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The Circassian Genocide.

The Circassian people have a deep and rich history that is rooted in the Caucasus
region of Eurasia. This region is known for its diverse cultures and traditions which have been influenced by a variety of factors such as political power struggles, economic changes, and social norms. However, one event that has had a significant impact on the Circassian people is the tragedy of May 21st. 

This day marks the forced deportation of the Circassian people from their homeland which resulted in great loss of lives and culture. In this article, we will explore the Circassian family tree and its connection to the tragic events of May 21st.

The Circassian people are indigenous to the northwestern Caucasian region of Europe and are descendants of the ancient Adyghe tribes. The Adyghe tribes were one of the first ethnic groups to inhabit the Caucasian region and their ancestral homeland spans across southeastern Russia, Georgia, and North Caucasus. The Circassians are comprised of twelve tribes, each with their cultural symbols and customs.

These tribes include the Shapsugs, Abzekh, Besleney, Bzhedug, Hatukay, Kemirgoy, Natukhai, Temirgoy, Ubykh, Yegerukay, Zhaney, and Kabardians. Although the Circassian tribes share many common cultural traits, each tribe has its distinct language, customs, and traditions.

The Circassian people were known for their strong traditions of hospitality, bravery, and resilience. They lived in a land that was strategically located on the ancient Silk Road, which brought trade and the exchange of ideas to the region. Due to their geographic location and the political power struggle that ensued in the region, the Circassians were invaded by neighboring powers such as the Mongols, Persians, Ottomans, and Russian empire.

The Russian empire, which had annexed Georgia and the North Caucasus by the 18th century, continued to expand into the Circassian regions. The Russians saw the Circassian tribes as a threat to their growing empire, and in 1763, they began a series of military campaigns to conquer the region. The Circassian tribes fought valiantly against the Russians in over 101 battles, but by the mid-19th century, the Russians had finally succeeded in occupying the region.

The Russian occupation of the Circassian territories was marked by ethnic cleansing and genocide. The Russian empire sought to pacify the region by deporting or killing the Circassian people. In 1864, the Russian army laid siege on the Circassian capital of Sochi and began a campaign of forced deportation. 
The Circassians who managed to survive the siege were forced to flee to Turkey, Egypt, Syria, and other parts of the world.

The forced deportation of the Circassian people on May 21st, 1864, is considered the worst day in the Circassian nation's history. The Russian army had committed genocide against the Circassian people, causing the loss of nearly 1.5 million lives. The Circassian people were forcibly removed from their ancestral homeland, and their culture and traditions were almost entirely destroyed during this period.

The Circassian family tree has played a significant role in preserving the cultural identity of the Circassian people. The family was and remains the basic social unit within the Circassian society. The family tree, known as the hapsara, is a critical component of the Circassian culture. The hapsara consists of generations of families that share a common ancestor. The hapsara's history, traditions, and laws are passed down from generation to generation through oral tradition.

The Circassians' family tree is incredibly important because it helps to connect the Circassian people to their ancestry and heritage. It provides a sense of identity to the Circassian people and helps to keep their traditions alive. The hapsara also acts as a legal system in Circassian society, with disputes being resolved by a council of elders who represent each of the hapsara. This council provides an essential legal framework in Circassian society and helps to maintain social order.

The Circassian people's forced deportation and genocide dramatically reduced the number of Circassians who remained in their ancestral homeland. Those who managed to flee were forced to assimilate into different cultures and societies, yet the hapsara survived. The hapsara continued to be passed down from generation to generation, and it proved instrumental in preserving the Circassian tradition and culture.

Today, the Circassian people are scattered around the world, with significant populations in Turkey, Jordan, Syria, Israel, and the United States. The Circassian people have continued to preserve their customs and traditions despite being far from their ancestral homeland. The Circassians' family tree has played a significant role in keeping the Circassian identity alive, even in the face of extreme adversity.

The Circassian Genocide and Exile remains a major wound for the Circassian people today, who continue to seek recognition of their suffering and the right to return to their ancestral lands. The genocide is also considered to be one of the earliest examples of ethnic cleansing in modern history.

  • Today marks the 159th anniversary of the Circassian genocide. Let us remember the lives lost and the families forever impacted by this tragedy.

  • The Circassian genocide was one of the most devastating events in history. It's important to acknowledge the lasting effects it has had on Circassian families and communities.

  • The Circassian genocide was a horrific act of violence that has left an indelible mark on the Circassian people. Let us honor their memory and work towards a better future.

  • The Circassian genocide may have happened over a century ago, but its impact is still felt today. We must continue to raise awareness and seek justice for those affected.

  • The Circassian genocide is a reminder of the atrocities committed against indigenous peoples around the world. We must stand together in solidarity and fight for justice.

  • The Circassian genocide was a deliberate attempt to erase an entire culture and people. We must never forget the lives lost and the families forever impacted by this tragedy.

  • The Circassian genocide is a painful reminder of the dangers of nationalism and intolerance. We must work towards a future where all cultures and peoples are respected and celebrated.

  • The Circassian genocide is a part of our shared history, and it's important that we learn from it. Let us honor the memory of those who suffered and work towards a better future for all.

  • The Circassian genocide is a tragic reminder of the power of hatred and the importance of compassion. Let us strive to create a world where such atrocities never happen again.

  • The Circassian genocide is a part of our collective memory, and it's important that we never forget. Let us honor the lives lost and work towards a future where all peoples are valued and respected.

In conclusion, the Circassian people have a deep and rich history that is rooted in the Caucasus region of Eurasia. The Circassians' family tree, known as the hapsara, has played a crucial role in preserving the Circassian culture and identity. The forced deportation of the Circassian people on May 21st, 1864, marked the worst day in the Circassian nation's history. However, the Circassian people have continued to persevere despite the atrocities committed against them. The hapsara has been instrumental in keeping the Circassian traditions alive and providing a sense of identity to the Circassian people, both within their ancestral homeland and around the world.