Circassian Language Learning
Circassian Language Learning Websites
Circassian: A Most Difficult Language - Details
The other day, I was in the waiting room of a doctor’s office in Haifa, when three people walked in and sat behind me.
Circassian language family - Details
One of the stars on the flag of Abkhazia represents Inal
Circassian languages - Details
Also known as Cherkess, is a subdivision of the Northwest Caucasian language family, spoken by the Circassian people.
Creation of Circassian written language in Russia and Turkey - Details
The subject of this research is the creation of Circassian written language in the Russian and Ottoman Empires. Based on the theory of the British scholar M. Billing.
Adyghe language - Details
They chose the Abzakh dialect as their base because it is the dialect with the most speakers in Turkey. However, the alphabet employed by the Circassian ..
One course, 2 alphabets for Circassian students - Details
At any rate , though the proper Circassian alphabet is the Turkish , I have before me a Russo - Circassian Lexicon in Russo - Circassian letters ..
Circassians - Details
Circassians preserved their language despite the passage of one hundred years since the migrated and merged into the life and assumption of another country.
Circassian Voices" - Details
learning the secret language of the Circassians “Farschipsé”. He used the expression «Сэ нобэ сыножьащ» [“Se nobe sinozchasch”; “I waited for you today”]
Circassian: A Most Difficult Language - Details
The other day, I was in the waiting room of a doctor’s office in Haifa, when three people walked in and sat behind me. Two were men dressed in Western clothes.
Learn Circassian - Details
This section shall include basic materials to help those who wish to teach themselves the Circassian language.
Best apps to learn Circassian Language (Адыгэбзэ) - Details
Best apps to learn Circassian Language (Адыгэбзэ)
Learn Kabardey Circassian Let’s learn simple Kabardey - Details
Let's learn simple Kabardey ; Winter cold. Summer,
Learning the Circassian Language using TPRS method - Details
Learn the Circassian Language with Jonty Yamisha of Nassip Foundation. We offer FREE online Circassian Language classes using the Teaching ...
Onty Yamisha - Details
Are you dreaming of learning a new language? Don't know where to turn or how to start? I can help!
Circassian. Adigabza - Details
A channel for those who want to learn the Circassian (Adyghe) literary language, get acquainted with the features of colloquial speech.
Learn Adyghe quickly and easily with our free mp3 language course - Details
Learn Adyghe quickly and easily with our free mp3 language course. Adyghe as a foreign language includes 100 easy lessons. All lessons are free.
How Circassian Started My Language Learning Journey - Details
FMy earliest memory is one of my most vivid. It was the first time I met my grandfather. It was the early 1980s,
learning the Circassian (Adyghe) language - Details
Free interactive tasks for learning the Circassian (Adyghe) language
Western (Adyghean) dialect - Details
Over the past month, I have actively been studying the Circassian language, specifically its Western (Adyghean) dialect
Differential nominal marking in Circassian - Details
Differential nominal marking in Circassian
Differential nominal marking in Circassian - Details
In this paper we describe a peculiar pattern of case alternation from the polysynthetic Circassian (West Caucasian) languages,
Circassian language - Details
Kabardian language (also known as East Circassian, Adyghe: Къэбэрдейбзэ, Russian: Кабардино-черкесский) — The language of the east Circassian tribes .
القاموس الشركسي - Details
اول قاموس ترجمة من اللغة الشركسية الى اللغة العربية وبالعكس بدون إنترنت، يحتوي القاموس على الميزات التالية
دليل تعلُّم اللغة الشركسية - Details
تنحدر اللغة الأديغية من عائلة اللغات القوقازية الشمالية.
The definitions of these circassian related words - Details
Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used to bring you this list of circassian themed words: @Planeshifter.