symbol of power, with wealthy and influential families having larger and more elaborate stamps

In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in Circassian heritage, and many people are searching for their family's tamga. The process of tracing one's family tamga can be a complex one, as many records were lost during the 19th-century Caucasian War and the forced migration of the Circassians to the Ottoman Empire.
However, there are still ways to find information about a family's tamga. One approach is to research family history and genealogy. This may involve talking to older family members, searching through old documents and photographs, and consulting historical records.
Identify your tribal affiliation, and find your corresponding tamga.
Abdzakh, Besleney, Bzhedug, Hatuqway, Kabardian, Mamkhegh, Natukhay, Shapsug, Temirgoy, Ubykh, Yegeruqway, Zhaney.
You can then incorporate this symbol into your Circassian family tree design

With some effort and determination, it is possible to uncover the history and heritage of one's family, through a Circassian family symbol. (tamga).
Another approach is to reach out to the Circassian community. There are organizations and communities dedicated to preserving and promoting Circassian culture, and they may be able to provide information or connect individuals with others who are searching for their family's tamga.

For more information about damga and Circassian famiy sympols Click here

The Circassian family symbol is an important part of Circassian culture and heritage. It is believed to have originated in the Northwestern Caucasus region and was used to symbolize the unity and protection of the family as a whole. 
The symbol, often made of metal or wood, was hung in the home or on a family member's person to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck.

It was also used to mark significant events in the family's history, such as births, marriages, and deaths.

The exact design of the Circassian family symbol varied between families, but it often featured symbols such as the sun, stars, animals, and plants. These symbols held special significance to the family and were believed to represent their values, beliefs, and history.
In modern times, the use of the Circassian family symbol has declined, but it remains an important part of Circassian cultural identity and is often displayed in museums and cultural exhibitions.

The symbol serves as a reminder of the rich cultural heritage of the Circassian people and the importance of family and community in their traditions.

The Circassian people have a rich history, dating back thousands of years. Many families within this community have their own unique stamp or emblem, which represents their heritage, identity and values.

A Circassian family stamp, also known as a family emblem or a crest, is a symbol that has been passed down through generations. It is a visual representation of the family's history, traditions and beliefs.
Each stamp has its own unique design and meaning, which reflects the values, beliefs and personality of the family.

The use of family stamps among the Circassians dates back to the Middle Ages, when they were used as a way to identify families and distinguish them from one another. The stamps were used on various items such as clothing, weapons, and coins.

For many Circassian families, their stamp is an important part of their cultural heritage and identity. It serves as a symbol of their ancestry and a connection to their past. It also serves as a source of pride and a way to show others the family's traditions, beliefs and values.

Despite its historical significance, not all Circassian families have knowledge of their family stamp today. In some cases, the stamp may have been lost or forgotten over time, or it may have never existed in the first place.
In other cases, the stamp may only be known to a few members of the family, who have inherited it from previous generations.

For those who are interested in learning more about their family's stamp, there are several resources available. For example, they can research their family's history and cultural heritage, speak with older family members, or reach out to experts in Circassian genealogy and history.
In conclusion, the Circassian family stamp is an important part of the cultural heritage and identity of the Circassian people. It represents the family's traditions, beliefs and values and serves as a symbol of their ancestry and connection to their past. 

While not all Circassian families have knowledge of their family stamp today, it is a rich part of the community's history and one that should be cherished and preserved.
The tamga is an important part of Circassian heritage, and finding one's family tamga can be a rewarding experience. 
]Identify your tribal affiliation, and find your corresponding tamga.
Abdzakh, Besleney, Bzhedug, Hatuqway, Kabardian, Mamkhegh, Natukhay, Shapsug, Temirgoy, Ubykh, Yegeruqway, Zhaney.
With some effort and determination, it is possible to uncover the history and heritage of one's family.

For more information about damga and Circassian famiy sympols.Click here

Here are some frequently asked questions and answers regarding Circassian tamgas or symbols

Q:What are Circassian tamgas?
A: Circassian tamgas are symbols that have a long history in Circassian culture and are used to identify and distinguish families, clans, and tribes. Each tamga has its own unique design and meaning and is passed down through generations.

Q: How are Circassian tamgas used?
A: Circassian tamgas are used in a variety of ways, including as a symbol of family identity, as a way to mark family property, and as a way to identify the ancestry of an individual.

Q: How are Circassian tamgas passed down through families?
A: Circassian tamgas are passed down through families from generation to generation and are typically passed down along paternal lines.

Q: Can anyone use a Circassian tamga?
A: No, Circassian tamgas are typically only used by members of the specific family or clan to which the tamga belongs. Using a tamga that doesn't belong to you is considered disrespectful in Circassian culture.

Q: Are there any modern uses for Circassian tamgas?
A: Yes, Circassian tamgas are still used in modern times, especially among members of the Circassian diaspora. Some people use tamgas to commemorate their heritage and connect with their cultural roots, while others use them as a way to connect with other members of the Circassian community.